
one of the things I have neglected is to have a set of pre-written bios to distribute ahead of speaking engagements. This neglect has been no end of headaches. I think 4 or 5 primary different bios to suit dramatically differnt audiences, and maybe they can be customized from there to fit individual situations.

In any case, here is one I just wrote extemporaneous for a Liber-Tea-Publican thing I am keynoting Saturday.

Former North Carolina State House Representative Glen Bradley is a respected liberty activist, and he has been a bold advocate for constitutional government for 16 years. Activated by the Ron Paul Revolution in 2007, and elected to the General Assembly in the Tea Party Rebellion of 2010, Glen has not swerved in his commitment to carry out Constitutional government in North Carolina and the United States.

Glen has spent most of his inter-party efforts since 2009, building bridges between the Conservatives, Constitutionalists, Goldwaterites, Libertarian Republicans, Ron Paul Republicans, Tea Partiers, Fiscal Conservatives, and populist Republicans, while outside of the Republican Party, he has worked to advance the cause of constitutional government through demonstrations, rallies, education, and political action conferences designed to produce constitutionalist legislation, and a constitutionalist electorate.

Most recently, Glen Bradley levied his own Constitutionalist Alliance organization to host an "Honor the Oath" Rally adjacent to the General Assembly on Opening Day, January 9th, 2013, intended to remind our legislators that more people than ever are waking up to the corruption of government, and We the People mean to see that our elected officials uphold and defend our constitutions.

Glen Bradley currently travels North Carolina speaking to the conservative grassroots about the importance of rallying around a unifying principle like Constitutional compliance as the answer to building non-establishment conservative coalitions large and powerful enough to change the course of history.
That's probably the most flattering bio I've ever written for myself, and it makes my teeth hurt.

Still, I need to have a short handful of these things polised and media-ready to just dispatch on call.

So feedback and input as always.