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Thread: Bestest picture thread evaar! (The trilogy)

  1. #15001
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

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  3. #15002
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

  4. #15003
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

  5. #15004

    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

  6. #15005
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

  7. #15006
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

  8. #15007
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

  9. #15008
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

  10. Remove this section of ads by registering.
  11. #15009
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

  12. #15010
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

  13. #15011
    Quote Originally Posted by ChristianAnarchist View Post

    Had the glorious chance to fly each one of these aircraft: the Sukhoi S29 - the North American T28 and the Pitts Special

  14. #15012
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post

    Had the glorious chance to fly each one of these aircraft: the Sukhoi S29 - the North American T28 and the Pitts Special
    The T28 is a beast! Maybe not the most acrobatic out of the three but it's a flying tank.

    Last edited by luctor-et-emergo; 04-10-2016 at 04:13 AM.
    "I am a bird"

  15. #15013
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Paul View Post
    The intellectual battle for liberty can appear to be a lonely one at times. However, the numbers are not as important as the principles that we hold. Leonard Read always taught that "it's not a numbers game, but an ideological game." That's why it's important to continue to provide a principled philosophy as to what the role of government ought to be, despite the numbers that stare us in the face.
    Quote Originally Posted by Origanalist View Post
    This intellectually stimulating conversation is the reason I keep coming here.

  16. #15014
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Paul View Post
    The intellectual battle for liberty can appear to be a lonely one at times. However, the numbers are not as important as the principles that we hold. Leonard Read always taught that "it's not a numbers game, but an ideological game." That's why it's important to continue to provide a principled philosophy as to what the role of government ought to be, despite the numbers that stare us in the face.
    Quote Originally Posted by Origanalist View Post
    This intellectually stimulating conversation is the reason I keep coming here.

  17. #15015
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post

    Had the glorious chance to fly each one of these aircraft: the Sukhoi S29 - the North American T28 and the Pitts Special
    I envy you. I fly only my C-172 almost exclusively. I will be getting my first helicopter lesson this week though (Enstrom)...

    Christian Anarchy - Our Only Hope For Liberty In Our Lifetime!
    Sonmi 451: Truth is singular. Its "versions" are mistruths.

    Use an internet archive site like
    to archive the article and create the link to the article content instead.

  18. #15016
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

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  20. #15017
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

  21. #15018
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

  22. #15019
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

  23. #15020
    "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

    "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

    "I'm Ron Paul, I'm a Congressman from Texas serving in my tenth term, I am the champion of the Constitution." 05/03/07 - revolution restarts

  24. #15021
    Pfizer Macht Frei!

    Openly Straight Man, Danke, Awarded Top Rated Influencer. Community Standards Enforcer.

    Quiz: Test Your "Income" Tax IQ!

    Short Income Tax Video

    The Income Tax Is An Excise, And Excise Taxes Are Privilege Taxes

    The Federalist Papers, No. 15:

    Except as to the rule of appointment, the United States have an indefinite discretion to make requisitions for men and money; but they have no authority to raise either by regulations extending to the individual citizens of America.

  25. #15022
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Paul View Post
    The intellectual battle for liberty can appear to be a lonely one at times. However, the numbers are not as important as the principles that we hold. Leonard Read always taught that "it's not a numbers game, but an ideological game." That's why it's important to continue to provide a principled philosophy as to what the role of government ought to be, despite the numbers that stare us in the face.
    Quote Originally Posted by Origanalist View Post
    This intellectually stimulating conversation is the reason I keep coming here.

  26. #15023
    Me booty!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Paul View Post
    The intellectual battle for liberty can appear to be a lonely one at times. However, the numbers are not as important as the principles that we hold. Leonard Read always taught that "it's not a numbers game, but an ideological game." That's why it's important to continue to provide a principled philosophy as to what the role of government ought to be, despite the numbers that stare us in the face.
    Quote Originally Posted by Origanalist View Post
    This intellectually stimulating conversation is the reason I keep coming here.

  27. #15024
    Quote Originally Posted by luctor-et-emergo View Post
    The T28 is a beast! Maybe not the most acrobatic out of the three but it's a flying tank.
    It was dream to fly. The fellow who owned it, had it "tweaked" for taking on the airshow circuit, inverted fuel and oil, control surface work for faster response, not sure if was a jug swap or bore and stroke, but the original 800HP Wright radial had been increased to 1000 hp so it was faster as well.

    Looked just like this:

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  29. #15025
    Quote Originally Posted by ChristianAnarchist View Post
    I envy you. I fly only my C-172 almost exclusively. I will be getting my first helicopter lesson this week though (Enstrom)...
    Yeah that's what the majority of my flight time is in, 172 and 152.

    Good luck!

    I put in a few hours in R-22 years ago.

  30. #15026
    Quote Originally Posted by Danke View Post
    So of us won't ever get to play in Uncle Sucker's tax tractors.

  31. #15027
    I think I found Danke. Nice ass, btw.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Paul View Post
    The intellectual battle for liberty can appear to be a lonely one at times. However, the numbers are not as important as the principles that we hold. Leonard Read always taught that "it's not a numbers game, but an ideological game." That's why it's important to continue to provide a principled philosophy as to what the role of government ought to be, despite the numbers that stare us in the face.
    Quote Originally Posted by Origanalist View Post
    This intellectually stimulating conversation is the reason I keep coming here.

  32. #15028
    Quote Originally Posted by Suzanimal View Post
    I think I found Danke. Nice ass, btw.

    "I am a bird"

  33. #15029
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Paul View Post
    The intellectual battle for liberty can appear to be a lonely one at times. However, the numbers are not as important as the principles that we hold. Leonard Read always taught that "it's not a numbers game, but an ideological game." That's why it's important to continue to provide a principled philosophy as to what the role of government ought to be, despite the numbers that stare us in the face.
    Quote Originally Posted by Origanalist View Post
    This intellectually stimulating conversation is the reason I keep coming here.

  34. #15030
    Quote Originally Posted by Suzanimal View Post
    ooooo.. WANT!!! I love creepy dolls
    Disclaimer: any post made after midnight and before 8AM is made before the coffee dip stick has come up to optomim level - expect some level of silliness,

    The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are out numbered by those who vote for a living !!!!!!!

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