I've designed a Ron Paul bumper sticker chain letter that intended to get 63 million Ron Paul bumper stickers on the road. THE SUPER PACK : 10 Ron Paul bumper stickers, 10 envelopes with postage ( no postage included with international orders) 10 Bumper To Bumper 4RP chain letters. $17 free shipping US and oversees. Your goal is to offer your bumper stickers for free to anonymous Ron Paul supporters over the internet. Then they each (3 out of every 10 would be a success) continue the chain until 63 million Ron Paul bumper stickers are on the roads of the US, Canada, and the UK. www.BumperToBumper4RP.com I've been mailing out free bumper stickers (even internationally) trying to get this chain letter rolling. If anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate you guys passing around my youtube video. I think this is the only strategy that supporters have to expose the media bias and get Ron Paul elected all without having to leave home. No holding signs, no having to talk to strangers. I think this is a campaign that most supporters can get on board with.
If you've read this far and would like a free Ron Paul bumper sticker, email me your mailing address to prezpaul12@gmail.com and I'll mail you for free.
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