Wells Fargo is America’s biggest tax-dodger. Wells Fargo put taxpayers on the hook for $43 billion in bailout funds[i], made record profits, and paid negative federal income taxes over the last three years. While we struggle to save our homes and schools, Wells Fargo refuses to pay its fair share.

Wells Fargo made a three-year US profit of $49.3 billion[ii], with an additional $1.6 billion stashed in offshore tax-havens.[iii] The corporation received $17.96 billion in tax breaks over those 3 years – more than any other company.[iv]
Wells Fargo didn’t pay any federal income taxes on its billions in profit. Instead, the corporation received a refund of $681 million on federal taxes from 2008 to 2010.[v]
Despite taxpayer bailout funds and record profits, Wells Fargo slashed 6,385 jobs.[vi] Meanwhile, the top five Wells Fargo executives raked in almost $50 million in one year.[vii]
