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Thread: Ron Paul a Dallas Cowboys fan?

  1. #1

    Ron Paul a Dallas Cowboys fan?

    Heard someone mention a CSPAN video had him saying that to someone...

    Anyone know what this is? Is it the recent Veterans rally, perhaps?

    Just wondering, because if Ron is truly a Cowboys fan... THAT IS AWESOME!

    Hope they can beat the Giants Sunday night...

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  3. #2
    Go g-men!

    For the record football is the only time I'm known to say that.

  4. #3
    If true, I'm dropping my support right now.

    It's been fun guys.

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Son of Detroit View Post
    If true, I'm dropping my support right now.

    It's been fun guys.
    Not sure if serious...but I'm almost inclined to agree.

    Just kidding, but seriously, I LOATHE the Cowboys and their prissy quarterback and their arrogant owner. I hate how they always call them "America's team." They are not! They do not encompass us all!

  6. #5
    I dig the cowgirls (the cheerleaders) but I could care less for the rest of the team.
    I guess you cant be all things to all people.... but the cowboys?

    Gulag Chief:
    "Article 58-1a, twenty five years... What did you get it for?"
    Gulag Prisoner: "For nothing at all."
    Gulag Chief: "You're lying... The sentence for nothing at all is 10 years"

  7. #6
    who would you expect a Texan to support???

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by UtahApocalypse View Post
    who would you expect a Texan to support???
    The Pittsburgh Steelers The Steel City is in Ron Paul's blood.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by UtahApocalypse View Post
    who would you expect a Texan to support???
    Yea, I guess...
    For the record, I'm an IL Flat-lander and I still support The Pack! I was still going to Lambeau, even when they were 4 and 12 under Sherman.
    If we end up with another Superbowl win, and a RP nomination - I just dont know what I'll do with myself.

    Gulag Chief:
    "Article 58-1a, twenty five years... What did you get it for?"
    Gulag Prisoner: "For nothing at all."
    Gulag Chief: "You're lying... The sentence for nothing at all is 10 years"

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Okie RP fan View Post
    Heard someone mention a CSPAN video had him saying that to someone...

    Anyone know what this is? Is it the recent Veterans rally, perhaps?

    Just wondering, because if Ron is truly a Cowboys fan... THAT IS AWESOME!

    Hope they can beat the Giants Sunday night...
    Dear God I hope not. Mama don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
    I am the spoon.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by UtahApocalypse View Post
    who would you expect a Texan to support???
    A team that doesn't need the refs to win a super bowl.
    I am the spoon.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by ceresasmom View Post
    The Pittsburgh Steelers The Steel City is in Ron Paul's blood.
    Also can't win without the refs... I hope there aren't any patriots fans in here...
    I am the spoon.

  14. #12
    Hey Mods , we just cant have alll this negative publicity in the forums. Please this is worse than the newsletters.

  15. #13

  16. #14
    Probably a fan of them during the wonder years with aikman. That was a team I could get behind. This team with nancy boy quarterback I despise.

  17. #15

  18. #16
    Oh come on, Ron...the Cowboys?! Support your Houston Texans. They're finally in the playoffs.

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  20. #17
    I don't see him as a Cowboys fan, couldn't be

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by UtahApocalypse View Post
    who would you expect a Texan to support???
    Houston. They do have a team again. They're like St. Louis--when the music stops and everyone jumps in a chair, they always have a team. It isn't the same team, but it's a team.

    Not that I have room to talk. I root for the Chiefs--a team once known as the Dallas Texans. Not cowboys, mind you, but Texans. And they weren't owned by Jimmy Johnson, either.
    Last edited by acptulsa; 12-29-2011 at 08:42 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

  22. #19
    Can't help but snicker reading all of these comments.

    Anyway, if this is true, I like Ron Paul even more (if that were even possible).

  23. #20
    People take football way too seriously, IMO.

    I do like that new women's Lingerie Football League though....and the occasional roller derby.
    "When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system's game. The establishment will irritate you - pull your beard, flick your face - to make you fight, because once they've got you violent then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don't know how to handle is non-violence and humor. "

    ---John Lennon



  24. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    Houston. They do have a team again. They're like St. Louis--when the music stops and everyone jumps in a chair, they always have a team. It isn't the same team, but it's a team.
    As a diehard St. Louis fan, I must agree.

  25. #22
    Ron is an intellectual with umpteen grandchildren. He more than likely follow it just enough to nod in agreement when it comes up. Team sports just don't seem like his cup of tea. There are much better ways to spend a weekend afternoon or weekday a good book...or playing with the grandkids.

    Drain the swamp - BIG DOG
    Seeking work on Apps, Games, Art based projects

  26. #23
    If he is a football fan at all I'd expect him to wave the terrible towel. From what I've seen, that never leaves your blood.

  27. #24
    He probably truly likes the Cowboys, but doesn't keep up with them or anything. You know, not die hard or anything.

    He's too busy trying to educate people and trying to warn about our future to watch Football.

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  29. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by BuddyRey View Post
    People take football way too seriously, IMO.

    I do like that new women's Lingerie Football League though....and the occasional roller derby.
    Am I alone in saying the LFL would be better if they showed the whole game?
    I am the spoon.

  30. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Okie RP fan View Post
    Heard someone mention a CSPAN video had him saying that to someone...

    Anyone know what this is? Is it the recent Veterans rally, perhaps?

    Just wondering, because if Ron is truly a Cowboys fan... THAT IS AWESOME!

    Hope they can beat the Giants Sunday night...

    Well they are in his state....but he's located closer to the Texans. Plus they've clinched their division.
    Last edited by anaconda; 12-30-2011 at 01:40 AM.

  31. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by anaconda View Post
    Well they are in his state....but he's located closer to the Texans. Plus they've clinched their division.
    Well, pretty much only Houston area Texans are Texans fans, he's been in Texas long enough to adopt the Cowboys, for sure.

    And the Texans may have clinched their division, but they are in a free fall right now. We'll see how they do in the playoffs. In the meantime, the Cowboys and Giants play for the last NFC playoff spot Sunday night. Should be a good one.

  32. #28
    Lake Jackson is in the Houston area. I've had some job gigs out there.

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