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Thread: If McConnell gets primary'd out, what are chances of Rand being senate leader?

  1. #1

    If McConnell gets primary'd out, what are chances of Rand being senate leader?

    And also, just because Rand is playing nice with McConnell, doesn't mean we have to.

    I don't get why so many people let Mitch slide just because Rand is being friendly.
    1. enhanced_deficit - Paid Troll / John Bolton book promoter
    2. Devil21 - LARPing Wizard, fake magical script reader
    3. Firestarter - Tax Troll; anti-tax = "criminal behavior"
    4. TheCount - Comet Pizza Pedo Denier <-- sick

    @Ehanced_Deficit's real agenda on RPF =troll:

    Who spends this much time copy/pasting the same recycled links, photos/talking points.

    7 yrs/25k posts later RPF'ers still respond to this troll

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  3. #2
    As a 1st term senator, highly unlikely. The GOPs hierarchy of seniority is still deeply embedded into it. However, regardless of the outcome of McConnells re-election I think his current status as a member of the FR com. and a prominent Republican senator puts him in good position to be given a spot on the intelligence com.

  4. #3
    zero but can you imagine lol?

  5. #4
    If he so chooses that outcome

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by eleganz View Post
    And also, just because Rand is playing nice with McConnell, doesn't mean we have to.

    I don't get why so many people let Mitch slide just because Rand is being friendly.
    He would be better than anyone else in the Senate. At least we would have someone who has some concern for liberty.

  7. #6
    From a purely machiavellian standpoint, McConnell losing would be a MASSIVE blow to Rand (and the liberty movement) both short-term (re: 2016) and long...

    Especially given how masterfully/honorably Rand has handled his relationship with McConnell (re: befriending Mitch, yet never in a way that gets him in trouble with conservatives & tea partiers who want McConnell out)... there's simply no reason to go out of his (or our own) way to push McConnell out. Heck, even the guy primarying Mitch says he "understands" why Rand can't help him out and that there's no hard feelings there.

    Actively working to get rid of Mitch = Cutting off the nose to spite the face (in my opinion of course - and definitely no ill will towards those who feel differently)

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by WD-NY View Post
    From a purely machiavellian standpoint, McConnell losing would be a MASSIVE blow to Rand (and the liberty movement) both short-term (re: 2016) and long...

    Especially given how masterfully/honorably Rand has handled his relationship with McConnell (re: befriending Mitch, yet never in a way that gets him in trouble with conservatives & tea partiers who want McConnell out)... there's simply no reason to go out of his (or our own) way to push McConnell out. Heck, even the guy primarying Mitch says he "understands" why Rand can't help him out and that there's no hard feelings there.

    Actively working to get rid of Mitch = Cutting off the nose to spite the face (in my opinion of course - and definitely no ill will towards those who feel differently)

    There is never an excuse to hold onto a RINO, just because Rand is being friendly, DOES NOT give us the green light to be pro-McConnell in anyway. I think it is wrong to think that getting McConnell out would hurt us, it would BENEFIT our movement TREMENDOUSLY, that if even McConnell (somebody endorsed by Rand), couldn't hold his seat as a RINO, that means every Republican that is less powerful than he is capable of losing their seats, causing them to re-evaluate their conservatism.

    I'm not sitting here claiming that we can boot Mitch out easily, I'm saying that it is something we shouldn't be AFRAID of doing.
    Last edited by eleganz; 10-18-2013 at 12:58 AM.
    1. enhanced_deficit - Paid Troll / John Bolton book promoter
    2. Devil21 - LARPing Wizard, fake magical script reader
    3. Firestarter - Tax Troll; anti-tax = "criminal behavior"
    4. TheCount - Comet Pizza Pedo Denier <-- sick

    @Ehanced_Deficit's real agenda on RPF =troll:

    Who spends this much time copy/pasting the same recycled links, photos/talking points.

    7 yrs/25k posts later RPF'ers still respond to this troll

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by eleganz View Post
    There is never an excuse to hold onto a RINO, just because Rand is being friendly, DOES NOT give us the green light to be pro-McConnell in anyway. I think it is wrong to think that getting McConnell out would hurt us, it would BENEFIT our movement TREMENDOUSLY, that if even McConnell (somebody endorsed by Rand), couldn't hold his seat as a RINO, that means every Republican that is less powerful than he is capable of losing their seats, causing them to re-evaluate their conservatism.

    I'm not sitting here claiming that we can boot Mitch out easily, I'm saying that it is something we shouldn't be AFRAID of doing.
    No, he wasn't kidding and what's more, HE'S RIGHT. Without McConnell, Rand would not be on the committees he is on and if he wasn't, he would not have had hardly any voice at all. And hell no, they aren't going to make him the senate leader. But, if McConnell is voted out, what IS likely is that the establishment will do anything they can to shove him out of the committees and way to the side and there won't be a thing stopping them.

    Talk about biting your nose off to spite your face. Working to get McConnell out is exactly that.
    Last edited by LibertyEagle; 10-18-2013 at 01:02 AM.
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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by LibertyEagle View Post
    No, he wasn't kidding and what's more, HE'S RIGHT. Without McConnell, Rand would not be on the committees he is on and if he wasn't, he would not have had hardly any voice at all. And hell no, they aren't going to make him the senate leader. But, if McConnell is voted out, what IS likely is that the establishment will do anything they can to shove him out of the committees and way to the side and there won't be a thing stopping them.

    Talk about biting your nose off to spite your face. Working to get McConnell out is exactly that.

    Without McConnell, what?? I'm not saying go back in time, I'm saying quit being afraid of losing Mitch McConnell, its as if he is your left testicle but don't you know that testicle is cancerous?

    If you're down to keep Mitch because he shovels you some gruel every time he needs your help there is no more compromise left because you've taken it all. Its fine if Rand plays the game but we as the 'army' need to know our role, especially when the 'leader' is behind enemy lines and isn't capable of sending direct messages. Come on.
    1. enhanced_deficit - Paid Troll / John Bolton book promoter
    2. Devil21 - LARPing Wizard, fake magical script reader
    3. Firestarter - Tax Troll; anti-tax = "criminal behavior"
    4. TheCount - Comet Pizza Pedo Denier <-- sick

    @Ehanced_Deficit's real agenda on RPF =troll:

    Who spends this much time copy/pasting the same recycled links, photos/talking points.

    7 yrs/25k posts later RPF'ers still respond to this troll

  12. #10
    If McConnell loses Cornyn will take over as leader

  13. #11
    senate or house leaders rarely become president. only one in modern times was LBJ, and even that by being VP.

    Cornwyn could easily lose his primary also.

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by cindy25 View Post
    senate or house leaders rarely become president. only one in modern times was LBJ, and even that by being VP.

    Cornwyn could easily lose his primary also.
    Unlikely but even if he did Rand is no official leader. This thread is silly

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by eleganz View Post
    Without McConnell, what?? I'm not saying go back in time, I'm saying quit being afraid of losing Mitch McConnell, its as if he is your left testicle but don't you know that testicle is cancerous?

    If you're down to keep Mitch because he shovels you some gruel every time he needs your help there is no more compromise left because you've taken it all. Its fine if Rand plays the game but we as the 'army' need to know our role, especially when the 'leader' is behind enemy lines and isn't capable of sending direct messages. Come on.
    If I'm not mistaken ... LibertyEagle doesn't have a left testicle

  16. #14
    Chance of McConnell losing the primary maybe 2%. Chance of Rand as minority leader 0%.

    McConnell is so confident and safe he's sent Jesse Benton to the primary debates and didn't even bother to go. Rand is a junior senator, minority leader would go to a long time senior senator.

  17. #15
    One more term for McConnell isn't really as bad as it might sound. It helps Rand's Presidential hopes, and it gives Massie more time to build up his name recognition and reputation to run for McConnell's seat when he retires. If we play our cards right we could have a liberty tri-fecta in Kentucky and Rand as President. Massie could be one Senator, and then have another liberty Senator maybe Bevin take Rand's old seat, then find a liberty candidate to run for Massie's House seat. Rand and the liberty movement could shape Kentucky politics for decades to come.

    It's chess, not checkers.

    Last edited by Bastiat's The Law; 10-18-2013 at 05:52 AM.

  18. #16
    Massie has said numerous times he doesn't want to be anything more than a rep

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord View Post
    Massie has said numerous times he doesn't want to be anything more than a rep
    People say a lot of things. I don't think he really wanted to run as a Judge Executive, which he described as a "libertarian hell", either. But he did, and won.

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by eleganz View Post
    I don't get why so many people let Mitch slide just because Rand is being friendly.
    Because Rand can do no wrong and ought not be questioned.

    McConnell suckered up to Rand because he knew that Rand's followers would protect him against his evil voting record.

  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Bastiat's The Law View Post
    People say a lot of things. I don't think he really wanted to run as a Judge Executive, which he described as a "libertarian hell", either. But he did, and won.
    Running statewide costs millions and very time consuming. our liberty rep's have enough trouble raising $ for their district wide seats. i think Senate seats are extremely difficult for us

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by familydog View Post
    Because Rand can do no wrong and ought not be questioned.

    McConnell suckered up to Rand because he knew that Rand's followers would protect him against his evil voting record.
    Because our resources are finite and McConnell would be one of the hardest to challenge with no chance of return on investment. It's stupid economically, politically, and strategically. If I'm wrong, why haven't you maxed out to Bevin?

  24. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by eleganz View Post
    Without McConnell, what?? I'm not saying go back in time, I'm saying quit being afraid of losing Mitch McConnell, its as if he is your left testicle but don't you know that testicle is cancerous?

    If you're down to keep Mitch because he shovels you some gruel every time he needs your help there is no more compromise left because you've taken it all. Its fine if Rand plays the game but we as the 'army' need to know our role, especially when the 'leader' is behind enemy lines and isn't capable of sending direct messages. Come on.
    Committee placement is not gruel. More like perpetual filet mignon and lobster when you have your pick of committee. And you want to throw that away? Is getting rid of McConnell worth losing Rand's spot on the FRC? Hell no.

    You aren't going to find many people with political acumen willing to help you in this regard, especially because there are more appealing targets to focus on. I hate McConnell's politics too, but now is not the time.

    McConnell is Rand's lapdog. His use will continue as the Majority Leader in Rand's first term. Please focus elsewhere.

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord View Post
    Running statewide costs millions and very time consuming. our liberty rep's have enough trouble raising $ for their district wide seats. i think Senate seats are extremely difficult for us
    That's why I'm focused on the most winnable race and best liberty candidate in the country and urge others to do the same. See my signature?
    Last edited by Bastiat's The Law; 10-18-2013 at 07:47 AM.

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord View Post
    Running statewide costs millions and very time consuming. our liberty rep's have enough trouble raising $ for their district wide seats. i think Senate seats are extremely difficult for us
    It helps if you are really good friends with the President.

  27. #24
    If there were a risk of that, McConnell wouldn't let Benton debate for him.

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  29. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Bastiat's The Law View Post
    That's why I'm focused on the most winnable race and best liberty candidate in the country and urge others to do the same. See my signature?
    Yes, i'm pleased that you're organizing a money bomb for Brannon but there is a lot of apathy. We need to motivate people

  30. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Bastiat's The Law View Post
    Because our resources are finite and McConnell would be one of the hardest to challenge with no chance of return on investment. It's stupid economically, politically, and strategically.
    This may or may not be true, but it's not the point that a lot of people make. Rand isn't the only one who knows how to win at politics. McConnell knows he can vote however he wants and all he has to do is give Rand some committee assignments.

  31. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord View Post
    Yes, i'm pleased that you're organizing a money bomb for Brannon but there is a lot of apathy. We need to motivate people
    Well we have to do a better job at educating and motivating Paul supporters and other liberty activists that midterm elections is where we can have a substantially affect with our numbers and for a relative fraction of what Ron's presidential campaign cost. We essentially know the math, X amount will get our candidate through the primary and X amount will be needed for the general election, although we'll have much more help with that once we secure the nomination. The primary is where we should go to battle. To get a great congressman like Massie or Amash through the primary generally costs about 500k-750k. Why aren't we focusing on electing 10-20 of these guys every cycle? Senate of course is higher stakes, so I'm a bit more selective on who I'll throw my fund raising support behind. But even if we played it conservatively, couldn't we elect at least 1-2 liberty-minded Senators each cycle as well?

    10 Thomas Massies for 5 million sounds like a pretty good investment to me. What about 20 Justin Amashs for 15 million? Again, that's a bargain.

    How much would it take to get a liberty Senate candidate through the primary? Depending on the state probably 1-3 million, maybe double that if they're up against an entrenched incumbent like a Graham. Brannon isn't facing an entrenched incumbent in the primary though, so his race should be relatively cheap. Getting him into the Senate for 1-3 million is a steal and we're fools if we don't do our damnedest to get him into office. Candidates like Brannon don't come around too often and getting him in will pave the way for even more people like him in the future.

    So at the end of the day we could have a realistically chance of electing 10-20 House members and 1-2 Senators EVERY cycle for less than it cost to run Ron's 40 million dollar campaign. The answer and the tools are starring us in the face and we just sit here in soiled apathy stewing or debating silly things instead of organizing and doing the leg work. We could fundamentally change this country in a shockingly short amount of time if we were serious and smart.
    Last edited by Bastiat's The Law; 10-18-2013 at 07:39 PM.

  32. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by familydog View Post
    This may or may not be true, but it's not the point that a lot of people make. Rand isn't the only one who knows how to win at politics. McConnell knows he can vote however he wants and all he has to do is give Rand some committee assignments.
    To take out an entrenched incumbent you need a great candidate with enormous campaign coffers and the entire liberty movement pulling in the same direction. We can't even get a halfhearted effort against Graham.

  33. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by LibertyEagle View Post
    No, he wasn't kidding and what's more, HE'S RIGHT. Without McConnell, Rand would not be on the committees he is on and if he wasn't, he would not have had hardly any voice at all. And hell no, they aren't going to make him the senate leader. But, if McConnell is voted out, what IS likely is that the establishment will do anything they can to shove him out of the committees and way to the side and there won't be a thing stopping them.

    Talk about biting your nose off to spite your face. Working to get McConnell out is exactly that.
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  34. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by LibertyEagle View Post
    No, he wasn't kidding and what's more, HE'S RIGHT. Without McConnell, Rand would not be on the committees he is on and if he wasn't, he would not have had hardly any voice at all. And hell no, they aren't going to make him the senate leader. But, if McConnell is voted out, what IS likely is that the establishment will do anything they can to shove him out of the committees and way to the side and there won't be a thing stopping them.

    Talk about biting your nose off to spite your face. Working to get McConnell out is exactly that.
    Yeah, because keeping him as the Minority Leader is working out swell as evidence this week points out.
    Too bad our elected officials are not as aggressively trying to reduce the federal deficit as they are trying to strip us of our constitutional rights.

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