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Thread: Ron Paul In New Movie Trailer

  1. #1

    Ron Paul In New Movie Trailer

    If you have followed Ron Paul you will have seen this clip before, before the clip even started, I thought Ron Paul will be in this.
    And sure enough he was.

    h xxp://
    Last edited by sailingaway; 04-08-2013 at 06:46 PM.
    Et cognoscetis veritatem et veritas liberabit vos

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  3. #2

  4. #3
    Morton Downey Jr. clip with Ron Paul always leaves me with mix emotions. It's great tv, but the fact that someone could say such nasty things to a man like Ron Paul disgusts me.
    Rand Paul 2016

  5. #4
    Watching the rest of the trailer, it actually looks like a decent documentary. Bump this thread when it comes out. I might give it a watch.
    Rand Paul 2016

  6. #5
    Wow... I totally forgot about that show. One of my older brothers watched it and I got hooked in, although I just remember thinking it was crazy. Actually I think I remember it made me uncomfortable at the time... LOL We also watched Wally George. Totally forgot all about both of them!!
    "Some supporters of the war use their religion to justify the war. Evidently, I’ve been reading from a different Bible." — Ron Paul
    “I'm supportive of all voluntary associations and people can call it whatever they want.” ― Ron Paul

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