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Thread: Obama Awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to Bayard Rustin, a Communist

  1. #1

    Obama Awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to Bayard Rustin, a Communist

    Bayard Rustin finally honored the Presidential Medal of Freedom - August 12, 2013

    Little background on Bayard Rustin:

    - Rustin joins the Young Communist League in 1936
    - Following directions from the Soviet Union, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and its members were active in the civil rights movement for African Americans.
    - In 1941, after Germany invaded the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin ordered the CPUSA to abandon civil rights work and focus supporting U.S. entry into World War II.
    - Disillusioned, Rustin began working with members of the Socialist Party
    - In December 1972, when the Socialist Party changed its name to Social Democrats, USA (SDUSA), Rustin continued to serve as national co-chairman
    - In later years, Rustin served at the national chairman of Social Democrats, USA

    Obama Awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to Bayard Rustin, a Communist


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    Mocking the Cause of Peace

    The New American
    November 19, 1990

    Consider the following nightmarish scenario: A neighbor sends paid thugs into your home; they destroy your furnishings, assault your wife and children, steal whatever can be carried away, and then leave a paid henchman in charge before rushing back to their boss's walled-in enclave. Everyone in town knows what happened and who is responsible, but nothing is done. Then, the local city council presents its "man of the year" award to your assailant.

    Doesn't this fabricated outrage parallel the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Mikhail Gorbachev? During the USSR's ten-year invasion of Afghanistan, Soviet troops murdered over a million innocent civilians, maimed thousands of children with booby-trapped toys, and forced four million Afghans into foreign-based refugee camps. They left only after placing their own stooge in command of the government. The USSR continues to this day to supply its puppet regime, as brave Afghan warriors continue to fight for their nation's freedom.

    During virtually all of this incredible cruelty toward a peaceful neighbor, Mikhail Gorbachev served first as a member of the Soviet Politburo and then, for the past five years, as the actual leader of the Soviet Union. The guilt for all of this blood and misery is his. Instead of receiving a prize for peace, he should be named Butcher of the Decade.

    Nor should anyone brush aside what Gorbachev and his generals did to Lithuania during the past year. After 45 years under Moscow's boot, the brave Lithuanians, believing all of the talk about freedom under perestroika, declared their nation independent. Gorbachev's response began with tanks and troops rumbling through the capital city of Vilnius. Then, Moscow's goons seized printing presses and government offices; fighter planes roared overhead; helicopters papered the nation with warnings about the "need" for ties to the Kremlin; vital oil and natural gas shipments were suspended; and Soviet military patrols continue to this day to remind Lithuanians that they are still a part of Gorbachev's USSR.

    Estonia and Latvia have received strong warnings that any attempt to break free of the Kremlin will be similarly crushed. In Soviet Georgia, Gorbachev's troops used poison gas to quell a nationalist uprising. More troops roughed up other nationalists in Azerbaijan. If there were an award for mockery, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee would walk away with it.

    Following the death in 1896 of internationalist Alfred Nobel, prizes for literature and peace have regularly been awarded to socialists and communists. For every deserving Mother Teresa or Albert Schweitzer, numerous arch-leftists have been given the cash prize and international notoriety.

    In 1931, the Peace award went to socialist Jane Addams, despite her 20 years as chairman of the communist-front Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Emily Green Balch, the 1946 co-winner, was dismissed from the Wellesley College faculty for radical leftist activity. The 1950 winner was Alger Hiss protégé Ralph Bunche. Marxists Leon Jouhaux of France (1951), Lester Pearson of Canada (1957), and Philip Noel-Baker of England (1959) were also winners. When Martin Luther King went to Oslo to collect his award in 1964, he took former Communist Party organizer Bayard Rustin along for companionship. Henry Kissinger's 1973 prize ushered in the deaths of millions in Southeast Asia.

    A Nobel Peace Prize for Mikhail Gorbachev is really no more surprising than a Lenin Peace Prize for Nelson Mandela -- who'll probably get the Nobel Peace Prize next year.
    Last edited by FrankRep; 08-12-2013 at 11:04 PM.

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  3. #2
    The White House and Government officials have destroyed any meaning or worth to "MEDALS". Both Parties and the insiders are constantly giving undeserving political figures and themselves medals.

    These political scripts are worse than a B- rated HOLLYWOOD HORROR movie
    The American Dream, Wake Up People, This is our country! <===click

    "All eyes are opened, or opening to the rights of man, let the annual return of this day(July 4th), forever refresh our recollections of these rights, and an undiminished devotion to them."
    Thomas Jefferson
    June 1826

    Rock The World!
    USAF Veteran

  4. #3
    Sometimes the men behind the curtain philanthropists just want a little public recognition for all their death profiteering hard work. Enslaving Slaving away for the globe, stealing your money spending their fortunes for the good of themselves humanity, and yet they just get no respect. Can't Gotta feel for these greedy selfish killers selfless people.

    So they trade medals, pat each other on the backs, and then quickly scurry back behind the curtain so they can continue their efforts of quietly "saving" the world.
    Last edited by paulbot24; 08-13-2013 at 12:53 AM.
    "Perfect safety is not the purpose of government." - Ron Paul

    Quote Originally Posted by brushfire View Post
    "I was in the rain forest once, and it rained on me..."
    Quote Originally Posted by Carson View Post
    Ron Paul suggested a very good first step to the process of restoring sound money... It was beautiful. It left them all standing with their fiats out.
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    'Excuse us, we'll be leaving now. Oh, and you don't mind if we just steal this Constitution before we go? You @#$%s aren't using it anyway...'

  5. #4

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