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Thread: Majority of Americans now believe Obama is "dishonest and untrustworthy"

  1. #1

    Majority of Americans now believe Obama is "dishonest and untrustworthy"

    SWC drone king is on a roll, 8 points trust deficit for nPlant spells trouble for Dems in tight races:


    For first time, Q-poll shows Obama now viewed as more dishonest than honest

    "For the first time today, American voters say 52 - 44 percent that Obama is not honest and trustworthy."

    Another interesting change is that women are leaving SWC ; would be interesting to see some breakdown analysis how much of this shift is due to his lies about SWCcare, recent execution of unarmed mother Miriam Carey outside Obama White House by DC Police/arrest of her family lawyer few days later, testimony of 9 year old drone attack survivor Nabeela in Washington how her grandmother was killed by drone king's air raid's campaign... or a culmination of recent scandals.

    PS: Shout out to Megyn Kelly even though I'm not a fan of Fox news.. she is pretty hot from 1:00-1:13 mark in above clip.


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  3. #2
    The truth wins out in the end.
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  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Athan View Post
    The truth wins out in the end.
    Really? Then why do people still extoll Bush? Or Reagan?
    There is no spoon.

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Athan View Post
    The truth wins out in the end.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ender View Post
    Really? Then why do people still extoll Bush? Or Reagan?
    Let's discuss current news about Goldman Sach's puppet for a moment, we can change subject to past history later.

    So first, do you see Nobel Peace Prize winner drone king as honest or dishonest person?

  6. #5
    44% still seem him as honest and trustworthy?
    The proper concern of society is the preservation of individual freedom; the proper concern of the individual is the harmony of society.

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  7. #6
    Just in time to punt the ball to team red. Ugh! Wash, rinse, repeat...

  8. #7
    Majority of Americans now believe Obama is "dishonest and untrustworthy"
    DUH Amerika!

  9. #8
    November 12, 2013
    And that was before this:

    Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: 'We All Knew' Obama Was Lying
    Based on the idea of natural rights, government secures those rights to the individual by strictly negative intervention, making justice costless and easy of access; and beyond that it does not go. The State, on the other hand, both in its genesis and by its primary intention, is purely anti-social. It is not based on the idea of natural rights, but on the idea that the individual has no rights except those that the State may provisionally grant him. It has always made justice costly and difficult of access, and has invariably held itself above justice and common morality whenever it could advantage itself by so doing.
    --Albert J. Nock

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  11. #9

  12. #10
    Old riddle/joke: Question: How do you tell when a politician is lying?
    Answer: His lips are moving.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Acala View Post
    44% still seem him as honest and trustworthy?
    Well, if 47% get all his goodies than we've cut into the "give me crowd" by 3% already

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by enhanced_deficit View Post

    Let's discuss current news about Goldman Sach's puppet for a moment, we can change subject to past history later.

    So first, do you see Nobel Peace Prize winner drone king as honest or dishonest person?
    I see him as the neocon puppet that every president from the early 1900s on has been. (With the possible exception of Harding & Kennedy- both who died in office. Imagine that. )

    As I have said at least 3 times before- he is being singled out at this moment because he backed out of war with Syria and is open to negotiations with Iran.

    If Obama strikes Iran, his ratings will suddenly soar and the MSM will shut up.
    Last edited by Ender; 11-18-2013 at 02:25 PM.
    There is no spoon.

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Ender View Post
    If Obama strikes Iran, his ratings will suddenly soar and the MSM will shut up.
    Nope, any strike on Iran will set off a regional war and a counterstrike on Israel. It would crater his approval ratings.

  16. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Ender View Post
    Really? Then why do people still extoll Bush? Or Reagan?
    Same reason people believe in statism.
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  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Ender View Post
    I see him as the neocon puppet that every president from the early 1900s on has been. (With the possible exception of Harding & Kennedy- both who died in office. Imagine that. )

    As I have said at least 3 times before- he is being singled out at this moment because he backed out of war with Syria and is open to negotiations with Iran.

    If Obama strikes Iran, his ratings will suddenly soar and the MSM will shut up.
    You are right that he is neocons' puppet and part of the heat could be being applied because he may not be instigating as much bloodbath/destabilization violence around the world as his masters would like him to. But that does not negate the observations about his character or rather lack of it that are subject of OP.

    By the way, while he still has many moderate neocons on his side, even some hardcore neocons are now openly saying that drone king is "untrustworthy" (lolz) and cannot be trusted to attack Iran for Israel's security:

  18. #16

    Nope, any strike on Iran will set off a regional war and a counterstrike on Israel. It would crater his approval ratings.

    He will then be the true messiah, saving Israel from the heathens.
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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by enhanced_deficit View Post
    You are right that he is neocons' puppet and part of the heat could be being applied because he may not be instigating as much bloodbath/destabilization violence around the world as his masters would like him to. But that does not negate the observations about his character or rather lack of it that are subject of OP.

    By the way, while he still has many moderate neocons on his side, even some hardcore neocons are now openly saying that drone king is "untrustworthy" (lolz) and cannot be trusted to attack Iran for Israel's security:
    I am not holding up O's character- just sayin' he is 2nd verse, same as the first. AND when he is obeying properly, he will then be extolled with the polls to prove it.
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  21. #18
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  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by moostraks View Post
    Just in time to punt the ball to team red. Ugh! Wash, rinse, repeat...
    The GOP will benefit from Obama's poor numbers in the midterms, which is why we should have a coordinated effort supporting liberty candidates in the primaries.

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptLouAlbano View Post
    The GOP will benefit from Obama's poor numbers in the midterms, which is why we should have a coordinated effort supporting liberty candidates in the primaries.
    That sounds right, unlikely that SWC and by extensions Dems standing with him will be able to rebound from this stunning loss of trust in foreseeable future.

  24. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by enhanced_deficit View Post
    That sounds right, unlikely that SWC and by extensions Dems standing with him will be able to rebound from this stunning loss of trust in foreseeable future.
    Rather ironic, don'tcha think?

    If O's popularity in the press keeps sinking, it's because he won't go to war. Then the Republic-cons will try to elect a warmonger to put us in WWIII.

    If O does go to war, all will be well.
    Last edited by Ender; 11-18-2013 at 07:37 PM.
    There is no spoon.

  25. #22
    "let them search you,touch you,violate your Rights,just don't be a dick!"~ cdc482
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  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by moostraks View Post
    Just in time to punt the ball to team red. Ugh! Wash, rinse, repeat...
    Thread winner!

    "The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results."
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  27. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Ender View Post
    If O's popularity in the press keeps sinking, it's because he won't go to war. Then the Republic-cons will try to elect a warmonger to put us in WWIII.
    Which is why it is extremely important for liberty activists to run for and win seats in their local GOP committee. The direction the party takes in 2016, is heavily influenced by those holding committee positions.

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  29. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Ender View Post
    Rather ironic, don'tcha think?

    If O's popularity in the press keeps sinking, it's because he won't go to war. Then the Republic-cons will try to elect a warmonger to put us in WWIII.

    If O does go to war, all will be well.
    There is certainly irony there,like much of 2-party drama. But there is difference between GOP and Dems when it comes to Iran war drama. GOP is Iraq-war burnt party and Bush after realizing his blunder not only rejected calls of neocons/Israel lobby agents in US to attack Iran but actually started prosecuting top Israel lobby executives for Espionage after they tried to acquire/pass US intel on Iran to Isreal.

    Democratic Party is known as Party of Israel, neocons/wall streeters carefully cultivated a political orphan nPlant who quietly dropped AIPAC Espionage prosecution after getting in White House and became their helpless puppet. He has been timidly trying to walk a fine line between AIPAC/lobby's demands/threats/money baggers masters pressures and do gooders in his party by covertly sponsoring civil wars in mideast/destabilization of Israel's adversaries to distract attention from Israel's expansion of Palestinian occupation. Bush in contrast had forced jewish settlers out of Gaza, his pressure was such that their PM Sharon went in coma soon afterwards and remains there today.

    FBI steps up AIPAC espionage probe
    Dec 16, 2004 - The FBI raided AIPAC's offices in early December. ... investigations began when the FBI discovered “new, 'massive' Israeli spying operations in ... affair” revealed the “escalating fight over Iran policy” in the Bush administration.

    AIPAC/Likudnik Larry Franklin Arrested for Espionage on Behalf of ...
    Nor does it explain the FBI raids on AIPAC's Capitol Hill headquarters, from which ... If President Bush really wants to resolve the Arab-Israeli problem, he cannot ...

    Hurricane Katrina as divine retribution‎
    Failure to support Israel - Ovadia Yosef, a prominent ultra-Orthodox Israeli rabbi, declared that Hurricane Katrina to be "God's punishment for President Bush's support of ... 2005 withdrawal of Jewish settlers from the Gaza strip".

  30. #26
    Blame it all on Obama, while Congress has seen as low as 4% approval ratings in some non scientific polls.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zippyjuan View Post
    Our central bank is not privately owned.

  31. #27
    The majority of Americans are laughable tools.
    “One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).

  32. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by DamianTV View Post
    Blame it all on Obama, while Congress has seen as low as 4% approval ratings in some non scientific polls.
    So far, Obama has been the Teflon Don when it has come to scandals. Being that the Obamacare website glitch is the only one that has truly stuck, you can't blame the GOP for being gleeful. As long as no one signs up for Obamacare, the Dems are going to continue to take a beating. However, Romneycare also experienced low numbers when it was first released, then when the deadline approached, the masses signed up quickly. Assuming they fix the website and the masses sign up, I doubt this will hurt Obama much in the long run, other than probably being a permanent footnote in his presidential bio. I guess it beats Dubya Bush's "Great Recession" footnote.

  33. #29
    THIS is the reason the MSM is smacking Obama:

    As Iran and the six world powers resume the next round of nuclear talks in Geneva on Wednesday, US President Barack Obama pleads with American senators to ignore the aggressive lobbying campaign by Israel and hold off on new sanctions against Tehran.

    During a two-hour White House meeting on Tuesday, Obama called on senators to give more time for diplomacy with the Islamic Republic, The Hill reports.

    Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee told reporters after the meeting that the Obama administration believes a preliminary deal with Iran may be at hand.

    “They are very explicit about what they think they may be able to achieve,” Corker said.

    Members of Congress in both parties have been somewhat skeptical toward the nuclear talks.

    On Tuesday, lawmakers in both the House and Senate sent the administration bipartisan letters urging President Obama to adopt a tougher stance with Iran when negotiators meet again on Wednesday.

    “We feel strongly that any easing of sanctions along the lines that [the international community] is reportedly considering should require Iran to roll back its nuclear program more significantly than now envisioned,” six senators wrote in a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry.

    The letter, signed by Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), John McCain (R-Ariz.), Bob Casey (D-Penn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine), urges US negotiators to demand that Iran suspend all uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities.

    White House press secretary Jay Carney acknowledged Tuesday that there was “obvious diversity of opinion in the room” about the necessity of holding off on new sanctions.

    Obama assured the senators that “the relief that we are considering as part of a first rep is limited, temporary, and reversible,” Carney said.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been struggling in recent weeks to persuade US senators to buck Obama and consider new sanctions against Iran at a time when negotiators from both sides are saying a deal is “quite possible” over Tehran’s nuclear energy program.

    “I think you should not only keep up the pressure; I think you should increase the pressure,” Netanyahu said in an interview with CNN on Sunday.

    Netanyahu’s economy and trade minister, Naftali Bennett, visited Washington last week, actively lobbying US lawmakers to act against Tehran. Israeli ambassador to the US Ron Dermer will also meet with congressional Republicans and Democrats this week over Iran.

    The Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed an anti-Iran sanctions bill in July by a 400-20 vote seeking to cut Iran’s oil exports by one million barrels a day for the next year. The Senate Banking Committee is currently looking at a similar version of the bill.
    There is no spoon.

  34. #30

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