I have never been involved in a politics as a high school student but after I searched up a candidate with my views of policies from economic to foreign. Of course, I am a Ron Paul supporter. The beginnings of my life changing experience came last year, my freshmen year when we had the debate topic of getting our military out of the 6 countries where we have the heaviest military presence from Afghanistan ranging to Turkey. The thing I was missing was a place to express my views but that came when I joined an Asian American studies class( Our school requires ethnic studies to graduate) with a teacher who taught exactly the opposite of what you were supposed to learn. We learned about political activists all across the globe, and we learned about how this 14 year old girl activist in Egypt stood up against Mubarak spreading her voice across the country and we learned about those very damn corporations that were going to ruin our lives. These corporations went to war for a profit, forced Mexican deportees to work for a profit and went to other countries to build up their corporate base there for a profit. That was the beginning of the awakening of my world, the awakening that these wars are not wars fought for the people, there are wars fought for the corporations like they did in the Philipines. It talked about the concept of blowback and how the freedom fighters in these countries only wanted their country to be free, purged of foreign influence and how these corporations did their very best to get rid of these freedom fighters from calling them insurgents and terrorists. Our ethnic studies teacher did his best to educate us in the most unique way possible going against the regular cirriculum that you experience in your other World Studies classes from books written by the oppressors instead of the people. He taught us that the government wanted to dumb us down to the point where we were only smart enough to do what they wanted. He tested the government's theory of limiting our creativity by drawing a dot and how everybody is made to think that it is a dot rather than a toddler with more creativity by exposing it as planet Earth or the universe. It is now our time, ladies and gentlemen, to let our voices be heard and let the message of liberty stand at the forefront of the battle against an ever growing government allied with ever growing corporations. With all that in mind, in September of this year, I was going on youtube and suddenly looked up this video of Ron paul going with the exact same ideas I had about these policies. With that said, Ron Paul 2012

- I am on the speech and debate team at my school.
- Ron Paul 2012

I'm looking for places to give speeches by the way