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Thread: Boy Scouts vote to allow gay members

  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    Government has infected everything, there is nothing it has not touched, so therefore everything is subject to government oversight and regulation.

    "You didn't build that".
    I would say that it never touched my balls, but then I remembered the TSA.

    Dang it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sister Miriam Godwinson View Post
    We Must Dissent.

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  3. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by PaulConventionWV View Post
    I'm not so sure if it will. For one, we don't really have a free market in America anymore. Secondly, the Scouts have been threatened with legal action for a long time, and it's not about to stop. I wouldn't count on the free market when there is so much politics mixed up in this.

    Both of the above organizations have been around for decades. The Pathfinders since 1930 and the Royal Rangers since 1962. As many scout troops are church affiliated, I expect to see growth in both of these groups, especially the Rangers. (The Royal Rangers are non-denominational). Since both groups are expressly religious, they aren't subject to the same kind legal pressures the scouts faced. So in a few years we'll see how serious people are about the issue. But as far as I'm concerned scouting died when girl scout troops started camping in malls.
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  4. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    Government has infected everything, there is nothing it has not touched, so therefore everything is subject to government oversight and regulation.

    "You didn't build that".
    And the sheeple begged for it. IIRC, even cap guns were banned at the grade school I went to. TPTB have pretty much banned boyhood (and childhood in general) for us lay persons. Epic fail.

    ETA: Do you happen to know if average boys are allowed to have slingshots anymore? If not, I shed a tear for teh boys.
    Last edited by heavenlyboy34; 05-23-2013 at 07:19 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Torchbearer
    what works can never be discussed online. there is only one language the government understands, and until the people start speaking it by the magazine full... things will remain the same.
    Hear/buy my music here "government is the enemy of liberty"-RP Support me on Patreon here Ephesians 6:12

  5. #64
    Quote Originally Posted by heavenlyboy34 View Post
    And the sheeple begged for it. IIRC, even cap guns were banned at the grade school I went to. TPTB have pretty much banned boyhood (and childhood in general) for us lay persons. Epic fail.

    ETA: Do you happen to know if average boys are allowed to have slingshots anymore? If not, I shed a tear for teh boys.
    Agressive war on boyhood is aggresive.

    I can't say for sure, but my guess is that any boy walking around with or going into school with a slingshot would be arrested.

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  7. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by PaulConventionWV View Post
    Does it matter? What's the difference between an individual and a group of individuals that have a stated purpose?
    Corporations are people, my friend?

    If you pay taxes, and if you're able to get some of that back in the form of financial aid, then good for you.

    If you're a tax-exempt organization taking Federal money, then you play by Federal rules.

    Besides, as others have pointed, and I completely overlooked - they're calling this a "private" organization making a private decision - Feds weren't involved. They exercised their free will and took a vote. Even better.
    Let's move forward to the Constitution.. I am the new GOP. I stand with Rand.

  8. #66
    Don't care that much, but if I were a Scout ( I joined for only a year), I would not agree with this new policy. Uncomfortable to be sharing a tent or cabin with people who are openly gay.

  9. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    Agressive war on boyhood is aggresive.

    I can't say for sure, but my guess is that any boy walking around with or going into school with a slingshot would be arrested.
    And Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn would have been arrested for skinny dipping and would have ended up on a sex offenders list.

  10. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by Krzysztof Lesiak View Post
    Don't care that much, but if I were a Scout ( I joined for only a year), I would not agree with this new policy. Uncomfortable to be sharing a tent or cabin with people who are openly gay.
    If they are going to do this, why not just put the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts together and call the organization "The Scouts?"

  11. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.3D View Post
    And Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn would have been arrested for skinny dipping and would have ended up on a sex offenders list.
    And Mark Twain for writing about it.

  12. #70
    The homosexual propaganda machine is a force in this world.

  13. #71
    I must of had a very different experience in Scouts.

    I learned how to shoot a gun and a bow/arrow. I even entered scout rifle tournaments and did rather well.
    I had my first beer, liquor and weed experiences on Scout camping trips. First porn too.
    I learned how to make shelter and the use of good knots (dont forget frapping).

    I value those years and experiences. I made lifelong friendships. The person who reached out to be friends with me, we wound up actually working for the same company, but in very different roles. We have been friends for 30 something years and still get together once a month just the two of us.

    I would have perferred the BSA to basically take no approach, and leave it up to the local councils to decide what is best for their different troops, but alas, it's too late for that.

  14. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Sola_Fide View Post
    The homosexual propaganda machine is a force in this world.
    In this country, not the whole world.

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  16. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    I hardly see it as any stigma at all.
    Willful ignorance on your part. Go read some comments on FoxNews on this development:

    "whats next , bull dyke carpet munchers in the girl scouts ?"
    "Sick sick!!"
    "The new Boy Scout leader is going to be, Herbert the Pedophile from family guy. An his first order of business is to move the Scout HQ to Spooner St. Ever new Scout get a Pope on the rope soap bar."
    "most parents really don't want their sons hanging out with gay boys !"
    "Bring your limp wrists and your lisps."
    "sadly another sign the world is coming to an end!!"
    "Boy Scouts are now ALL Abominations..."
    "Sin is sin"
    "Kids, when you go to boy scout camp, and you are in the shower. If you drop the soap, whatever you do, DO NOT PICK IT UP."
    "NAMBLA scouts!? Disgusting!!"

    That took me less than 60 seconds to compile. I encourage you to examine the other 4100+ comments, 75% of which are similar or worse.

    You say there is no stigma because it is inconvenient for your narrative.

  17. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    I hardly see it as any stigma at all.

    Everything I see is making it cause for celebration, actually.

    But this was the same argument that was used when the "mainline" churches capitulated on this issue 20 years ago.

    And they are shadows of what they once were.

    But, like SA said at the outset, it's a "meh" kind of issue for me...I never cared for the Scouts unquestioned fealty to State and Flag anyways, so it's probably a good thing they'll cease to be after a while.

    Next we will have a big celebration when groups make it part of their charter to accept furies.

    Look I don't really give a $#@! if people are gay. I don't care if you're a furry or have a foot fetish, or like to take a dump on someone's chest. It's just $#@!ing annoying when we're supposed to celebrate how awesome this is or how it's bigoted to not believe this is 100% normal.... here's a clue - it isn't.
    Ron Paul: "For those who have asked, I freely confess that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior, and that I seek His guidance in all that I do."

  18. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by PaulConventionWV View Post
    Seems kind of an usual topic for AF, but I am not necessarily disapprove.
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    You do mean, UNusual, am I right?

    Because I normally steer clear of such topics...
    Lol and the forum grammar nazi goes down, seriously from here on out you cannot say $#@! as you are a hypocrite of your own game.
    "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

  19. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.3D View Post
    If they are going to do this, why not just put the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts together and call the organization "The Scouts?"
    Because clearly only heteros actually act on their sexual attractions duh! /sarc
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  20. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.3D View Post
    If they are going to do this, why not just put the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts together and call the organization "The Scouts?"
    Instead of Eagle Scouts call them Equal Scouts. <------I hope I am not giving them any ideas!
    “The spirits of darkness are now among us. We have to be on guard so that we may realize what is happening when we encounter them and gain a real idea of where they are to be found. The most dangerous thing you can do in the immediate future will be to give yourself up unconsciously to the influences which are definitely present.” ~ Rudolf Steiner

  21. #78
    I've known a lot of gays- some are very Christian and are celibate; some are just trying to live their life.

    A good friend of mine committed suicide because he was gay and loved his church- didn't work for him.

    I see nothing wrong in accepting all boys into the Boy Scouts- just follow the rules.
    There is no spoon.

  22. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Root View Post
    I would have perferred the BSA to basically take no approach, and leave it up to the local councils to decide what is best for their different troops, but alas, it's too late for that.
    That would have made the most sense.
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  23. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by sailingaway View Post
    Really not sure about that. The youth protection applies regardless of gender or identity or persuasion, and that is the only way it works, because child predators cover up those feelings from decent folks of whatever gender identity or persuasion. I repeat that the sex scandals in Boy Scouts were all by leaders thought by all to be straight.
    I will second that. My older brother was molested (raped), for years, often at gunpoint, by a scout leader named Kevin who was straight and a former cop. If you knew this guy, you would never suspect in a million years that he was a child predator, and he certainly didn't act gay. Of course being gay and being a pedophile are two completely separate things, and this is my point. This guy was a fine upstanding manly man that everyone looked up to. Who liked to rape little boys.

    Those who are "out" are certainly not interested in little kids. At least not any gay person I've ever known.

    Lastly as a former scout myself, I don't see why this should change anything. All it means is that when little Joey recites the Scout Law, if he's gay, he doesn't have to feel this terrible dread of guilt in his heart every time he says the first item on the list: Trustworthy. People shouldn't have to lie, or hide who they are or pretend they're something they're not simply to be accepted by others and treated with the bare minimum amount of respect as a human being. It's two thousand $#@!ing thirteen, already.

    You don't have to like other people or approve of what they do, but at least try not to be an $#@! to others when they've done nothing to you to deserve it. Nobody's destroying America. (Well they are, but not the gays. That credit goes to our leaders and their corporate puppet masters.) People just want freedom to be who they are. Something I think all of us claim to want for ourselves as well.
    Last edited by WhistlinDave; 05-23-2013 at 09:02 PM.
    "Some supporters of the war use their religion to justify the war. Evidently, I’ve been reading from a different Bible." — Ron Paul
    “I'm supportive of all voluntary associations and people can call it whatever they want.” ― Ron Paul

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  25. #81
    Also, keep in mind that even in explorer scouts (which is co-ed, 14-21 years old, part of BSA), you arent allowed to have sex with each other...

    This is not saying "ok, lets have gay sex at Philmont [scout ranch]", it's saying that you don't have to pretend not to be gay every thursday night. At least, we had our meetings on thursdays.

  26. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by jonhowe View Post
    Willful ignorance on your part. Go read some comments on FoxNews on this development:

    You say there is no stigma because it is inconvenient for your narrative.
    I have no narrative and care very little about it, actually.

  27. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by QuickZ06 View Post
    Lol and the forum grammar nazi goes down, seriously from here on out you cannot say $#@! as you are a hypocrite of your own game.

    What did I do now?

  28. #84
    I don't understand why people are against this? Liberty means putting up with the things you don't agree with.

    Tom Dickin' Harry isn't going to make me want to dick Harry as well.

  29. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Paladin69 View Post
    I don't understand why people are against this?

    Liberty means putting up with the things you don't agree with.

    Tom Dickin' Harry isn't going to make me want to dick Harry as well.
    Maybe because BSA got pressured into doing this because other people were not willing to put up with the idea that they could exclude gay boys if they wanted to.

  30. #86

    Free to smoke dick.

    Privacy to have an abortion.

    Not so much for anything else. "

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Anti Federalist again.

    why I should worship the state (who apparently is the only party that can possess guns without question).
    The state's only purpose is to kill and control. Why do you worship it? - Sola_Fide

    Baptiste said.
    At which point will Americans realize that creating an unaccountable institution that is able to pass its liability on to tax-payers is immoral and attracts sociopaths?

  31. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by PaulConventionWV View Post
    You're absolutely right. There is never enough gayness in American culture, apparently.
    LOLZ!! That strikes me as very funny for some reason.
    Quote Originally Posted by Torchbearer
    what works can never be discussed online. there is only one language the government understands, and until the people start speaking it by the magazine full... things will remain the same.
    Hear/buy my music here "government is the enemy of liberty"-RP Support me on Patreon here Ephesians 6:12

  32. #88
    Here's a solution...

    I don't agree with their decision. Therefore, I choose to not send my kid to Scouts.


    I applaud their decision. My child will continue to be a Scout if he so wishes.

    Whoa... Heavy stuff, eh?

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  34. #89
    I do not believe that it is simply public pressure, money has a lot to do with it. I am a former scout, and current scout leader. The people "higher up" the line have very well paying jobs, and a good amount of money is being made off of scouting. (A look at the prices of uniforms and other "official" supplies vouch for that.) I have nicknamed it the Boy Scout Industrial complex. The big money pressured the BSA to make this decision and they bowed to it.

  35. #90
    As a Scout leader myself, I find it odd that they found 61% in favor considering the major conservative evangelicals and Mormons make up a bulk of charters. Regardless of your views on homosexuality, this was about the most asinine way to handle this policy. Essentially they're forcing religious organizations to be at risk (including forcing acceptance of homosexuality on them) and they're pretending that gay Scouts magically stop being gay when they turn 18. I've never seen such an impractical and inconsiderate (to both sides) policy put into place in a private organization.

    Their desire for inclusivity and progressiveness has created a mess for the Troop leaders. How can we teach our boys that a Scout is brave with the lot of these cowards?

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