In case you were unaware, servers make less than $3.00 an hour and rely on their tips, which are then taxed. Some nights the tips are good, and then again, some are bad.
In a sick attempt to convert someone to another religion, some deranged person left a tip, although, it wasn’t monetary. The tip was a fake $10 bill that read “
SOME THINGS ARE BETTER THAN MONEY”…”like your eternal salvation that was brought and paid for by Jesus going to the cross.”
Obviously, the server was not too happy about this “tip.” Jesus going to the cross has little to do with the keeping the lights on in your home. There’s a time and a place for religion. Church is one of those places. Leaving a “token of God” as a tip for exceptional service is not. It appears that by doing this, you have actually accomplished exactly the opposite of what you set out to do.
You misled or lied to the receiver of the “kind advice,” and you also probably made someone hate your religion even more than they probably did in the first place. By leaving religious rhetoric as opposed to tipping your server with actual money, you are telling your server ‘You are not a person, but rather just a cog in the wheel of my Christian pride.’

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