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Thread: Pope Francis weighs in on the economy, warns about collapse

  1. #1

    Pope Francis weighs in on the economy, warns about collapse

    He's the CEO of the largest corporation and landholder on the planet. You should pay attention to what he's telling you.

    Pope Francis warned about the possible collapse of the world economy, saying that “our world economic system can’t take it anymore” in an interview with La Vanguardia magazine.

    The Pope based his dire belief on the idea that the world economy has fallen into the sin of idolatry, not of a golden calf, but of money. He explained that the center of the economy needs to be about man and woman. Pope Francis warned that the economy was now dependent on war, that great powers have been using war as a means of sustaining the current system.

    "Let it not be said that we did nothing."-Ron Paul

    "We have set them on the hobby-horse of an idea about the absorption of individuality by the symbolic unit of COLLECTIVISM. They have never yet and they never will have the sense to reflect that this hobby-horse is a manifest violation of the most important law of nature, which has established from the very creation of the world one unit unlike another and precisely for the purpose of instituting individuality."- A Quote From Some Old Book

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  3. #2
    I was blasted for calling him a socialist by some of the Catholics on this board (disclaimer; my family is Catholic):

    In Pope Francis’ address to a delegation of UN officials, he said a contribution to equitable social and economic progress will be made by “the legitimate redistribution of economic benefits by the state.”

    It's all well and fine to criticize the status quo but turning around and suggesting the imposition of State redistribution and empty platitudes does nothing to solve any issues.

    Oh ya and there's the minor issue with the Vatican being one of the richest, if not the richest, organizations in the world - that pays zero tax.

    The hypocracy is...astounding.
    "Like an army falling, one by one by one" - Linkin Park

  4. #3
    I do not want Churches paying tax . Nor do I wish to see religious leaders involved in poitics unless it is critical of big govt and govt intervention which is theft from the people. As far as warning against the wisdom of war , that seems fine as a role for Churches .

  5. #4
    I don't want anyone paying taxes but if the richest organizaton in the world wants the State to tax and redistribute, said organization should be first in line to be stolen from.

    Quote Originally Posted by oyarde View Post
    I do not want Churches paying tax . Nor do I wish to see religious leaders involved in poitics unless it is critical of big govt and govt intervention which is theft from the people. As far as warning against the wisdom of war , that seems fine as a role for Churches .
    "Like an army falling, one by one by one" - Linkin Park

  6. #5
    He's pointing out a real problem, but I'd look at it differently. People are caught up in Competition with each other. This leads successful people to try and out do each other until it gets to ridiculous extremes.

    Some rich people also consider this a similar problem and say "Raise our Taxes". They feel that Rich Individuals taking the initiative on their own to just hand over more money to the IRS can't change what they see as a systemic problem of to much of the Tax burden being dumped on the lower classes. It's a kind of a collective action dilemma where individuals within a group know their behavior needs to change. They don't want their competition with each other to become so fierce that it comes at the expense of their middle class customers.

    Francis is sort of right in that money has to move around the economy between the upper and lower classes, not just gather with the richest people while the lower classes remain with stagnant wages. This is a very real problem, but we should be careful about what tactics are used to solve it. The wrong approach will just drive business people overseas.

  7. #6
    I'm not taking economic advice from a guy who never had to earn a buck.
    Quote Originally Posted by BuddyRey View Post
    Do you think it's a coincidence that the most cherished standard of the Ron Paul campaign was a sign highlighting the word "love" inside the word "revolution"? A revolution not based on love is a revolution doomed to failure. So, at the risk of sounding corny, I just wanted to let you know that, wherever you stand on any of these hot-button issues, and even if we might have exchanged bitter words or harsh sentiments in the past, I love each and every one of you - no exceptions!

    "When goods do not cross borders, soldiers will." Frederic Bastiat


  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Rogue View Post
    I'm not taking economic advice from a guy who never had to earn a buck.
    I'm not thrilled by the overall turn of the statements, either, but how do you figure this?

    Bergoglio has been a lifelong supporter of the San Lorenzo de Almagro football club.[45] Bergoglio is also a fan of the films of Tita Merello,[46] neorealism and tango dancing, with an "intense fondness" for the traditional music of Argentina and Uruguay known as the milonga.[46] In the sixth grade, Bergoglio attended Wilfrid Barón de los Santos Ángeles, a school of the Salesians of Don Bosco, in Ramos Mejía, Buenos Aires.[47] He attended the technical secondary school Escuela Nacional de Educación Técnica N° 27 Hipólito Yrigoyen[48] and graduated with a chemical technician's diploma.[49] He worked for a few years in that capacity in the foods section at Hickethier-Bachmann Laboratory.[50] In the only known health crisis of his youth, at the age of 21 he suffered from life-threatening pneumonia and three cysts. He had part of a lung excised shortly afterwards.[48][51]

    Before joining the Jesuits, Bergoglio worked as a bar bouncer and as a janitor sweeping floors, and he also ran tests in a chemical laboratory.
    It seems he did make a buck or two at some point.
    Last edited by MelissaWV; 06-15-2014 at 03:40 PM.
    Genuine, willful, aggressive ignorance is the one sure way to tick me off. I wish I could say you were trolling. I know better, and it's just sad.

  9. #8
    Btw I didn't mean to listen to what he's saying because he's offering solutions that should be followed. He should be listened to because he and his corporation are very much in tune with what is to come. He's part of the elite group that authorizes controlled economic collapses, so if he's predicting a collapse, you should pay attention.
    "Let it not be said that we did nothing."-Ron Paul

    "We have set them on the hobby-horse of an idea about the absorption of individuality by the symbolic unit of COLLECTIVISM. They have never yet and they never will have the sense to reflect that this hobby-horse is a manifest violation of the most important law of nature, which has established from the very creation of the world one unit unlike another and precisely for the purpose of instituting individuality."- A Quote From Some Old Book

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  11. #9
    Regardless of who says it, this is a pretty obvious thing now:

    Pope Francis warned that the economy was now dependent on war, that great powers have been using war as a means of sustaining the current system.

    It should scare the bejeezus out of humanity.
    Genuine, willful, aggressive ignorance is the one sure way to tick me off. I wish I could say you were trolling. I know better, and it's just sad.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by devil21 View Post
    He's the CEO of the largest corporation and landholder on the planet. You should pay attention to what he's telling you.
    Maybe. Given some of the things I have read about this guy, I am not too sure of his character. Are the accounts and quotations accurate and truthful? I cannot tell, so I remain mostly on the fence.

    But, given the endless corruption of the institution which he represents, I must confess (forgive me for I have sinned??) I lean a bit toward suspicion.

    All that aside, if he is the socialist meat puppet of devilish elements and even HE is warning of imminent collapse, perhaps you are right in advising we at least give the man a listen.

    I find the sudden flood of warnings from all manner of presumably credible sources interesting in that if they are true, why would they warn us. I believe the answer is simple: normalcy bias. Look how many people remained convinced the Titanic was not going down until after it was too late to repair to a lifeboat? Those people in Germany who had their Hitler kneepads on failed to see truth until only after most of the European continent was lain waste. Jews didn't swarm from Germany when they should have, but stayed as they told themselves that it would blow over.

    $#@! like Obama, progressives, and any other serious tyrants rarely ever just "blow over".

    Therefore, they may be rubbing it in our noses, secure in the knowledge that few of us will do the least thing to protect ourselves.

    Humans are the oddest creatures.

    There is only one correct way: freedom. All other solutions are non-solutions.

    It appears that artificial intelligence is at least slightly superior to natural stupidity.

    Our words make us the ghosts that we are.

    Convincing the world he didn't exist was the Devil's second greatest trick; the first was convincing us that God didn't exist.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by oyarde View Post
    I do not want Churches paying tax . Nor do I wish to see religious leaders involved in poitics unless it is critical of big govt and govt intervention which is theft from the people. As far as warning against the wisdom of war , that seems fine as a role for Churches .
    If ANYONE has to pay taxes, then the churches should be first. When the rest are absolved of that responsibility, then I am happy to see the churches also released from that odious obligation imposed at the end of a barrel.

    On such issues I do not cotton to hypocrisy, which appears to be one of the qualities these churches appear incapable or unwilling to shake.

    There is only one correct way: freedom. All other solutions are non-solutions.

    It appears that artificial intelligence is at least slightly superior to natural stupidity.

    Our words make us the ghosts that we are.

    Convincing the world he didn't exist was the Devil's second greatest trick; the first was convincing us that God didn't exist.

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    If ANYONE has to pay taxes, then the churches should be first. When the rest are absolved of that responsibility, then I am happy to see the churches also released from that odious obligation imposed at the end of a barrel.

    On such issues I do not cotton to hypocrisy, which appears to be one of the qualities these churches appear incapable or unwilling to shake.
    My Church is very efficient with the money I give , if it were to be taxed though , I would give less and funnel more to another food bank if it remained untaxed.

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by VIDEODROME View Post
    He's pointing out a real problem
    That is probably true, but let us remember WHY it is so. The causes are not of an organic nature, but rather those of willful and purposefully directed manipulation.

    Now ask yourself this: why would he issue such a warning? Could it be because he is a commie prick setting people's minds in a direction to accept his notions of "equitable redistribution"? While I do not know enough of the man to come to any hard and fast assessments, he IS a catholic administrator and that alone renders him well meriting of suspicion. I believe in a game where the stakes are this high that the smart assumption to make is that he is a scumbag just waiting for the opportunity to see his sick and twisted vision of hell on earth realized.

    People are caught up in Competition with each other. This leads successful people to try and out do each other until it gets to ridiculous extremes.
    Too broadly stated. What you describe is market competition gone morbid. That is NOT what market competition is supposed to mean. It's not supposed to mean that an organization mounts a concerted campaign to put their rivals out of business.

    Francis is sort of right in that money has to move around the economy between the upper and lower classes, not just gather with the richest people while the lower classes remain with stagnant wages. This is a very real problem, but we should be careful about what tactics are used to solve it. The wrong approach will just drive business people overseas.
    Unless there is global armageddon, wealth does not disappear in a collapse. It changes hands.

    That aside, why do you think the wealthy are divesting themselves of cash and investing in real assets to hoard? It isn't because they don't want to keep money flowing, but because they do not trust the environment. They feel something bad is on the move and are doing what they can to gird themselves. I cannot blame them in the least. They don't owe it to anyone to bail their sorry, ignorant, greedy, lazy, corrupt asses out. When the $#@! hits, all the people whose greed and other charming qualities lead them to eagerly accept the fruits of the labor of others with no sense of how wrong it is will die because such people on average have nowhere near the skills to make it in a world where one must pull his own weight. And personally I am not sure I will be able to squeeze out so much as a crocodile tear for them. They chose. They chose a thing that has to come to an end, and when left to linger so long must almost perforce be very ugly. I didn't choose this. Nobody I call "friend" chose this. But hordes of others, Rand's "looters", did and it appears the chickens may be soon returning home to roost. Perhaps I am no better and will also be consumed in the conflagration that is likely to come. I don't know. What I do know is that the VAST majority of Americans are not even remotely prepared for the fall and they ARE likely to die, all else equal. If we have a REAL collapse of the economy and not just another hiccup the way we did in '08, I can possibly see 90% of the nation's population dying off. Maybe Theye have all the bases covered and will be handing out endless filet mignon dinners, but I don't see it. Perhaps they have ten billion tons of "cheese product" warehoused across the land, but I am a bit skeptical of that as well.

    There is only one correct way: freedom. All other solutions are non-solutions.

    It appears that artificial intelligence is at least slightly superior to natural stupidity.

    Our words make us the ghosts that we are.

    Convincing the world he didn't exist was the Devil's second greatest trick; the first was convincing us that God didn't exist.

  16. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by devil21 View Post
    Btw I didn't mean to listen to what he's saying because he's offering solutions that should be followed. He should be listened to because he and his corporation are very much in tune with what is to come. He's part of the elite group that authorizes controlled economic collapses, so if he's predicting a collapse, you should pay attention.
    Ah, now THAT I can accept... but it still speaks not of the motive. Why give the warning? If there is nothing to be done, there is no reason to get people worked up... it would be like alerting the people of NYC that a hydrogen bomb will detonate in 10 minutes. It will help nobody and you may as well remain silent.

    But if there is a solution in mind, should he not reveal it?

    There is only one correct way: freedom. All other solutions are non-solutions.

    It appears that artificial intelligence is at least slightly superior to natural stupidity.

    Our words make us the ghosts that we are.

    Convincing the world he didn't exist was the Devil's second greatest trick; the first was convincing us that God didn't exist.

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    I find the sudden flood of warnings from all manner of presumably credible sources interesting in that if they are true, why would they warn us.
    That's part of the doctrine. Warning in advance to those with ears to hear is required in order to cleanse the soul of guilt later (confession). Cremation of Care? Surely you osan have learned what that ritual is about. Very few people pay attention and they are therefore 'ok' to be sacrificed. They are the Useless Eaters.

    As Bill Cooper put it so well, "It doesn't matter what you believe. It's what they believe and therefore it will directly affect you."

    eta: I think he did offer the solution. Collapse and reset?
    Last edited by devil21; 06-17-2014 at 02:27 AM.
    "Let it not be said that we did nothing."-Ron Paul

    "We have set them on the hobby-horse of an idea about the absorption of individuality by the symbolic unit of COLLECTIVISM. They have never yet and they never will have the sense to reflect that this hobby-horse is a manifest violation of the most important law of nature, which has established from the very creation of the world one unit unlike another and precisely for the purpose of instituting individuality."- A Quote From Some Old Book

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Rogue View Post
    I'm not taking economic advice from a guy who never had to earn a buck.
    He began working at the age of 12. Before becoming a priest he worked as a chemist in a lab.

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