I am moving forward with a large scale RON PAUL 2012 banner making effort. I have already ordered 8000 square feet of material. This is about a half pallet of tarps (about 500 pounds) to be shipped via truck to my warehouse. Six, 28x48 foot tarps will allow for the manufacture of 250, 4ft x8ft banners. These banners will be targeted for high visibility locations throughout New Hampshire.
Cost of tarps: $135 each = $810 + $299 shipping, $1109 for six delivered.
Other required supplies would include:
Grommets, self piercing (3000) about $250
Grommet installation tool, $100,
Nylon cable ties (4000), $100
150 cans of spray paint, $300
Six mylar 4x8ft stencils at $135 each, $810
Total estimated project cost: $2669, or $10.67 per 4x8 banner.
The banners will be constructed by a small team of volunteers at my facility in Manchester, NH.
I am asking for your financial support. See CHIPIN LINK BELOW.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.
The time to act is now.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bill Domenico
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