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Thread: Rand Paul's Hilarious Answer on the Changing Perception of the Immigration Bill

  1. #1
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    Rand Paul's Hilarious Answer on the Changing Perception of the Immigration Bill

    He's literally putting on a masterful act so the MSM has less ammo to throw at him. Here's the money quote:

    Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who was once viewed as a gettable vote, said, “There’s no great groundswell of Republicans telling me to vote for this.”
    Oh well, he tried his best. Is someone deftly playing the game or what? Does anyone think that Rand is going to vote for a bill that will have a 6 trillion dollar negative impact in terms of overall government expenditures long-term? I don't.
    Last edited by AuH20; 06-19-2013 at 10:47 AM.

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  3. #2
    I never thought he would vote for this in the first place. But fully expected Rand, Cruz and Lee to lead Republican opposition against the Amnesty. That didn't happen though.

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