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Thread: Going Galt: Without Quitting Your Job or Moving to the Forest

  1. #1

    Going Galt: Without Quitting Your Job or Moving to the Forest

    Some friends of mine and I are working on a project of instructing people how to "Go Galt" in a practical way. We have come up with a list of things people can do to reduce their tax burden, thereby diverting money from the government, big ag, big pharm, etc and keeping it in the hands of the people. The people we are targeting with this are average Americans. Our intention is not for people to make major changes in their lives, the "moving to the forest", but simply to make adjustments in their current lives as to where they purchase things and how they go about doing their daily business. This is just in its early stages, so I thought I would solicit some ideas from the peanut gallery here on our list for some critique, corrections and additions.

    The premise is as follows: The average American pays over 59% of their income in taxes: income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, utility taxes, etc. We all know that government is too big and too intrusive in our lives and businesses. Here are some practical ways that you can "starve the beast" and reduce the amount of taxes that you pay to the government.

    1) Take the maximum allowable exemptions on your W-4 form and delay the tax you are paying on the income. Keep the money set aside, so that when tax time comes, you will have the funds available (and avoid paying interest & penalties).

    2) Grow as much of your own food as possible. Then, shop at farmer's markets & produce stands for as much of your food as you can. This keeps your money local and diverts funds from Big Ag, which then uses your money to lobby Congress for more of your tax dollars.

    3) If feasible, change your heating & cooling system to a more efficient system that reduces the amount of utilities you need to purchase. If this is not feasible, then focus on energy savings via insulation, upgraded windows, caulking, solar shades, sail shades, shade trees, etc. Reducing your energy consumption will reduce the amount of utility taxes that you pay.

    4) Use cash whenever possible. Using credit cards puts money into the hands of the big banks which they then use to lobby Congress for more of your tax dollars.

    5) Buy as much as you can from locally owned businesses and again, use cash for every transaction. For example, buying a pizza from a locally owned shop instead of Pizza Hut keeps the money local, and diverts it from large corporations who (like others mentioned above) use your money to lobby Congress for more of your tax dollars. Plus, many shop owners will keep cash sales "off the books" reducing the amount that they pay in taxes.

    6) Purchase as much as you can from the secondary market (craigslist, yard sales, flea markets, etc). You can find many new & gently used goods through these outlets and avoid paying sales tax on the items.

    7) If you are able, move to a state that does not have income taxes: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas or Washington. If this is not possible considering moving within your state to an area where property taxes are lower.

    8) If possible, start a home based business and take the home office deduction. A small business can show a loss for 2-3 years without question.

    9) Try natural remedies for common ailments to avoid spending money on pharmaceutical products. Source these from locally owned shops whenever possible.

    10) Keep as little money in the bank as possible. Have as much cash on hand as possible, as well as physical gold and silver.

    11) Change your banking, mortgage and any loans to a local credit union or locally owned bank to divert profits away from the big banks.

    12) Keep diligent records for any charitable contributions you make throughout the year. You can deduct both cash and property that you donate to any qualified organization. If you can't sell it, don't throw it out, donate it instead and take the deduction.

    13) Find people in your area that have work-at-home sales businesses and purchase gifts, cosmetics, etc through them to avoid shopping at major retailers.

    14) Brew your own beer and make your own wine. Not only is it a fun hobby, but you will avoid paying liquor and sales taxes. If this is not for you, then purchase beer and wine that is made by smaller, independent companies to avoid putting your money in the hands of major corporations.

    15) If you have a skill (which you may plan on making into a home based business), network with others for trades of services. Trading services is another way to avoid paying any sales tax.

    16) Instead of buying a new vehicle, buy a pre-owned one. Many locally owned dealers have "like new" cars available for sale with very low mileage. Not only will you save money and pay less in sales tax, you will also prevent your money from going to the big automakers and unions.

    17) Avoid buying products produced by union shops.

    18) Consider giving up pay TV. The elimination of pay TV (particularly cable) will reduce a whole lot of taxes & user fees, and there are many ways you can still get plenty of viewing choices via "over the air" broadcast, internet streams, Netflix, etc.

    19) Consider switching to a prepaid cell plan using a secondary carrier. This diverts money from the major carriers and reduces some of the taxes you pay.

    So that is what we have so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Mods feel free to move this thread to whatever category you see fit.
    Last edited by CaptLouAlbano; 08-10-2013 at 05:29 AM. Reason: Added 10 & 11 based on suggestions in the thread.

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  3. #2
    The main issues I have with New Hampshire or the Free State Project are not mentioned. Outside of AK, you cannot find anywhere else without general sales taxes, a personal income tax or property taxes. Plus, obvious, by the the most well known and organized effort to do something similar in at least our lifetimes is the FSP.

    I'll still help you though there are 2 well known books in this movemement about the same thing. The only problem is they are both outdated.
    How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne
    The Freedom Outlaw's Handbook: 179 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution by Claire Wolfe (She also wrote somewhat similar books about this)
    There is also this lessor known, also outdated book. Bulletproof Privacy by Boston T. Party
    1 or more of these books may be online for little to no money.
    Last edited by Keith and stuff; 08-09-2013 at 11:18 AM.
    Lifetime member of more than 1 national gun organization and the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance. Part of Young Americans for Liberty and Campaign for Liberty. Free State Project participant and multi-year Free Talk Live AMPlifier.

  4. #3
    10) Bring your TV to the gun range for target practice.

  5. #4
    #10) take your money out of the banks and hold it in physical cash/silver/gold

    #11) Change your mortgage ASAP to a local credit union with rational lending standards and away from the UBER BANKS
    "Like an army falling, one by one by one" - Linkin Park

  6. #5
    Thank you for this post Lou.
    "We do have some differences and our approaches will be different, but that makes him his own person. I mean why should he [Rand] be a clone and do everything and think just exactly as I have. I think it's an opportunity to be independent minded. We are about 99% [the same on issues]." Ron Paul

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    #10) take your money out of the banks and hold it in physical cash/silver/gold

    #11) Change your mortgage ASAP to a local credit union with rational lending standards and away from the UBER BANKS
    I like these. 10 I would modify to saying something to effect of the money you do not need for bills. The only thing we do want people to have a paper trail of is expenses that can be written off.

    11 can be expanded to all banking done locally with a credit union.


  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptLouAlbano View Post
    Some friends of mine and I are working on a project of instructing people how to "Go Galt" in a practical way. We have come up with a list of things people can do to reduce their tax burden, thereby diverting money from the government, big ag, big pharm, etc and keeping it in the hands of the people. This is just in its early stages, so I thought I would solicit some ideas from the peanut gallery here on our list for some critique, corrections and additions.

    The premise is as follows: The average American pays over 59% of their income in taxes: income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, gasoline taxes, utility taxes, etc. We all know that government is too big and too intrusive in our lives and businesses. Here are some practical ways that you can "starve the beast" and reduce the amount of taxes that you pay to the government.

    3) If feasible, change your heating & cooling system to a system that reduces the amount of utilities you need to purchase: geothermal heating/cooling, wood stoves, etc.

    Focus on energy savings via insulation/windows/caulking/Solar shades/sail shades/shade trees etc.
    Much more bang for the buck than fancy appliances. The more money you spend on devices that save on heating/cooling/electrical costs ---->the more money you will spend on maintenance and repair. Keep it simple. Geothermal is NOT the way to go. The efficiencies are not real, and they are nightmares waiting to happen. Spending $3000 on three large shade trees and/or building a $3000 thermal mass heat collector for heating would make more sense. FYI-->Insulation, rocks (mass), shade trees, and sun shades don't break down.
    ...And +1 on the Wood stove idea -->especially if you have a wood supply on your own property. However most simple wood stoves have a lousy efficiency rating. Look into a rocket mass heater if you want a simple design(no moving parts) with excellent wood burning efficiencies. Its a great DIY project. Youtube is filled with examples...

    How it works:
    “No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”
    ― Samuel Adams

  9. #8
    Adding on to TruckinMike, you can add some terraced planters along the south side of the house to shade the southern walls. Grow food plants in these planters and you are helping with 2 different items on the list The planters can be moved in the winter to get the solar gain back if desired.
    Insanity should be defined as trusting the government to solve a problem they caused in the first place. Please do not go insane!

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  11. #9
    Modified number three with the energy conservation info.

  12. #10
    If able, modify #1 to where no W-4's or 1099's are ever entered into the "system"....

  13. #11
    Added #12 that was emailed to me by a friend.

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by tod evans View Post
    If able, modify #1 to where no W-4's or 1099's are ever entered into the "system"....
    Can you clarify your point please?

  15. #13
    Added 13. These will be organized when finalized so the train of thought flows (i.e 13 would be better after 5)

  16. #14
    I agree with everything so far.

    I'll add, save your money and buy your property in cash. Don't give the banks your money in interest. Even if you have to start small and suck it up for a few years until you can build better, it's yours and nothing feels better than owning property outright.

    Also if you are self employed low income, you can get the earned income credit. If you claim up to 14K in self employment income the IRS will send you a check for $5k every year, so you get back any sales tax, property tax, fuel tax you pay. You have to be willing to live a low key simple life for this, it might not be to some people's liking.
    Last edited by 69360; 08-09-2013 at 12:47 PM.

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptLouAlbano View Post
    Can you clarify your point please?
    If a person is able to work and earn income that isn't automatically accounted for via either a 1099 or W-2/4 he has options, if his "wages" are entered into the system before he receives them he has few, if any, options..

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by tod evans View Post
    If a person is able to work and earn income that isn't automatically accounted for via either a 1099 or W-2/4 he has options, if his "wages" are entered into the system before he receives them he has few, if any, options..
    Well 1099 contractors do not have taxes withheld, so it doesn't apply to #1. The W2 folks can increase their exemptions to have less withheld. They may wind up owing come tax time, but the premise behind this is to delay giving the gov't the money until tax filing.

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith and stuff View Post
    The main issues I have with New Hampshire or the Free State Project are not mentioned. Outside of AK, you cannot find anywhere else without general sales taxes, a personal income tax or property taxes. Plus, obvious, by the the most well known and organized effort to do something similar in at least our lifetimes is the FSP.

    I'll still help you though there are 2 well known books in this movemement about the same thing. The only problem is they are both outdated.
    How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne
    The Freedom Outlaw's Handbook: 179 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution by Claire Wolfe (She also wrote somewhat similar books about this)
    There is also this lessor known, also outdated book. Bulletproof Privacy by Boston T. Party
    1 or more of these books may be online for little to no money.
    also dated but still good:
    Just about anything by Bill Kaysing
    Possum Living


  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptLouAlbano View Post
    Well 1099 contractors do not have taxes withheld, so it doesn't apply to #1. The W2 folks can increase their exemptions to have less withheld. They may wind up owing come tax time, but the premise behind this is to delay giving the gov't the money until tax filing.
    I suppose I wasn't clear...

    My premise was to never let the government know what money changes hands until April 15th if you can...

  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by tod evans View Post
    I suppose I wasn't clear...

    My premise was to never let the government know what money changes hands until April 15th if you can...
    Oh I agree. But for the majority of folks, they just get a paycheck every week and do not have the ability to hide their income. This whole thing is being targeted to regular folks.
    Last edited by CaptLouAlbano; 08-09-2013 at 01:04 PM.

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by tod evans View Post
    I suppose I wasn't clear...

    My premise was to never let the government know what money changes hands until April 15th if you can...
    You should never let them know at all, unless there's a gun to your head.

  24. #21
    Great stuff. Keep everything you can out of the game but as soon as anything must enter the game play the game to the hilt.
    I find great satisfaction in finding legal ways to refrain from further spoiling the children (government).

    Couples and families with strong relationships can re-examine the redundancy of multiple cars/cell phones etc. (multiple fees) and multiple incomes (multiple taxes) that we have become accustomed to.

    Income & expense-wise treat the family unit/extended family as a business with clear goals and a mission statement. What actual needs have to be met? What is the best way time-wise to meet those needs?

    It is becoming increasingly easier to view sweat equity and cooperation (our time) equally or greater than a devalued currency.
    Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe. Proverbs 29:25
    "I think the propaganda machine is the biggest problem that we face today in trying to get the truth out to people."
    Ron Paul

    Please watch, subscribe, like, & share, Ron Paul Liberty Report

  25. #22
    Regarding utilities, if you could get by with gas OR electricity, that could be a savings. Right now, gas bill is cheap but about 80% of is fees (including about $12/month just for being a customer).

    Regarding avoiding geothermal, I agree, seems expensive and a 'passive house' design could be more effective (with fewer moving parts):

    Unless the alternative to geothermal is the conventional approach...

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by bunklocoempire View Post
    Great stuff. Keep everything you can out of the game but as soon as anything must enter the game play the game to the hilt.
    I find great satisfaction in finding legal ways to refrain from further spoiling the children (government).

    Couples and families with strong relationships can re-examine the redundancy of multiple cars/cell phones etc. (multiple fees) and multiple incomes (multiple taxes) that we have become accustomed to.

    Income & expense-wise treat the family unit/extended family as a business with clear goals and a mission statement. What actual needs have to be met? What is the best way time-wise to meet those needs?

    It is becoming increasingly easier to view sweat equity and cooperation (our time) equally or greater than a devalued currency.
    Prepaid burner phones are the way to go. $10 to buy $15 a month for 200 minutes or $45 unlimited. Added plus is it's all cash and your name is not connected to the number.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Free Hornet View Post
    Regarding utilities, if you could get by with gas OR electricity, that could be a savings. Right now, gas bill is cheap but about 80% of is fees (including about $12/month just for being a customer).

    Regarding avoiding geothermal, I agree, seems expensive and a 'passive house' design could be more effective (with fewer moving parts):

    Unless the alternative to geothermal is the conventional approach...
    Go propane. You can buy your own tank and take it to get filled cash no account or name on the account needed. If you want delivery most companies will provide a tank with no useage fees.

  27. #24
    For 14) you could also add rolling your own cigarettes-- produces more, cost effective, and less taxes involved.
    "We do have some differences and our approaches will be different, but that makes him his own person. I mean why should he [Rand] be a clone and do everything and think just exactly as I have. I think it's an opportunity to be independent minded. We are about 99% [the same on issues]." Ron Paul

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  29. #25
    Staff - Admin
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptLouAlbano View Post
    Mods feel free to move this thread to whatever category you see fit.
    Moved to front page Will put it in Freedom Living soon, for the most long term views. Great thread!
    This site has a specific purpose defined in our Mission Statement.

    Members must read and follow our Community Guidelines.

    I strive to respond to all queries; please excuse late and out-of-sequence responses.

  30. #26
    I get my bread from a local bakery that uses no additives and locally milled flour. My meat comes from a butcher that has the names of the farmers on his products. Some of my vegetables and fruits come from around the world but they are bought in a small store that has been open for more than 100 years and run by the same family, I'd feel bad if they ever had to close down. I hardly ever eat things I didn't prepare from base ingredients. I don't use packs of stuff, I don't use fancy brands. I like cooking and I use cookware that lasts a lifetime, expensive stuff but for instance my pans come with a lifetime guarantee. No non-stick nonsense, don't need that. I really like buying stuff once.

    I like to build stuff, I'm currently replacing some brick and mortar joints as well as tearing down a shed and building a more modern one in it's place. I don't always have experience with doing things so when I don't I'll get someone to watch over what I'm doing or I look up how it's supposed to do. Internet really helps with that.

    I think I probably do most things on the list. I don't yet operate a business of my own but I've been looking for things to do and I'm open to starting something. I'll never pay more taxes than I absolutely have to, and that's an issue when starting a business. Luckily competition also has to deal with them... Ain't it fair.

  31. #27
    Getting caught up here. A few points, for those that posted since I last posted.

    First, I have seen a couple comments about getting rid of cable/dish. It's a great idea of course, but 92% or so of Americans have Pay TV, the intention of this work that we are doing is to show average folks how they can "Go Galt" without making any major changes to their lifestyle, which is why most of the tips focus on ways to do what people are already doing, but do so avoiding or reducing taxation. The getting rid of cable to a lot of people is akin to the "moving to the woods" we reference in the title.

    Ok so for the people talking about pre-paid cell phones. How does that divert money from the "beast"? Are prepaid phones taxed at a lower rate? Help me on that one.

    And the rolling your own. Is bulk tobacco produced by smaller sources or does it still come from Phillip Morris, et al? Are the taxes different? If so, how?

    Thanks for the contributions by all.

  32. #28
    One more thing. Does anyone have some solid info for folks that do a lot of big investing setting up a corporation or trust? One guy I talked to suggested that is something to look into.

  33. #29
    Might be considered Moving to the Forest. It isn't/wasn't for me. For your consideration:

    Regarding cell phone alternatives and keeping local communication local.

    Utilize amateur radio and existing local 'ham radio' repeaters/networks. $15.00 for the amateur radio test/lifetime license, $40.00 and up for a radio, and $ for any extra batteries/accessories. Shared repeaters are as inexpensive or expensive as the group sharing them wants to make them. Hams are notoriously cheap.

    A good opportunity to keep local communication local. A community 2 meter or 440 repeater bought and kept running by locals keeps money for local communication out of 'Big Cell' lobbyists hands.

    A hand-held/portable ham radio can be used for emergencies and non-business related conversations -if you have to talk business use your tax deductible business cell phone.

    Amateur radio conversations are not private and are illegal to encode (moving to the forest?) but certain types of set-ups can make eaves dropping difficult for the average listener. Regarding privacy, the NSA and 'big cell'/cell phones come to mind.

    I can't have much hope for this meeting. Probably offering them tax breaks.
    Apple, Google and AT&T meet Obama to discuss NSA surveillance concerns
    Silicon Valley companies concerned at effect on business as revelations over US government spying spread more widely
    Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe. Proverbs 29:25
    "I think the propaganda machine is the biggest problem that we face today in trying to get the truth out to people."
    Ron Paul

    Please watch, subscribe, like, & share, Ron Paul Liberty Report

  34. #30

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