Good morning Paulers, I am working on an effort to draft Dr. Greg Brannon for US Senate 2014.

Dr Brannon is an OB/GYN in Cary, NC with a clear vision for restoring the Founder's vision of these united States, by restoring the Constitutional order. In my humble experience, he is the best of both worlds between Ron and Rand. He has the hard-hitting uncompromising principled of Ron, while he is able to articulate those principles in ways that Conservatives and Tea Parties directly understand like Rand.

Here is a news report including an interview of Dr. Brannon from 2010:

An unflinching adherent to Ron Paul's strict Constitutionalist foreign policy (more so than Rand), as well as being able to articulate that policy towards Republicans, Tea Partiers, and Conservatives in ways that even Ron Paul can not, Dr. Brannon will be one of the strongest and most celebrated advocates for our movement in the US Senate in the last 200 years.

Therefore, I submit for your consideration, this effort to draft Dr. Greg Brannon for US Senate in 2014.