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Thread: LOL!: The Christian Monitor: Ron Paul's economic views aren't completely off base

  1. #1

    LOL!: The Christian Monitor: Ron Paul's economic views aren't completely off base

    "Integrity means having to say things that people don't want to hear & especially to say things that the regime doesn't want to hear.” -Ron Paul

    "Bathtub falls and police officers kill more Americans than terrorism, yet we've been asked to sacrifice our most sacred rights for fear of falling victim to it." -Edward Snowden

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  3. #2
    UTTER AND COMPLETE NON-SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #3
    That is because first of all, Austrian monetary analysis not only doesn't have to, but as far as I know haven't ever, said that increases in the monetary base directly create price inflation. It is only indirectly, to the extent it increases money supply, that it will have any effect.
    Alright, maybe I'm somehow misreading this, but did they just say that increasing the money supply doesn't create price inflation, and then says it does?
    Quote Originally Posted by jllundqu View Post
    god damn vipers, all of them.

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by ShaneEnochs View Post
    Alright, maybe I'm somehow misreading this, but did they just say that increasing the money supply doesn't create price inflation, and then says it does?
    Kinda, it just says that it doesnt directly cause it, price inflation can be an effect though.

  6. #5
    Money grows on trees. You don't actually have to even make it into paper, just want it to be so.

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