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Thread: Irony: ADL demands Israeli MK apologize for calling Kerry 'anti-Semitic'

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    Irony: ADL demands Israeli MK apologize for calling Kerry 'anti-Semitic'

    John Kerry is himself of Jewish heritage.

    ADL demands Israeli MK apologize for calling Kerry 'anti-Semitic'

    In the midst of spat between Likud and Habayit Hayehudi, MK Moti Yogev says Kerry puts 'obsessive pressure' on Netanyahu.

    By Haaretz | 01:44 01.02.14
    Anti Defamation League has called on Knesset Member Moti Yogev to apologize for his remarks accusing U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry of "anti-Semitic undertones", a statement said Friday.

    The Irony, this was news few days ago:

    ADL: U.S. refusal to release Pollard borders on anti-Semitism
    Abraham Foxman says issue of jailed Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard has become vendetta against entire American-Jewish community.

    By The Associated Press and Haaretz | Jan. 28, 2014
    Anti-Defamation League Chairman Abraham Foxman says the way the United States is treating convicted Jewish-American spy Jonathan Pollard verges on anti-Semitism.
    Pollard, was a civilian intelligence analyst for the U.S. Navy when he gave thousands of classified documents to Israel. Pollard was arrested in 1985 and sentenced to life in prison. Israeli governments and high-ranking former U.S. officials have called for his release.

    If that MK is upto date on current events, he should call on ADL to apologize for calling US refusal to release a traitor "anti-semitic".


    Woody Allen: Many critics of Israel motivated by anti-Semitism

    Israeli MP: Kerry Peace Efforts Driven by Anti-Semitism

    Bashes Kerry for Sticking to Goal of Palestinian Statehood

    by Jason Ditz, January 30, 2014

    Secretary of State John Kerry’s stock seems to be dropping more and more in the eyes of Israel’s far-right coalition government lately, but MP Moti Yogev took the anger about the peace process to a new level, overtly accusing Kerry of being driven by “anti-Semitism.”

    Yogev, a settler and member of the Jewish Home Party, has angrily rejected peace talks in the past, calling for a full annexation of the West Bank “in stages” so as to preclude Palestinian statehood.

    Report: Anti-Semitic atmosphere sweeping over the world

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