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I tend to think that even though these trade deals aren't perfect, they're at least a step in the right direction. The deals make the trade more free than it was before. The trade deals all lower or eliminate tariffs. Liberty candidates Rand Paul and Justin Amash both voted for all three trade deals.
It's not free trade. It's managed trade.
We might even sacrifice sovereignty to the WTO in these new treaties. True free trade is when there is no legislation concerning trade between two countries. These "treaties" are legislation that we don't need if free trade was the real goal.
"It is not enough these days to simply question authority. You must speak with it, too."
-Taylor Mali
"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men."
-Samuel Adams
I understand that argument, and I respect it. But the fact is that we never have the opportunity to pass any clean free trade deals. It seems like voting against these deals has the net effect of promoting protectionism, whether that's the intention or not. Even though the trade is "managed," the tariffs are still dramatically lowered or eliminated. That's the most important thing in my opinion.
What's the numbers for these bills? I'd like to look up the exact language.
How does this benefit the four nations involved?
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