Ron Paul support in Jefferson, Part 2

Support for Ron Paul in the proposed state of Jefferson, Part 2

Jefferson is a proposed state which combines part of Northern California with a small part of Oregon. I will not go into the details, as you likely know them. If not, here are a couple good sources and

This report focuses on the California results. Part 1 focused on the Oregon results. Part 3 will put it all together.

According to Google, the 2012 California Republican Primary has 100% reporting. Ron Paul received 10.2% of the votes in California. 0.4% of population of California voted for Ron Paul.

There are different imaged versions of Jefferson. 1 version only includes 3 California counties while another includes as many as 12 California counties.

The voters in the 3 county version of Jefferson gave Ron Paul 10% of the vote. Alternatively, if you add up the total votes for the counties in the 3 county version and divide by the amount of votes Ron Paul received, it is 10.4% of the vote. The 12 county version of Jefferson gave Ron Paul 11.3% of the vote. The voters in the imaged state of Jefferson slightly preferred Ron Paul compared to the voters of California as a whole.

Ron Paul support on the West Coast 18%
Ron Paul support in California 10.2%
Ron Paul support in 3 county version of Jefferson 10% or alternatively, 10.4%
Ron Paul support in 12 county version of Jefferson 11.3%