Quote Originally Posted by thequietkid10 View Post
and if so how do you reconcile this fact with your support of Ron Paul.

And by government dole, I don't mean perfectly competent person working for the government or a company that has a lot of government contracts. I mean someone who gets welfare.

My brother now gets SSI, he's very sweet, likes Ron Paul and dreams of having a family one day. But he has Aspergers, could not get his Associates degree after failing biology 3 times, is incredibly naive and has struggled to even hold an industrial cleaning position. He is not entirely incapable of work, he's been successful working in food service at a nursing home, has worked for a while as a amusement park cleaner (including this summer when he also worked packing books) The book packing job he still has through a non profit known as Suburban Adult Services.

When him and I do chores he needs a lot of directions, otherwise he'll stand around or work really slowly. I don't think he's slow on purpose, either he is incapable of focusing or he is a product of being held to a different lower his whole life.

Anyway, I guess my point is that I am conflicted about whether or not we should have government welfare and whether or not my brother needs it.

Do you donate 5% of your income to charities? Should I point a gun at your head to make you?

Anyway, I guess my point is that I am conflicted about whether or not we should have fascists point guns at people and kill them for money and whether or not my brother needs their money by hook or by crook.
Fixed it for you.