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Thread: CA Los Angeles County, Officials admit throwing away absentee ballots with undesired votes

  1. #1

    CA Los Angeles County, Officials admit throwing away absentee ballots with undesired votes

    California, Los Angeles County,city of Cudahy:

    (1) Officials admitted to opening absentee ballots and looking at them before deciding whether to count them
    (2) They admit to throwing away the ballots with votes for candidates they did not want
    (3) They kept the ballots for candidates they did want

    Reminder: For an election to be valid, the public must be able to see and authenticate four things:
    - Who can vote (voter list)
    - Who did vote
    - Vote count
    - Chain of custody

    Corrupting any one of the four essential areas invalidates all the rest. Absentee voting places an unsustainable burden on chain of custody. The public cannot know whether the ballots that were counted (a) are all of the ballots that were cast; (b) are only the ballots that were cast; or (c) are the same ones that were cast.

    This is why risk needs to be reduced with checks and balances like those in Pennsylvania for absentee voting. No-fault absentee voting puts unsupportable stress on election chain of custody; permanent absentee voting rips chain of custody in shreds; and forced all-absentee voting violates three out of four public authentication requirements.

    Check out the following article:

    Los Angeles Times - By Kevin Roderick | July 12, 2012 2:54 PM bserved%29
    Statistics don't lie, people do.

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  3. #2
    Never did trust voting absentee. Too much that can go wrong, especially with the USPS.

    I wonder where else this occurs….
    Rand Paul 2016

  4. #3
    Never did trust voting absentee. Too much that can go wrong, especially with the USPS.

    I wonder where else this occurs….
    Rand Paul 2016

  5. #4
    I don't lie it either. Absentee balloting, and the extended voting durations, early voting...I don't like any of it.

    I feel like that grumpy puppet.

  6. #5
    I take this personally, I voted by absentee ballot.

    Are they going to prison?

    Guess I'd better read that.
    "Integrity means having to say things that people don't want to hear & especially to say things that the regime doesn't want to hear.” -Ron Paul

    "Bathtub falls and police officers kill more Americans than terrorism, yet we've been asked to sacrifice our most sacred rights for fear of falling victim to it." -Edward Snowden

  7. #6
    Ya, Pennsylvania definitely needs to be checked out. Especially Lebanon County.

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by sailingaway View Post
    I take this personally, I voted by absentee ballot.

    Are they going to prison?

    Guess I'd better read that.
    Prison? Embarrassing them on local TV is enough punishment, why are you so mean?


    What is the difference between a hero and a cop? A hero will not hesitate to risk his life to protect your safety, a cop will not hesitate to risk your life to protect his safety.
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    Authoritarian leftists. Political prisoners. Gulags. Where are we again?

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by ronpaulfollower999 View Post
    Never did trust voting absentee. Too much that can go wrong, especially with the USPS.

    I wonder where else this occurs….
    How about...everywhere?

    At least with the absentee ballot there was a paper trail of sorts to figure this out.

    "Voting" on touch screen, paperless, electronic systems is, as far as I'm concerned, a total and utter waste of time.

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  11. #9
    There are good comments on Bev Harris thread.

    Here's one from Riverside County greatest vote integrity activist:

    "Let the word go out to all who would advocate for "all mail-in ballots", or even to expand the current participation rate in "absentee ballots" that it IS possible to rig an election doing just what the Cudahy city (criminal) officials did. It is incredibly hard to catch this kind of practice, thus the adamant opposition to mail-in ballots by nearly all clear-thinking election integrity advocates.
    This is the first clear-cut case I have heard of (likely I missed a few) involving mail-in ballots where the criminals admitted what they did and opened up like an anchovy can for all to see how it is/can be done. No longer can election officials say with a straight face that we needn't worry about the absentee ballots. For truly, under this scenario, a good number of the ballots did become ABSENT, by criminal actions. There is far too much FRAUD CAPACITY in the mail-in/absentee ballot element of elections to justify continuing such an option. Who knows how many elections are stolen every election cycle by just such simple and sinister means? And it only takes the collusion of a few well-placed individuals with well-greased palms.

    Clearly it is NOT the VOTERS committing voter fraud, but rather ELECTION OFFICIALS and their lackeys committing ELECTION FRAUD. Election fraud is the wholesale version of stealing an election. While many politicians cry foul about "voter fraud", it has been proven over and over that "VOTER fraud" is so minimal as to hardly impact any election. But "ELECTION fraud", now THAT is an offense that can rig election after election after election, as the good folks at the City of Cudahy have so amply demonstrated for us.

    This is why we MUST return to the tried and true voting at the voting booth with paper and pencil. Electronic voting machines have been shown repeatedly to be subject to easy manipulation and are fast becoming a thing of the past (thankfully). Voting machine companies are offering to buy the machines back from counties for $1 per machine; machines that cost taxpayers $3,500 or more. Following the close of the polls, a fresh group of volunteers should be brought in to count the ballots, and post the results at the precinct prior to transporting the ballots to the central tabulator. That way, citizens can compare the totals for Precinct 12345 as hand-counted and posted at the precinct to the totals for Precinct 12345 as reported by the central tabulator. Any discrepancies would then be immediately apparent and could be investigated and reconciled. We CANNOT allow tampering with our elections. To do so, is to sell our democracy to the sleaziest bidder. Demand hand-counted paper ballots at all elections."

    I'm kind of surprised that this story is not getting the traction.

    Please help spread this story, this really should be all over the news. If you want to get rid of vote by mail, please let the world know about this fraud.
    Statistics don't lie, people do.

  12. #10
    "To vote is nothing. To count the votes is everything."
    Joseph Stalin
    Out of every one hundred men they send us, ten should not even be here. Eighty will do nothing but serve as targets for the enemy. Nine are real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, upon them depends our success in battle. But one, ah the one, he is a real warrior, and he will bring the others back from battle alive.

    Duty is the most sublime word in the English language. Do your duty in all things. You can not do more than your duty. You should never wish to do less than your duty.

  13. #11
    "if you don't vote you can't complain"


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