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Thread: Rand Paul On The Record with Greta van Susteren

  1. #1

    Rand Paul On The Record with Greta van Susteren

    Last edited by jct74; 12-29-2012 at 12:04 AM.

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  3. #2
    excellent, thanks!
    The bigger government gets, the smaller I wish it was.
    My new motto: More Love, Less Laws

  4. #3

  5. #4
    I made a tube for this.......

    “The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened”.
    - Josef Stalin

  6. #5
    Two points:

    1. Fiscal Cliff: Cut Spending, Increase Taxes (which does not directly correlate to additional revenue; ask me to provide a link). Lets do it.

    2. Debt Ceiling: If not raising equals no refunds for those too stupid to realize its their money anyway, well..... Lets do that too.

    Shake it up.

  7. #6
    It's not a net cut in spending though, it's all Washington DC speak.

  8. #7
    Rand is the only thing keeping the GOP relevant. He's their last chance.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Natural Citizen View Post
    Rand is the only thing keeping the GOP relevant. He's their last chance.
    I think Ron was their last chance. At least he was for many of us that have been following him.

    Rand may be the GOP's next opportunity.. we shall see.
    Maxed out to ALL of Ron Paul's campaigns.

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Natural Citizen View Post
    Rand is the only thing keeping the GOP relevant. He's their last chance.
    That's what I think as well. If the GOP nominates someone like Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio in 2016, that will mark the end of the GOP. Even if someone like that happened to win the Presidency, they would be so unpopular in 2020 that they would lose re-election in a landslide and destroy the Republican Party.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Traditional Conservative View Post
    That's what I think as well. If the GOP nominates someone like Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio in 2016, that will mark the end of the GOP. Even if someone like that happened to win the Presidency, they would be so unpopular in 2020 that they would lose re-election in a landslide and destroy the Republican Party.
    Unfortunately, I don't think nominating Rubio would be the end of the GOP, since he has a lot of Obama-esque qualities. His political positions are horrendous, but he's a good cheerleader.

    Love how Rand throws in the 4th Amendment talk in the interview. I don't think Greta was ready for that.
    Libertarian Republican trying to help break the one-party state in Massachusetts

    Looking for new liberty candidates for 2014 and beyond

  13. #11
    If the GOP doesn't make Rand the nominee in 2016 they are even bigger fools than I already believe they are.

  14. #12
    The gop and the dems are on the same team.The liberty movement is making some progress we can't give up or in.

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Working Poor View Post
    The gop and the dems are on the same team.
    I've noticed that there's just unbelievable bipartisanship in Washington when it comes to things like foreign aid, assaulting the Bill of Rights, spending money recklessly, etc. It really is Rand Paul and Mike Lee vs. the rest of the Senate.

  16. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by pacelli View Post
    I think Ron was their last chance. At least he was for many of us that have been following him.

    Rand may be the GOP's next opportunity.. we shall see.
    I don't know. I like Rand. I do. On his own, he's strong. It's just the leeches that screw it all up. For me, at least. If Rand's actual platform were the subject instead of the social media platform efforts, I think he'd be better off in establishing his platform to those who are new to him. These youngins and their short sighted social platforms do far more damage to the actual act of going the distance than I think they realize. It tends to be more of a 'look at me, I'm doing something" gag but really what many are doing is practical only s far as they themselves understand worth. Whatever though. As I said elsewhere here. I'm just going to stay out of most of the discussion.

  17. #15
    Greta seems to be the only one on Fox that allows Rand on to speak his piece. Hannity and BillO have him blackballed and Cavuto has gone awol on us.

  18. #16
    The GOP's last chance ? Do you honestly believe these people give a $#@!. Sociopaths don't worry about the whole, even if it's the voters intention. Also why would we want to preserve a dinosaur. Why not just let it join the fossil record. Also if the entire party is going down won't liberty candidates be taken with it? (assuming the media won't be there to sort it out.)

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