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Thread: Really good web hosting

  1. #1

    Really good web hosting

    Folks, the hosting company in my sig line is the one I've been using for all sorts of sites for the last 7 years with zero problems. It has everything you could want, at a very affordable price. They're in my sig line because I've got the cat shelter set up as an affiliate. I ask that you give them a try if you need a hosting account. You won't be disappointed, and you'll be helping us keep the shelter supplied.


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  3. #2
    Shell access?
    Support hours?

    how much?


    Last edited by tangent4ronpaul; 12-04-2011 at 07:44 AM.

  4. #3
    OS? Linux
    Shell access? YES
    Bandwidth? NO LIMIT
    Redundancy? No, but they do courtesy backups you can download from your cpanel, server maintenance generally takes only 10-15 minutes (they have over 1,000 servers)
    Support hours? 24/7
    how much? $5.95/month

    Check full details here.

    Thanks so much for your interest!
    Last edited by Suzu; 12-04-2011 at 12:56 PM.

  5. #4
    sounds great - except the "cpanel" part - which totally sucks...

    That is not shell access.


  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by tangent4ronpaul View Post
    sounds great - except the "cpanel" part - which totally sucks...

    That is not shell access.

    I know that cpanel isn't shell access, and I didn't mean to imply that it is. Look at the "hosting features" page about two-thirds of the way down the left column with the heading "features included with all accounts". There you will see "Shell Access (SSH)".

  7. #6 has always been good

  8. #7
    I use to host my projects during last several years. Support is good and always responsive. Uptime is just excellent. And, btw shell access is available in most of their packages. Guess, you can give them a try as well.
    Last edited by JeferFen; 10-14-2013 at 08:16 AM.

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