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Thread: Russell Brand speaking the TRUTH

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Russell Brand speaking the TRUTH

    Russell Brand on Syria: "I lost my faith in what the government thinks after the Iraq War"

    Russell Brand: Politicians exist "solely to protect the interests of the rich & powerful"

    Russell Brand: Corrupt bankers need to go down!

    idk if you guys remember me posting about Russell Brand before but I became a fan during his BRANDX show, slowly but surely he is coming out if you nomsayin. Awesome to see this happening. IF YOU DONT BECOME AN ACTOR YOU'LL NEVER BE A FACTOR- lupe fiasco

    Check out his twitter @rustyrockets tweeting about the brazilian protests, #iambradleymanning, and those videos I just posted.

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  3. #2
    Yeah, because asking for higher taxes is so great!

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Danan View Post
    Yeah, because asking for higher taxes is so great!
    yeaaa saw this post coming lol

  5. #4
    from that same show.

    Russel : "unless there is significant changed where we get our revenue from, and I might suggest people that got loads and loads of money... yes like me mate, I should pay a bit more tax"

    Boris interjects: "I'm sure the government would accept a voluntary contribution"

    Russel " If I was going to voluntarily hand over my money it would not be to the Tory government man cause I don't trust them people."
    I surmised Russel is an idiot.

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