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Thread: Chris Matthews: Ron Paul vs. Rudy Giuliani battle foreshadows the 2016 debates

  1. #1

    Chris Matthews: Ron Paul vs. Rudy Giuliani battle foreshadows the 2016 debates

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  3. #2

    Quote Originally Posted by CPUd View Post
    When the pundits start talking about it, they will do it while showing clips of Ron Paul in the debates talking about blowback.

  4. #3
    Chris Matthews is confusing. Is he attacking or promoting Rand? Ron may not have won the nomination, but those runs sure are turnig into quite a tidal wave. Hope Rand can surf.

  5. #4
    Yeah, I get really confused about all of this. Are they promoting or berating? They say good things, and then remind viewers that he holds some outlandish view(that most of them would like to believe in the first place). So weird.
    "Freedom, then Pizza!" - Oklahoma State GOP Convention 5/11/2012

  6. #5
    It is going a bit like this:

  7. #6
    LOL @ the continuing fake "feud".
    2xLOL @ "unearthed audio" from a radio show. Wow, that must have been difficult.
    3xLOL @ Matthews acting like these are new/current events and not statements from 5 years ago. And for being dishonest and saying Randal said things he didn't say, then getting upset about Randal saying them.

    keep distracting your viewers from problems in your own party guys...
    Last edited by specsaregood; 04-11-2014 at 04:41 AM.

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Kords21 View Post
    Chris Matthews is confusing. Is he attacking or promoting Rand?
    Promoting him just enough to make Republicans suspicious of him, while attacking him just enough to prevent Democrats from warming to him.

  9. #8
    Normally I'd agree, but I have to tell you, to this day I still have ZERO idea why Matthews went out of his way to crucify Jack Conway for his aqua buddha ad, I think the guy may have a soft spot for Rand.

    Quote Originally Posted by r3volution 3.0 View Post
    Promoting him just enough to make Republicans suspicious of him, while attacking him just enough to prevent Democrats from warming to him.

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  11. #9

    I could believe that easier than sympathy.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by r3volution 3.0 View Post
    Promoting him just enough to make Republicans suspicious of him, while attacking him just enough to prevent Democrats from warming to him.
    Yes, because talking about Dick Cheney negatively makes Republicans suspicious of him and keeps Democrats from warming up to him. Because, Republicans and Democrats love Dick Cheney sooooo much.... p.s. has anyone of relevance spoken out to defend Cheney and the Iraq war? Sounds like Chris Matthews is just using Rand Paul to bash Dick Cheney to me.

    Bashing Dick Cheney? Sounds good to me.
    Keeping Rand Paul in the news? Sounds good to me.
    Highlighting the stupidity of that immoral unconstitutional war in Iraq? Sounds good to me.

    You are probably just upset that its Chris Matthews doing this. If it were Glenn Beck or Hannity, or someone else from Team Red, you'd probably be jumping for joy right now.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by twomp View Post
    Yes, because talking about Dick Cheney negatively makes Republicans suspicious of him
    It's not about Cheney, it's about questioning the motives of a public figure.

    Only "conspiracy nuts" do that, doncha know.

    and keeps Democrats from warming up to him.
    Even while apparently praising Rand for attacking Cheney, Mathews is jabbing at Rand just enough to keep his listeners from warming up to him too much.

    You are probably just upset that its Chris Matthews doing this. If it were Glenn Beck or Hannity, or someone else from Team Red, you'd probably be jumping for joy right now.

  14. #12
    Where even is Mayor Rudy now?
    Stop believing stupid things

  15. #13


    Huddled in a corner somewhere, chanting ... 9/11 ... 9/11 ... 9/11 ...over and over.

  16. #14
    Watch the Eric Holder segment from the same show at the Hardball website. Biggest race card play I have seen in a long time. Race card race card race card. No mention that the resistance to Obama and Holder may be, instead, that they are out of control in unprecedented ways in lawlessness and constitutional abrogation.

    The segment is called "Far right’s new target: government itself." Matthews talking about supporting "institutions of authority, etc."

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Tywysog Cymru View Post
    Where even is Mayor Rudy now?
    I saw him last night on a late night TV ad for some identity theft company. I was on the treadmill at the gym.

  18. #16

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  20. #17
    Name dropped Justin Amash.

  21. #18
    My first post/reply on the Ron Paul forum, I have been on the Daily Paul for over two years.

    Chris Mattews loves Rand right now because he believes it divides the GOP base, old dog vs new dog. Foir Rand exposure is always good because as long as it's showing he's not just one of the good ole boys.

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