PlanET--Agenda 21--Sustainable Growth What Do You Really Know?

Saturday, January 11, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM (EST) Knoxville, TN

PlanET--Agenda 21--Sustainable Growth

What Do You Really Know?

The Tennessee Liberty Alliance will host an open forum on January 11, 2014 for Knoxville regional residents to learn more about the current ideas and implementations for the Knoxville region that are guided by Plan East Tennessee (PlanET) and the Knoxville/Knox County Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC).

We all desire a thriving and healthy community as we move into the future, and it should be no surprise that there are many different ideas being put forth as to how to get there. Come with a friend and discover the latest ideas and plans of the MPC and PlanET, and how they will affect you and your family for generations to come.

Join moderator David "Shyne" Thompson, MPC's TPO director, Jeff Welch, and other area leaders to discover the pertinent facts regarding this critical topic of "sustainability". Local topics, including Westland Cove, will be open for discussion.