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Thread: Thoughts on HUGE military bases and Embassy in Iraq

  1. #1

    Thoughts on HUGE military bases and Embassy in Iraq

    Good Video about what we would leave behind......

    Will the U.S. ever leave Iraq? Official policy promises an eventual departure, while warning of the dire consequences of a "premature" withdrawal. But while Washington equivocates, facts on the ground tell another story. Independent journalist Dahr Jamail, and author Chalmers Johnson, are discovering that military bases in Iraq are being consolidated from over a hundred to a handful of "megabases" with lavish amenities. Much of what is taking place is obscured by denials and quibbles over the definition of "permanent."

    Do we turn them over, destroy them............. This is a real scary issue that needs to be addressed while considering withdrawl. The alternative is occupation. ANYONE ELSE WORRIED ABOUT THIS .? Do we leave high tech mega military bases to Iraqians.?.......... Does Ron Paul address this issue anywhere? I know he is aware of this, but what would he do?

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  3. #2
    They're just buildings, who cares.

    Obviously all the hardware comes home.
    "I'd rather be alive and free." Rep. Ron Paul, June 13, 2007 to Stephen Colbert on The Colbert Report.

  4. #3
    I don't think they were ever meant to be left behind. There are permanent bases all over the place, in something like 140 countries! Don't think all of that $ was spent in order to leave something like an embassy behind to the Iraqis. Plus, the war was not meant to be won, but to be sustained.

  5. #4
    I think he means what happens when they are left behind if the military pulls out, per
    RP and the wishes of the American people.
    "I'd rather be alive and free." Rep. Ron Paul, June 13, 2007 to Stephen Colbert on The Colbert Report.

  6. #5
    Well, if the neocon agenda (which includes Hillary) is allowed to continue, we will have to leave them behind... because we'll eventually be evacuating Iraq just like we evacuated Vietnam. I'm not sure what Ron Paul's thoughts on that are.... a smart move would probably be to lease an area like we did with the Panama canal and in turn lease that to Big Oil and let them pay independent securty people to protect it and basically pump their own oil at a reduced price. Iraqis will likely not be able to pump their own oil for a decade after this all collapses and their war ravaged country will need all the money it can get.

    Besides, Oil is one of the most powerful lobbies controlled congress... they had a big hand getting us into this war.... they're not going to LET us just leave their blood profits behind.

  7. #6
    I am of the mindset that evacuating Iraq won't help us in the long run. They don't want us in the Middle East, period, because we're trying to oust governments that aren't favorable to the US agenda. They're never going to trust us, and if we don't leave completely we'll never have peace.

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by beermotor View Post
    I think he means what happens when they are left behind if the military pulls out, per
    RP and the wishes of the American people.
    I understand what you are saying. Yet, we do have permanent bases in tons of countries. Are the Iraqi ones really going to be left behind, even if military in general leaves? Will there be pressure on the Iraqi gov't for the US to keep the bases functioning so they can be used whenever wanted? Other countries are allowing the US to maintain the bases. Of course if RP got elected....

  9. #8

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  11. #9

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