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Thread: Tyranny.What Are The Irreducible Necessities Of A Successful Tyranny?

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    Tyranny.What Are The Irreducible Necessities Of A Successful Tyranny?

    Any good books on the this?What is the size of the average oligarchy?From evolutionary biology we seem to prefer 100 acquaintances which resemble the old extended family groups.Do oligarchies follow this pattern?

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    Quote Originally Posted by S.Shorland View Post
    Any good books on the this?What is the size of the average oligarchy?From evolutionary biology we seem to prefer 100 acquaintances which resemble the old extended family groups.Do oligarchies follow this pattern?
    While these oligarchy entities are in violation of the people's Civil Purpose (natural rights), they are being empowered by the legal precedents of civil rights.
    First off, these loyalistic entities hold the powers of manipulation to be greater than the foundation of the truth -- the real power our Founders shined a light on.
    On the level of the conscience, a natural right has more influence than a civil right. Regardless of what a oligarchy manages to steal and hoard for itself of the land and resources by the use of such schemes and ploys as banking, counterfeiting, lobbying, and so on, by natural law, it is the disadvantaged people who own all the land as well as the purse (wealth). All the exercizing of our civil rights manages to do is add the business of law on to the long list of inequities tyranny has dispensed in the past in order to keep the people from gaining control.
    And all the people are trying to do for themselves is find happiness beyond the cruel business of survival.
    The reason our government is so evil today is because of a fallacy that, through the process of the two party system, a little over half of the population can manage to sue a little under half of the population out of business to the benefit of all.
    Ultimately, as someone else will be proclaimed to be the tyranny persecuting the people, no one in government feels they are accountable. As a result, our government thinks it has it worked it all out to the extent all involved will be held blameless on judgement day.
    We are being governed today by drunkards intoxicated (poisoned) by the false powers of manipulation.
    Last edited by Uncle Emanuel Watkins; 07-30-2012 at 12:13 PM.

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