Yeah, yet another white house petition, probably pointless but what the hell.
If you want to tell the FDA to back off the growing electronic cigarette market here is one you should consider signing:

Prevent the FDA from regulating or banning the sale and use of electronic cigarettes, accessories and associated liquids

Prevent the FDA from regulating or banning the sale and use of electronic cigarettes, accessories and associated liquids

The FDA has repeatedly stated its intent to propose a “deeming” regulation to apply Chapter IX of the FSPTCA to e-cigarettes. But Sections 905 and 910 would ban all e-cigarettes, and other provisions of Chapter IX would also decimate the e-cigarette industry, protect cigarette markets and otherwise threaten public health. The FDA should NOT propose or approve any regulation that would deny cigarette smokers legal or affordable access to less hazardous smokefree alternatives. ~ Bill Godshall

E-cigarettes and associated accessories and liquids are less hazardous than cigarettes and can reduce the risks of smoking. With the use of these devices millions have successfully reduced the use of cigarettes. Don't let the FDA deny us access to these alternatives to smoking.

Created: Jan 14, 2013

Issues: Health Care, Regulatory Reform, Small Business