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Thread: CNN Debate: 8 PM Eastern - Official "DAY-OF" Thread

  1. #1

    CNN Debate: 8 PM Eastern - Official "DAY-OF" Thread

    The last Republican debate before the South Carolina Primary will be shown tonight on CNN at 8 PM EST. With Rick Perry dropping out, there will be only four men left on the stage:

    Ron Paul
    Mitt Romney
    Newt Gingrich
    Rick Santorum

    I see this debate as a real opportunity for Ron Paul to show he is the only candidate who can be trusted. It hasn't been made much of an issue in this cycle, but the fundamental question of who will stick to the positions they claim to support is valid.

    Each of the other three men remaining have dubious records of shifting on core conservative issues that are well-known here. But for South Carolina, I think the narrative should be about the economy, and who will shrink government.
    Last edited by abstrusezincate; 01-19-2012 at 10:00 AM.

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  3. #2
    Oh great, i guess we will have to see Ron get booed again, since this is still in SC?

  4. #3
    Damn, almost had first!

    Order will be from left to right, Ron, Rick, Dick (Gingrich), and Romney, poising Romney to the "far right" and Ron to the "far left".

    I hope Ron gets more talking time, frankly after tonite, there will be a 3-2 man debate next time. Hopefully, Gingrich and Santorum drop out and theres a one on one debate between Mitt and Ron. That would be the most watched debate.

    Who would host it I wonder? MSNBC? lol
    Last edited by Emptyeternity; 01-19-2012 at 09:44 AM.

  5. #4
    Or another opportunity for his time to be a quarter of what it should be

  6. #5
    "You can prevent crimes by becoming a Police State. So if you advocate the Police State............the crime then will be against the American People and against Our Freedoms. And we will throw out so much of what Our Revolution was fought for." - Ron Paul, Nov. 22, 2011

    You like Ben Swann? Let Raycom Media know!

  7. #6
    Sorry ... the Collins got an early jump on this one:!

    Feel free to get a jump on the January 23rd NBC debate:

    or any of the others after that:
    Last edited by Krugerrand; 01-19-2012 at 09:57 AM.

  8. #7
    I looked pretty hard if there was another one. (laughs) I thought the rule of thumb is to wait until the day-of, if only because you won't find it eight pages back!

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrusezincate View Post
    I looked pretty hard if there was another one. (laughs) I thought the rule of thumb is to wait until the day-of, if only because you won't find it eight pages back!
    Don't let MC see my post above, or he'll get to all of them before anybody has a chance!

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  11. #9
    If it gets down to just Mitt and Ron as I think it soon will, I'd really enjoy seeing a 90 minute unmoderated conversation on the two as opposed to this debate format. It's not so popular here in the US, but I find that having say fifteen minute conversations on 6 big issue areas reveals so much more than these soundbyte clips. Plus, it'd be great for Paul to have a chance to articulate why he believes what he believes as much as what.

  12. #10
    which one is the official thread.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Krugerrand View Post
    Don't let MC see my post above, or he'll get to all of them before anybody has a chance!
    I edited the title slightly. Now, no one can complain.

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrusezincate View Post
    If it gets down to just Mitt and Ron as I think it soon will, I'd really enjoy seeing a 90 minute unmoderated conversation on the two as opposed to this debate format. It's not so popular here in the US, but I find that having say fifteen minute conversations on 6 big issue areas reveals so much more than these soundbyte clips. Plus, it'd be great for Paul to have a chance to articulate why he believes what he believes as much as what.
    You have to realize that people could care less about the issues, it's about how the candidate "sounds"

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Bernanke View Post
    You have to realize that people could care less about the issues, it's about how the candidate "sounds"
    To some extent, I agree with you. But I don't want to think about that too much, because it isn't good for us.

  16. #14
    I know, we actually support a candidate with substance

  17. #15
    I have a feeling CNN is going straight for Romney tonight, and not much directed to Ron Paul. Although it would be nice if Paul could get a few Romney zingers in there. I would actually prefer to run against Newt, than Mitt.

  18. #16
    Last edited by Unknown.User; 07-22-2012 at 12:45 PM.

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