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Thread: [Video] Laura Ingraham and Bill O'Reilly discuss Rand Paul's foreign policy views

  1. #1

    [Video] Laura Ingraham and Bill O'Reilly discuss Rand Paul's foreign policy views

    Tonight on 'The Factor'

    • Sen. Rand Paul wants to be president, but what about his isolationist views? Laura Ingraham analyzes on The O'Reilly Factor!

    Last edited by jct74; 07-25-2014 at 12:19 AM.

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  3. #2
    Isn't Ingraham one of those who occasionally is "coming around"?

    If she goes full retard with neocon BS, can we never heard about her again being anything other than neocon scum? Please I ask everyone?
    The enemy of my enemy may be worse than my enemy.

    I do not suffer from Trump Rearrangement Syndrome. Sorry if that triggers you.

  4. #3
    I assume she will arguing FOR Rand Paul's foreign policy, in opposition to Bill O'Reilly. She has spoken favorably of Rand's foreign policy several times before.

  5. #4
    Didn't Isolationist Ingraham get on Paul for not being for extremely closed borders involving immigration?

  6. #5
    Laura Ingraham defended Rand quite well in this, actually. Bill wasn't able to offer any rational response. Ingraham knows what's up on this issue.

    Anyone have tube?
    Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law. -Douglas Hofstadter

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  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by RonPaulFanInGA View Post
    Didn't Isolationist Ingraham get on Paul for not being for extremely closed borders involving immigration?
    Why does supporting secure borders and American sovereignty make someone an isolationist?

  8. #7
    Bill O didn't have anything to say other than "people are sick of Putin and want to stop him and Iran. Rand Paul will sit back and do nothing."

    Laura just said that middle class Americans, while no fans of Putin, don't want to see us get involved in international issues that really aren't affecting us when there are more pressing concerns at home.

  9. #8
    O'Reilly loves illegal aliens. He has made that more than clear before.
    Open Borders: A Libertarian Reappraisal or why only dumbasses and cultural marxists are for it.

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  11. #9
    O'Reilly said that Rand won't come on his show. That's probably a good idea. Rand has nothing to gain by going on that show.

  12. #10

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Traditional Conservative View Post
    O'Reilly said that Rand won't come on his show. That's probably a good idea. Rand has nothing to gain by going on that show.
    He will have to, eventually. But now is not really an opportune time. It would probably be better to wait until he can get an in-person interview if possible. O'Reilly can really stonewall behind the camera.
    Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law. -Douglas Hofstadter

    Life, Liberty, Logic

  14. #12
    I like how Laura says Rand is more in touch with the American people on staying out of places like Iraq, and O'Reilly comes back with "well I think that's starting to change now, with the growing danger..." Bill must live under a rock. The reason intervention is becoming less popular is precisely because Americans have seen this pattern before with this alarmist call about "imminent danger". Fool me once....
    Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law. -Douglas Hofstadter

    Life, Liberty, Logic

  15. #13
    8 years later youd think theyd know what isolationism is
    A society that places equality before freedom with get neither; A society that places freedom before equality will yield high degrees of both

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  16. #14
    wow, great job Laura. She did a bang-up job defending Rand.

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by RonPaulFanInGA View Post
    Didn't Isolationist Ingraham get on Paul for not being for extremely closed borders involving immigration?
    Seriously? You are calling someone an "isolationist"?
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
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    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

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  18. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crashland View Post
    He will have to, eventually. But now is not really an opportune time. It would probably be better to wait until he can get an in-person interview if possible. O'Reilly can really stonewall behind the camera.
    Why would Rand have to do that? So he can court the < 400,000 voters that will be voting for the Republican nominee no matter who it is?

    I think Rand will do just fine regardless of what the .006% of the Republican voters that watch the The O’Reilly Factor think or do.
    Last edited by Cleaner44; 07-24-2014 at 11:30 PM.
    Citizen of Arizona

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti-Neocon View Post
    Isn't Ingraham one of those who occasionally is "coming around"?

    If she goes full retard with neocon BS, can we never heard about her again being anything other than neocon scum? Please I ask everyone?
    Not quite sure what to make of Ms. Ingraham. I think she's on the cusp. I hate Glenn Beck, for example, but I think Laura has a deep down good streak and she'll eventually have our back when it counts. She covered our ass in this interview, for what it's worth.

  21. #18
    lol laura completely calmed bill down over rand's decline of his invitation.. brilliant people skills.. beautiful finishing touch

  22. #19

  23. #20
    LOL at his "poll" at the end of the segment.

  24. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Traditional Conservative View Post
    O'Reilly said that Rand won't come on his show. That's probably a good idea. Rand has nothing to gain by going on that show.
    I would even go so far as to say Rand should go on MSNBC and CNN during the same time slot as O'Reilly just to stick it to him. There is no doubt in my mind O'reilly would try to bring Rand down.

  25. #22
    Dude got manhandled.

    Also it still weirds me out when American 'journalists' use the term "we" when describing their party. Nobody I know in my country is affiliated with a party, its extremely rare. It seems massively unprofessional for a journalist to be party affiliated.
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  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by idiom View Post
    Dude got manhandled.

    Also it still weirds me out when American 'journalists' use the term "we" when describing their party. Nobody I know in my country is affiliated with a party, its extremely rare. It seems massively unprofessional for a journalist to be party affiliated.
    It's because they are not journalist, they are entertainers posing on a infotainment "news" station. American politics is a lot like American Football. you have fans supporting two different teams and the fans just use talking points they hear ring leaders on shows like this use in daily conversations with others on their "team" and against those that are on the other "team".

    Most Americans don't even register any more when hosts on shows say "we" on these networks because those tuning in already assume depending on what channel you are watching they are rooting for one team or another, MSNBC = Dems, Fox = Repubs, CNN = Tries to act like they are neutral, but in the end it all comes down to sensationalism reporting where truth takes a backseat to good tv drama that will keep people tuned in so that the networks can keep viewers glued while they go to commercial break so the network can make money. No such thing as true journalism on TV in America anymore, anyone that tries that will be restricted access to politicians and won't have jobs because the networks won't like how they don't adopt the us vs. them mentality that is the culture today.
    It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds. -Samuel Adams

  27. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by dillo View Post
    8 years later youd think theyd know what isolationism is
    those blood thirsty war-mongers know EXACTLY what 'isolationism is, and 'they' use it like the liberals use 'racism'....

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  29. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti-Neocon View Post
    Isn't Ingraham one of those who occasionally is "coming around"?

    If she goes full retard with neocon BS, can we never heard about her again being anything other than neocon scum? Please I ask everyone?
    Ingraham is more of a paleo-conservative, and often aligns herself with liberty conservatives. Dave Brat is the prime example.

    She is no fan of neoconservatives, at least not anymore, especially Lindsey and McCain (who she mentions in this interview). She has "come around" so to speak, since she first supported the Iraq war.
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
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    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

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  30. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    Ingraham is more of a paleo-conservative, and often aligns herself with liberty conservatives. Dave Brat is the prime example.

    She is no fan of neoconservatives, at least not anymore, especially Lindsey and McCain (who she mentions in this interview). She has "come around" so to speak, since she first supported the Iraq war.
    She is a typical example of how many voters supported Bush in good faith as a Republican, but now have no interest in repeating that disaster. The McCain/Graham/O'Reilly faction is small and shrinking. Typical Republican voters are moving in the direction of Rand Paul and away from neocons. People got fooled and they aren't interested in repeating the same mistake, regardless of O'Reilly's wishes.
    Citizen of Arizona

    I am a libertarian. I am advocating everyone enjoy maximum freedom on both personal and economic issues as long as they do not bring violence unto others.

  31. #27
    That was good press for Rand. Laura defended him well, and made Bill look like the stupid hack that he is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Traditional Conservative View Post
    Why does supporting secure borders and American sovereignty make someone an isolationist?
    Immigration policies have nothing to do with sovereignty (though advocates of protectionism frequently conflate the two, whether out of ignorance or for PR purposes I don't know). A state is sovereign if and only if it can enforce its own laws in its own territory - that is the meaning of the term. It matters not what those laws are: e.g. whether they provide for restricted or free immigration. Open borders (i.e. free immigration and trade) does not mean the end of national sovereignty. And this isn't a debatable point, it's a question of the meaning of words.

    Quote Originally Posted by CPUd View Post
    LOL at his "poll" at the end of the segment.
    ...Yes, one of those "how often do you beat you wife?" type polls.

    Obvious shill is obvious.

    O'Reilly is just...the worst.

    Quote Originally Posted by orenbus View Post
    It's because they are not journalist, they are entertainers posing on a infotainment "news" station. American politics is a lot like American Football. you have fans supporting two different teams and the fans just use talking points they hear ring leaders on shows like this use in daily conversations with others on their "team" and against those that are on the other "team".

    Most Americans don't even register any more when hosts on shows say "we" on these networks because those tuning in already assume depending on what channel you are watching they are rooting for one team or another, MSNBC = Dems, Fox = Repubs, CNN = Tries to act like they are neutral, but in the end it all comes down to sensationalism reporting where truth takes a backseat to good tv drama that will keep people tuned in so that the networks can keep viewers glued while they go to commercial break so the network can make money. No such thing as true journalism on TV in America anymore, anyone that tries that will be restricted access to politicians and won't have jobs because the networks won't like how they don't adopt the us vs. them mentality that is the culture today.

  32. #28
    Not American football, pro wrestling:

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