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Thread: Vermin Supreme for President!

  1. #1

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  3. #2
    A) This is a forum for Ron Paul for President.

    B) Driving hits to your blog? Nah.
    Follow my blog at
    Current commentary from a libertarian/voluntaryist/agorist perspective.

    Consistent Candidate - with Chainspell

    Ron Paul Landslide by Jake Kellen - Constitution Mix

    The vision of the helpful and protective state is the most pervasive and counter-productive ideology in the world today.

  4. #3

  5. #4
    FreeTraveler, I like the part where you bump my thread with a reply that you're not going to drive hits to my blog. that I brought your contradiction to your attention guess that means that you're not going to reply to this.

    It's pretty amazing how closed minded you are. So what that this is a Ron Paul forum? I can't come here to criticize Ron Paul for being conceited? You would really support a candidate that didn't appreciate and recognize the value of criticism? Somehow Ron Paul does not strike me as a fascist...yet that's what your response would lead me to believe.

  6. #5
    I'll gladly reply. How far could it slide in nine minutes? And I don't see anything in FreeTraveler's post that would indicate that Ron Paul was a fascist. But I see plenty in your post to make me believe I don't want to click on the link in the OP.
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

  7. #6
    Wow. Such hostility.

    Vermin Supreme is hilarious and his "candidacy" mocks the political process and candidates. He ain't gonna take votes from Ron Paul, but he would make a great protest vote.
    Those who want liberty must organize as effectively as those who want tyranny. -- Iyad el Baghdadi

  8. #7
    I'm a big fan of Vermin. I wish he would get on the ballot outside of NH

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by brandon View Post
    I'm a big fan of Vermin. I wish he would get on the ballot outside of NH
    I'm especially fond of his plan to mandate ponies.
    Those who want liberty must organize as effectively as those who want tyranny. -- Iyad el Baghdadi

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  11. #9
    Vermin questions Ron Paul: (Start around 2:30 for only Ron Paul but I recommend watching the whole thing)

  12. #10
    I love Vermin. I love his plan to generate energy by using zombies.

  13. #11
    lol. Vermin's great mocking the process.

  14. #12
    hahaha! i've never heard of Vermin Supreme until reading this thread. i feel as though a whole new world has been opened to me!
    a comprehensive website about critical theory and how it's destroying our civilization:

  15. #13
    Paul/Supreme 2012
    "Governor, if I had foreseen the use those people
    designed to make of their victory,
    there would have been no surrender at
    Appomattox Courthouse; no sir, not by me.
    Had I foreseen these results of subjugation,
    I would have preferred to die at Appomattox
    with my brave men, my sword in my right hand." - Robert E. Lee to Governor Fletcher S. Stockdale (D-Texas), 1870

  16. #14
    Pretty classy move by Vermin today chasing Paul.

    “Ron Paul: We have you surrounded. We are the media,” sounded the voice from a megaphone as Paul staffers ushered him into a waiting SUV, just minutes after he arrived at the restaurant.

    Holding the megaphone was a man dressed roughly as a wizard, with shaggy hair and tousled beard, wearing a massive black boot upside down on his head

  17. #15
    Wait until Amy finds out this guy snagged one of her boots and is wearing it on his head......

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