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Thread: [Video] Vice News - Radical Young Israelis and the Price Tag Attacks: Rockets and Revenge

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    Arrow [Video] Vice News - Radical Young Israelis and the Price Tag Attacks: Rockets and Revenge

    For a few years, a young radical group of Israeli settlers in the West Bank have committed random acts of violence and vandalization against Palestinians and their property to make them pay the price for affronting their way of life. They call themselves "Pricetaggers," and they've largely avoided prosecution by Israeli authorities.

    VICE News gets rare access to the young members of the Price Tag movement -- at the homecoming of Moriah Goldberg, 20, who just finished a 3-month sentence for throwing stones at Palestinians. She and her family remain proud of the act, even as the current conflict in Gaza was sparked after an all too familiar round of retributive violence.
    It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds. -Samuel Adams

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    Racists and collectivists, practicing vigilante punishment based on the presumption of collective guilt. What would the SPLC say?
    Last edited by Brian4Liberty; 08-01-2014 at 03:13 PM.
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