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Thread: Fox's Apology

  1. #1

    Fox's Apology

    Blowback is real, amirite?
    Quote Originally Posted by jllundqu View Post
    god damn vipers, all of them.

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  3. #2
    Photo Taken from my iPad.

    Blowback FTW!!!
    "You can prevent crimes by becoming a Police State. So if you advocate the Police State............the crime then will be against the American People and against Our Freedoms. And we will throw out so much of what Our Revolution was fought for." - Ron Paul, Nov. 22, 2011

    You like Ben Swann? Let Raycom Media know!

  4. #3
    How do you "forget" to include the guy running 2nd in the polls.

    Must have slipped the mind eh?

  5. #4
    Mind boggling...
    *Liberty is worth it*

  6. #5
    Yep, couple of facebook pages blew up their phones AFAIK. I called them as well...

  7. #6
    I believe this is the first admitted apology I've ever seen regarding an error/ommission of Ron Paul.
    "You can prevent crimes by becoming a Police State. So if you advocate the Police State............the crime then will be against the American People and against Our Freedoms. And we will throw out so much of what Our Revolution was fought for." - Ron Paul, Nov. 22, 2011

    You like Ben Swann? Let Raycom Media know!

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Torchbearer
    what works can never be discussed online. there is only one language the government understands, and until the people start speaking it by the magazine full... things will remain the same.
    Hear/buy my music here "government is the enemy of liberty"-RP Support me on Patreon here Ephesians 6:12

  9. #8
    This wasn't an accident, this is obviously planned to avoid prime-time viewers from seeing Ron Paul. We've seen enough of the tricks to know this.
    "For if you [the rulers] suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners to be corrupted from their infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded from this, but that you first make thieves [and outlaws] and then punish them."
    -Sir Thomas More (1478-1535), Utopia, Book 1

    *Admirer, of Philosophy.*

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyler_Durden View Post
    I believe this is the first admitted apology I've ever seen regarding an error/ommission of Ron Paul.
    We have transformed He Who Must Not Be Named into He Who Cannot Be Ignored.

    Let the celebration begin!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Philosophy_of_Politics View Post
    This wasn't an accident, this is obviously planned to avoid prime-time viewers from seeing Ron Paul. We've seen enough of the tricks to know this.
    More than possible. The media have been proving for a long, long time that they understand that many more people read the incorrect story than the correction that comes later. Even so, they've been miscovering our man for a long time, and we have at least moved it to the point that they have to save face and cover their butts when they do. That is something for us to be proud of.

    And it means they can only do it so often before we can string their corrections together like a necklace and wear them for all to see.
    Last edited by acptulsa; 01-09-2012 at 08:02 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

  12. #10
    Yeah, this is standard operating procedure.

    1. Lie or omit
    2. Get called out
    3. Offer apology that few people see or care about
    4. Repeat process

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    We have transformed He Who Must Not Be Named into He Who Cannot Be Ignored.

    Let the celebration begin!!
    It's time for elite style armed protection, scanning of perimeters, bomb sniffing dogs, etc......
    "You can prevent crimes by becoming a Police State. So if you advocate the Police State............the crime then will be against the American People and against Our Freedoms. And we will throw out so much of what Our Revolution was fought for." - Ron Paul, Nov. 22, 2011

    You like Ben Swann? Let Raycom Media know!

  14. #12
    Forgot the guy in 2nd....???

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Forgot the guy in 2nd....???
    They thought they could pull an Ames and nobody would notice...
    "You can prevent crimes by becoming a Police State. So if you advocate the Police State............the crime then will be against the American People and against Our Freedoms. And we will throw out so much of what Our Revolution was fought for." - Ron Paul, Nov. 22, 2011

    You like Ben Swann? Let Raycom Media know!

  16. #14
    Hahaa, I'm loving it! +rep

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by AquaBuddha2010 View Post
    Yeah, this is standard operating procedure.

    1. Lie or omit
    2. Get called out
    3. Offer apology that few people see or care about
    4. Repeat process
    you don't work for FOX do you?!


  18. #16

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  20. #17
    Never forget, never forgive.
    “It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere.” -Voltaire

    "Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule." -Frederick Nietzsche

    "The Republican form of government is the highest form of government: but because of this it requires the highest type of human nature, a type nowhere at present existing." -Herbert Spencer

  21. #18
    "There it goes again...".

  22. #19
    Boswell did exactly what he was told.

  23. #20
    Reason #427 to move to NH:

    - Get a libertarian to win NH's primary and the establishment will say we don't exist, don't mean anything, and question our American credentials. Secession ftw.
    Founder and leader of the militant wing of the Salvation Army.

  24. #21
    Well in my country there is a law that says that anyone can demand retraction/correction/appology and read it at exact same time next day that lie was told.

    So if in my country someone called Ron Pauls foreign policy isolationist people could send message correcting media that it is not isolationist and that is non-interventionist... AND MEDIA IS FORCED BY LAW TO PUT THAT retraction/correction/apology IN SAME SHOW AT SAME TIME. Is it same in USA?

    *I know that they didnt lie in this case but I was just wondering.
    Today I decided to get banned and spam activism on this forum...


    For more info. or to help spread the word, go to the promotion thread here.

    Quote Originally Posted by orenbus View Post
    If I had to answer this question truthfully I'd probably piss a lot of people off lol, Barrex would be a better person to ask he doesn't seem to care lol.

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Barrex View Post
    Well in my country there is a law that says that anyone can demand retraction/correction/appology and read it at exact same time next day that lie was told.

    So if in my country someone called Ron Pauls foreign policy isolationist people could send message correcting media that it is not isolationist and that is non-interventionist... AND MEDIA IS FORCED BY LAW TO PUT THAT retraction/correction/apology IN SAME SHOW AT SAME TIME. Is it same in USA?

    *I know that they didnt lie in this case but I was just wondering.

    If that happened in the US there wouldn't be anytime during the next evening to go over the news for that day. They would just be righting all the wrongs from the night before.

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by TimeForChange View Post
    If that happened in the US there wouldn't be anytime during the next evening to go over the news for that day. They would just be righting all the wrongs from the night before.
    LOL...seriously? We were under communist MSM propaganda and we allow reporters to speak/write about anything but they MUST stand behind their words with facts/testemonies.... just like I or any other citizent would... You lie you suffer consequences. Well law is different from country to country.
    Today I decided to get banned and spam activism on this forum...


    For more info. or to help spread the word, go to the promotion thread here.

    Quote Originally Posted by orenbus View Post
    If I had to answer this question truthfully I'd probably piss a lot of people off lol, Barrex would be a better person to ask he doesn't seem to care lol.

  27. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by AquaBuddha2010 View Post
    Yeah, this is standard operating procedure.

    1. Lie or omit
    2. Get called out
    3. Offer apology that few people see or care about
    4. Repeat process
    actually, getting to step 3 in that list is a vast improvement

    Dana Bash, for example, loops after step 2
    CBS news, likewise

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  29. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Barrex View Post
    LOL...seriously? We were under communist MSM propaganda and we allow reporters to speak/write about anything but they MUST stand behind their words with facts/testemonies.... just like I or any other citizent would... You lie you suffer consequences. Well law is different from country to country.
    They call it accountability. In some countries its enforced by the government, however our First Amendment means that its enforced through the free market. If they lie, well call them out, and they dont fix it, we have the ability to inflict financial damage through no longer supporting their advertisers or watching their channel/segment.

  30. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by thoughtomator View Post
    actually, getting to step 3 in that list is a vast improvement

    Dana Bash, for example, loops after step 2
    CBS news, likewise
    lol +rep

  31. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by ASDF991 View Post
    How do you "forget" to include the guy running 2nd in the polls.

    Must have slipped the mind eh?
    They had a Rick Perry moment. "Oops"
    "Can't get healthcare to our old people, can't educate our young people, but we can bomb the sh*t out of your country alright" - George Carlin

    "We're in two wars that are costing us trillions of dollars. Those trillions of dollars should have been left in the economy to build jobs and produce prosperity here at home" - Ron Paul

    "We spend 1.5 trillion dollars overseas in wars we don't need to be in and we need to cut there. And then put that money back into our economy here." - Ron Paul

  32. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by BigByrd47119 View Post
    They call it accountability. In some countries its enforced by the government, however our First Amendment means that its enforced through the free market. If they lie, well call them out, and they dont fix it, we have the ability to inflict financial damage through no longer supporting their advertisers or watching their channel/segment.
    Hm... interesting. From European point of view little strtange and not effective but you probably see our laws the same way.
    Today I decided to get banned and spam activism on this forum...


    For more info. or to help spread the word, go to the promotion thread here.

    Quote Originally Posted by orenbus View Post
    If I had to answer this question truthfully I'd probably piss a lot of people off lol, Barrex would be a better person to ask he doesn't seem to care lol.

  33. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by BigByrd47119 View Post
    Yep, couple of facebook pages blew up their phones AFAIK. I called them as well...
    My 17 year old son called as well.

  34. #30
    Stephanopolous blacked out Ron Paul on GMA this morning. That's huger than FOX2NOW.
    "You can prevent crimes by becoming a Police State. So if you advocate the Police State............the crime then will be against the American People and against Our Freedoms. And we will throw out so much of what Our Revolution was fought for." - Ron Paul, Nov. 22, 2011

    You like Ben Swann? Let Raycom Media know!

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