Free Trade Agreements Are About Government Control, Not Free Trade
The John Birch Society views trade agreements as "entangling alliances" that should be avoided. America should trade with all friendly nations but not enter into any regulated trade agreements including "free trade" agreements. If trade is to be free, it doesn't need to be regulated by thousands of pages of binding arbitration.
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Secretly Trading Away Our Independence
President Obama is pushing two trade pacts leading to economic and political integration of the United States with the European Union and Pacific Rim nations.
Free Trade Agreements: Key to Economic Recovery?
President Obama and the Republic congressional leadership argue that passage of three free trade agreements is a key to our nation's economic recovery.
Free Trade in Theory and Practice
In theory, "free trade" trade without government interference leads to benefits for all nations that participate, as well as all citizens, but as practiced, it is neither free nor fair.
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