Yup, here is a nice training manual you can read to see what steps they are currently taking in the USSA-R. All of this sounds VERY familiar. I bet its even worse but this is my first step at reading into this topic.

In the book Punitive Medicine by Alexander Podrabinek, the term "punitive medicine", which is identified with "punitive psychiatry," is defined as "a tool in the struggle against dissidents who cannot be punished by legal means."[13] Punitive psychiatry is neither a discrete subject nor a psychiatric specialty but, rather, it is a disciplinary function arising within many applied sciences in totalitarian countries where members of a profession may feel themselves compelled to service the diktats of power.[14] Psychiatric confinement of sane people is uniformly considered a particularly pernicious form of repression[15] and Soviet punitive psychiatry was one of the key weapons of both illegal and legal repression.[16]