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Thread: Iran TV Warned of Israeli Nuclear Plant Dangers Hours Before Quake ?

  1. #1

    Iran TV Warned of Israeli Nuclear Plant Dangers Hours Before Quake ?

    Do Iranians have some 6th century voodoo if this factual report?

    Iran TV Warns of Israeli Nuclear Plant Dangers Hours Before Quake

    By Jspace Staff on 4/9/2013 at 5:40 PM

    Just hours before a powerful earthquake hit near Iran’s nuclear city Busheshr, Press TV reported Israel’s Dimona power plant posed a great risk to the environment of the region.
    The state owned English language media corporation, headquartered in Tehran, has in the past called Dimona “the Middle East’s time bomb” and warned that Israel’s reactor “spreads cancer and sterility in the Middle East.”
    In an April 9 report, Press TV quoted Professor Uzi Even, formerly of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission, saying “the plant must be closed down.”
    Fars News Agency further quoted Press TV as linking a leakage at the Dimona plant to “abnormal births” in the region and warned that, “The nuclear reactor has become very old after 48 years with experts warning that the leakage could reach Jordan, Syria, Egypt and even Libya.”
    Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, who recently convened a committee to propose compensation for Dimona workers impacted by malignant diseases, however, denies that the Dimona plant poses a wide scale cancer risk to the region or its workforce.

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  3. #2
    UPDATE 1-Radiation readings spike at water tank at Japan's ruined nuclear plant

    Sun Sep 1, 2013 1:54am EDT

    (Adds quotes, reading measurements)
    By Tetsushi Kajimoto
    (Reuters) - Radiation near a tank holding highly contaminated water at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant has spiked 18-fold, the plant's operator said on Sunday, highlighting the struggle to bring the crisis under control after more than two years.
    Radiation of 1,800 millisieverts per hour - enough to kill an exposed person in four hours - was detected near the bottom of one storage tank on Saturday, Tokyo Electric Power Co , also known as Tepco, said.
    An Aug. 22 readings measured radiation of 100 millisieverts per hour at the same tank. Japanese law has set an annual radiation exposure safety threshold of 50 millisieverts for nuclear plant workers during normal hours.

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