This is a really good article about withdrawing from psychotropic drugs. It is really important for anyone taking any kinds of psychiatric "medications" to recognize that withdrawal has some serious issues that need to be addressed.

I thought this article was highly relevant in part to the liberty movement due to the most important part of withdrawal programs being that the treatment should be Voluntary.

All is voluntary
To me this is the most important component of all. Forcing people to do anything, even subtly forcing them, undermines independence, creates resentments, and in many cases induces trauma. If a neuroleptic withdrawal program practices force it ends up becoming a mirror image of a forced drugging program. Voluntarism, on the other hand, insures that people withdrawing from drugs are willing participants, guided by their own motivation.
read the rest of the article here

About the author Daniel Mackler

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Daniel Mackler is the director of the 2008 documentary Take These Broken Wings, on recovery from schizophrenia without medication, and the 2011 documentaries Healing Homes andOpen Dialogue, both on alternative treatment programs for psychosis. He is also the co-author (with Matthew Morrissey) of the 2010 book A Way Out of Madness: Dealing with Your Family After You Have Been Diagnosed with a Psychiatric Disorder, and the co-editor (with David Garfield, MD) of Beyond Medication: Therapeutic Engagement and the Recovery from Psychosis. Daniel was a psychotherapist in New York City for ten years, and now is living on the road.