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Thread: Breaking: Perry Disqualified From VA Ballot; Newt likely out too

  1. #1

    Breaking: Perry Disqualified From VA Ballot; Newt likely out too

    Looks like VA will be Ron Paul vs. Romney!

    Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry failed to submit enough valid signatures to qualify for the Virginia primary ballot, state GOP officials said Friday evening.

    Perry’s campaign told state election officials it had submitted 11,911 signatures, but a Virginia Republican familiar with the situation said that the Texas governor did not submit the required 10,000.

    Earlier Friday, the Republican Party of Virginia certified former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.) to appear in the March ballot.

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  3. #2
    where does it say newt also likely didn't get enough signatures....
    Pledge to get Ron Paul to RUN in 2012!!!RunPaulRun

    Newt Gingrich

    TIRED of the media censoring of Paul

    Support to get those great ads on TV in Iowa and NH!

    Look at this excellent video to see why we must retake our country and how to do it!
    An Idea Whose Time Has Come - G. Edward Griffin - Freedom Force International

  4. #3
    Oh thats too good thanks for the quick update!

  5. #4
    newt had submitted a very low number of sigs.
    the waPo staff must be doing cartwheels now.

  6. #5
    Newt submitted even less than Perry, so if Perry is out, Newt likely is too.

    Newt's campaign said he filed 11,000. Perry said he filed almost 12000.

  7. #6
    Seeing as the other candidates don't even bother to fill out their paperwork, can't we just stop campaigning and spend the left over cash on cookies? I like cookies.

  8. #7

  9. #8
    Still waiting to see if Newt gets on...

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  11. #9

    So in the grand scheme of things, what does it mean?
    "You can prevent crimes by becoming a Police State. So if you advocate the Police State............the crime then will be against the American People and against Our Freedoms. And we will throw out so much of what Our Revolution was fought for." - Ron Paul, Nov. 22, 2011

    You like Ben Swann? Let Raycom Media know!

  12. #10

  13. #11
    so that means their supporters would have to write them in? What impact does this really have on a primary?

  14. #12
    Based on the past indiscrestions of this campaign in 2008 with issues like this and other issues that we might not know about - I would not cheer about this too much.

    Ballots should be accessible and we should prefer to win on the issues.
    Proudly in favor of firing Jesse Benton since 2007. Here's a 2008 classic post.

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyler_Durden View Post

    So in the grand scheme of things, what does it mean?
    Well it depends on if the race is still competitive by then. If Romney already has the nomination locked up by VA, Romney will win it handedly (at least 80%). If the nomination race is still competitive, I think it benefits us because we're the one and only anti-Romney. If by some miracle Romney is knocked out by VA (say he loses IA and NH), then we win the state and pick up a ton of delegates.

  16. #14
    Lol...what a mess.
    Rand Paul 2016

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyler_Durden View Post

    So in the grand scheme of things, what does it mean?
    In the 2008 primary Romney took just 4% of the vote in Virginia.
    Huckabee did well as did the status quo McCain (would be Newt voters). Lots of room for Paul growth in Virginia. Romney was obviously not favored here last time. Between Romney and Paul I think Paul could sweep VA. Lots of conservatives (look at the shaded areas that Huckabee took in '08), lots of homeschoolers. No corrupt Newt in the primary in VA would be awesome news for us. Many status quo folks in Northern VA (govt spending gravy train) and on the coast (military spending + welfare spending gravy train). More conservatives everywhere else.

    For some reason the link isn't showing- I'll break it to see if that works.
    h ttp://
    Last edited by pinkmandy; 12-23-2011 at 06:25 PM.
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
    The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss

  18. #16

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  20. #17
    Paul Derangement Syndrome on full display in the Paul thread on that FB group

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by GunnyFreedom View Post
    Paul Derangement Syndrome on full display in the Paul thread on that FB group

  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by LawnWake View Post
    Seeing as the other candidates don't even bother to fill out their paperwork, can't we just stop campaigning and spend the left over cash on cookies? I like cookies.

  23. #20

    If I'm reading this correctly, a two-man race means the delegate battle is essentially winner-take-all. Do we have a shot at winning outright, or would it be better to have Newt in there too to prevent anyone from getting 50%?

  24. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by MRoCkEd View Post

    If I'm reading this correctly, a two-man race means the delegate battle is essentially winner-take-all. Do we have a shot at winning outright, or would it be better to have Newt in there too to prevent anyone from getting 50%?
    I haven't heard too many brokered convention scenarios that sound great to me. If I heard brokered convention scenarios that sounded great, that would be different.

  25. #22
    LOL. I love the debate going on in there...

    "Ron Paul is anti-Israel"...

    "No he isn't, here is why"...

    "So Ron Paul is anti-Israel"...

    Leave it to neocons to never bring facts to a debate.

  26. #23
    Focus on delegates, that's all we new to focus on, The Heart of Nashville didn't get 1 district delegate before the deadline. Really unfortunate since Romney is putting all of his focus on this.

  27. #24
    How do signatures get disqualified during verification? This means at least 16% of Perry's signatures were no good.. ?

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  29. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by jkr View Post
    did ohio get done?
    No, but as I understand it, the deadline is being changed there. I think March is supposed to be the new deadline.

  30. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by FreedomProsperityPeace View Post
    No, but as I understand it, the deadline is being changed there. I think March is supposed to be the new deadline.
    Correct, the new law should come into effect in January. So far only Romney, perry and Grinch are on the Ohio ballot.

  31. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by harikaried View Post
    How do signatures get disqualified during verification? This means at least 16% of Perry's signatures were no good.. ?
    Signatures have to be from registered voters only and the address they list on the petition form must match with their registered address.

  32. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by FreedomProsperityPeace View Post
    No, but as I understand it, the deadline is being changed there. I think March is supposed to be the new deadline.
    The deadline in Ohio got pushed back to December 30, not March.

  33. #29
    LOL! Romney and Paul are going to be the only ones mathematically able to win even before the first vote is cast!
    Let's move forward to the Constitution.. I am the new GOP. I stand with Rand.

  34. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by tsai3904 View Post
    The deadline in Ohio got pushed back to December 30, not March.
    Nope, it's going to be in march.

    Maloney said that Ohio’s secretary of state, John Husted, encouraged all of the presidential candidates to make the deadline out of precaution, since the March filing deadline doesn’t apply until the new bill takes effect in January 2011.

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