There are five things we ought to know about being judgmental, and the first is that judging is speculation. We simply do not have all the evidence.
Second, judging is schismatic. It will always cause division; you cannot avoid it. Whenever you begin to judge, the church will be divided.
Third, judging is selfish. Primarily it is a sign of our self-righteousness. We do not think so, but it is, and it is self-serving.
Fourth, judging is spineless. No strength of character is required for you to be judgmental, and it shows no taste.
Fifth, judging is superseding because you are doing not only what God says not to do, but you are actually doing what God says belongs to Him: "To me belongeth vengeance. Vengeance is mine." Five good reasons, then, for taking this verse seriously: stop judging!
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