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Thread: Diablo 3 Real Money Auction House

  1. #1

    Diablo 3 Real Money Auction House

    I know some of you guys here play Diablo 3... but what do you think about Real Money Auction House (RMAH)? It is the selling of virtual items, in game, for real money.

    I assume we can apply real life market/economy into a game.

    The other day, I quit Diablo 3 because it requires
    1) Smartphone or buy an authenticator
    2) SMS Protection (unlimited texting) to use RMAH

    I don't like it when there are features of the game I can't utilize because it requires additional, outside peripheral devices. Not everyone has a smartphone or texting... not even in this day and age. Anyways ^^, enough of my ranting. The other day, bought Guild Wars 2.

    What do you, those that play, think of the economy of Diablo 3 and where it would lead to. Gold and Real Money.

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  3. #2
    I didn't know about those conditions.

    I have a few items back logged to sell for real life currency. I'm nearly done ACT 1 for Inferno Mode...It's EXTREMELY difficult.

    I'm planning on using D3 as supplemental income.

    Work all day....get home...bong toke...$$$ farm on D3. LOL.

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    I didn't know about those conditions.

    I have a few items back logged to sell for real life currency. I'm nearly done ACT 1 for Inferno Mode...It's EXTREMELY difficult.

    I'm planning on using D3 as supplemental income.

    Work all day....get home...bong toke...$$$ farm on D3. LOL.
    Some people really buying 100-200 dollar items. my friend sold a 100 dollar item, but made mistake to have it as blizzard dollars.

  5. #4
    Yeah I know man, this is huge international game. There is some serious money to be made.

    Quote Originally Posted by alucard13mmfmj View Post
    Some people really buying 100-200 dollar items. my friend sold a 100 dollar item, but made mistake to have it as blizzard dollars.

  6. #5
    There needs to be an MMO type game base on the The American Revolution, and war of 1812 and the Civil War.

  7. #6
    You know the authenticator is only $6?

    I wanted to get into the RMAH but been too busy lately. Stuck on the Balial fight (think its the end of Act II?). Might have to lower the graphics to cut down on lag during the explosions.

  8. #7

  9. #8
    To kill Belial, the key is to stick to the two far corners (away from his poison pools as much as possible). Pick one and stay steadfast in that corner, moving as little possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by redbluepill View Post
    You know the authenticator is only $6?

    I wanted to get into the RMAH but been too busy lately. Stuck on the Balial fight (think its the end of Act II?). Might have to lower the graphics to cut down on lag during the explosions.

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  11. #9
    Supporting Member
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    Thats crappy to have those specific conditions, but perhaps they do that to limit pirating of the game. I loved Diablo II and was pretty excited to try out D3 at one point but I don't even have a dumb phone, doubt I'll have a smart phone for years.

  12. #10

    Quote Originally Posted by soulcyon View Post
    Lol seraphim...

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by redbluepill View Post
    You know the authenticator is only $6?

    I wanted to get into the RMAH but been too busy lately. Stuck on the Balial fight (think its the end of Act II?). Might have to lower the graphics to cut down on lag during the explosions.
    I know authenticator is 6.50, but still need texting ;s.

  14. #12
    texting is free, get a google voice number

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by gerryb View Post
    texting is free, get a google voice number
    google voice, VoIP doesnt work.

    prepaid phones dont work.

  16. #14
    first of all, terrible game.

    second of all, you will be making less than 1/4th minimum wage at the most optimistic estimate within 60 days from now due to bot harvesting crashing item costs. not to mention your electricity costs. good luck.

  17. #15
    Video games taught me about inflation..

    I played Ultima Online in high school -- selling virtual items for real money is how I made money - I made more than my friends who worked at the mall - and if I were smart and understood the value of money, would have been a millionaire from it.. I could make $800-1200 a day whenever I needed it, just from farming. If I had gone into it as a business I could have made more as a broker/dealer.

    Multiple exploits came out to "dupe" gold and items, and inflation destroyed the game economy over time. It was fun while it lasted -- when you're carrying $100 worth of gear, it hurts when you die. It's that much sweeter when you get $30 worth of loot from someone, too =)

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by MRK View Post
    first of all, terrible game.

    second of all, you will be making less than 1/4th minimum wage at the most optimistic estimate within 60 days from now due to bot harvesting crashing item costs. not to mention your electricity costs. good luck.
    I think most of the money would be made the first 1-2 weeks.. after that. it is all downhill.

    I stopped playing d3 a few days ago. I bought guild wars 2, waiting for release or beta weekends.

    Gold duping is like printing money XD.......

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  20. #17
    I tried to sell an item, with fairly consistant stats(shoulders with vit, int, and all resistance) for $2.50, but nobody bought it.

    On the other hand, I've heard of people actually buying items at the max price of $250.

    At any rate, there's going to be massive deflation over the next month or so. Anything otherwise would make me feel very sad for my fellow man.
    If you wanted some sort of Ideological purity, you'll get none of that from me.

  21. #18
    maybe we can get to gamers... and try to equate gold dupers to the federal reserve. lol.

    average mmorpg gamer is mature, voting age. i think it would make things easier to relate to.


  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by alucard13mmfmj View Post
    maybe we can get to gamers... and try to equate gold dupers to the federal reserve. lol.

    average mmorpg gamer is mature, voting age. i think it would make things easier to relate to.

    Won't work. Mostly because the majority of the gamers will correctly identify the FED with blizzard itself.
    If you wanted some sort of Ideological purity, you'll get none of that from me.

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    To kill Belial, the key is to stick to the two far corners (away from his poison pools as much as possible). Pick one and stay steadfast in that corner, moving as little possible.
    Gotcha. Ty. Saw some tutorial videos and none of them mentioned that strategy.

  24. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam I am View Post
    Won't work. Mostly because the majority of the gamers will correctly identify the FED with blizzard itself.
    the fed wouldnt be the gold dupers?

  25. #22
    I'd never use it so it wouldn't affect me at all. I'd rather just get items the old fashioned way; finding amazing drops makes legendary gaming memories. Buying amazing items doesn't do that. I remember getting a Mara's Kaleidoscope from a meph run. I remember getting a Ber rune from some normal monster. A lot of good memories with D2. I'm hoping I'll have the same experience with D3. So far I find the game nothing particularly special. No where near, as in, not even close to how epic I thought it was going to be; but that's how over hyping stuff goes anyways...

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by seraphson View Post
    I'd never use it so it wouldn't affect me at all. I'd rather just get items the old fashioned way; finding amazing drops makes legendary gaming memories. Buying amazing items doesn't do that. I remember getting a Mara's Kaleidoscope from a meph run. I remember getting a Ber rune from some normal monster. A lot of good memories with D2. I'm hoping I'll have the same experience with D3. So far I find the game nothing particularly special. No where near, as in, not even close to how epic I thought it was going to be; but that's how over hyping stuff goes anyways...
    There was a sense of satisfaction finding rares. I had 700+ MF on my sorceress.

    I almost never bought any virtual item. I think I've spent 25 dollars on virtual items in my 10ish years of gaming. I miss D2. I did make some memories from it. I don't think I'll have any memories for D3, besides being a brown spot on my striped panties.

    Anyways ^^, i think we should talk about economy/game economy before the thread gets shut down. lol


    What if Blizzard purposefully put high quality item on the market to sell to people so Blizzard makes money... without telling people.

  27. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    nm u

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  29. #25
    Lol I was just about to get on hahaha

    Get home, RP forums, DIII, then ?.

  30. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Cody1 View Post
    Get home, RP forums, DIII, then ?.
    Try to imagine what it would be like to have a life?

  31. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Cody1 View Post
    Lol I was just about to get on hahaha

    Get home, RP forums, DIII, then ?.
    Then Profit! Take it from the underpants gnomes.

  32. #28
    I wanna make some $$$
    "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

  33. #29
    Bought D3, then returned it. Kind of a bad game/story/unfinished, all the while Blizzard/Activision piling on their always on DRM, buggy servers, licensing was too much for me. The game is ok but doesn't have more than a handful of hours of longevity, IMO. Farming Inferno Invincible Minions Lashers Jailers Teleporters is fairly stupid when they 1 shot you, and the loot drop is so horribly and poorly itemized.

    The game is basically a graphical interface for a Casino/money racket which Blizzard hopes to create, they take $1 + 15% (+ $60 game purchase fee up front), for a licesned game with virtual items.
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    Rick Simpson Hemp Oil

  34. #30
    Patch 1.0.3

    -Breaking jars/barrels/tree stumps = 77 gold
    -Dying/getting hit a few times = 23,000 to 55,000 gold = net loss of gold
    -Nerf Increased Atk Speed = people who bought with real money will be mad (is this legal?????)

    Basically... it is horrible. I can't believe they made the game crappier. I quit last week, but then I decided to give it a chance with the patch.

    Seems they try to nerf everything. Seems like the government trying to regulate everything.

    Economy is skyrocketing again. Gold is costing more because of repair costs of items.

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