Nalcor is pushing ahead with its experimental project in Ramea that has found a way to use hydrogen to store the energy from wind turbines.

The Ramea Wind-Hydrogen-Diesel (WHD) Project is starting Phase II, which is slated to last five years. Representatives from Nalcor were in Ramea earlier this month to give presentations to citizens and schoolchildren on the upcoming plans.

Nancy Hart, manager of business development with Nalcor, said Phase I of the project showed how wind power could be used to offset diesel generation in a remote community.

Besides sending power to the town's grid straight from wind turbines, the setup allows excess power generated by Nalcor's three wind turbines to be sent to an electrolysis machine, which splits filtered tap water into pure oxygen and hydrogen.

Hart said the hydrogen is stored in basic metal tanks, and used as fuel in specially designed generators when the wind isn't blowing. The hydrogen generators also offset the town's diesel generators...

Hydrogen Fact:
There are 22 liters of Hydrogen in ONE Tablespoon of water

Twenty Hydrogen Myths by Amory Lovins