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Thread: Blue Oregon voting to keep illegal aliens in the shadows in perpetual state of defacto amnesty

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  1. #1

    Blue Oregon voting to keep illegal aliens in the shadows in perpetual state of defacto amnesty

    I think maybe Rand needs to send a newsflash to these bitter clingers.

    Something to keep in mind for future immigration debates: Oregon — deep-blue, heavily Democratic, crunchy, progressive, let-me-pour-you-another-organic-quinoa-microbrew Oregon — appears set to decisively reject a proposal to provide driver’s permits to individuals who cannot prove legal residence in the state.

    It appears a wide swath of the population does not like the idea of giving driver’s licenses to people in the country illegally. Even if someone doesn’t necessarily approve of mass deportation, they may be wary — or downright staunchly opposed to the idea of changing existing laws to make life easier for illegal immigrants.
    Republicans in Congress are going to try to pass some halfass amnesty bill in 2015 or 2016 which I would guess gives driving cards to illegals. Unless it is some plan where they round up illegals and put them on buses to take them to work each day.

    The amnesty bill will also divide the GOP in Kentucky and Mississippi. Mitch and Rand are both indecisive in what they want from an immigration bill.

    Thad Cochran or Roger Wicker will end up voting for an ag worker bill that will include any "ag worker" who has touched a piece of fruit.

    It won't hurt the Lousiana GOP because they will be run by Vitter who wins landslides by bashing the open borders lobby.



    New Jersey


    BOWLING GREEN, Kentucky – Washington liberals are trying to push through the so-called DREAM Act, which creates an official path to Democrat voter registration for 2 million college-age illegal immigrants.
    Rand Paul 2010

    Booker T. Washington:
    Cast it down among the eight millions of Negroes whose habits you know, whose
    fidelity and love you have tested in days when to have proved treacherous meant the ruin of your firesides.

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  3. #2
    A bit confused. Deciding to not allow driving permits is somehow giving them amnesty?

    perpetual state of defacto amnesty
    I would think the opposite- granting the licenses would be much more closer to granting amnesty than denying the permits.

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