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Thread: Large Scale RON PAUL Banner Making Project over 8000 SQ.FT!

  1. #1

    Large Scale RON PAUL Banner Making Project over 8000 SQ.FT!

    I am moving forward with a large scale RON PAUL 2012 banner making effort. I have already ordered 8000 square feet of material. This is about a half pallet of tarps (about 500 pounds) to be shipped via truck to my warehouse. Six, 28x48 foot tarps will allow for the manufacture of 250, 4ft x8ft banners. These banners will be targeted for high visibility locations throughout New Hampshire.


    Uploaded with

    Uploaded with

    Cost of tarps: $135 each = $810 + $299 shipping, $1109 for six delivered.

    Other required supplies would include:
    Grommets, self piercing (3000) about $250
    Grommet installation tool, $100,
    Nylon cable ties (4000), $100
    150 cans of spray paint, $300
    Six mylar 4x8ft stencils at $135 each, $810

    Total estimated project cost: $2669, or $10.67 per 4x8 banner.

    The banners will be constructed by a small team of volunteers at my facility in Manchester, NH.

    I am asking for your financial support. See CHIPIN LINK BELOW.

    Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.

    The time to act is now.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Bill Domenico


    Last edited by resunltd; 10-10-2011 at 10:02 AM.

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  3. #2
    chipped in what i could, sounds like an awesome project. where will these banners go?

  4. #3

    Large Scale Banner Project

    The banners will be used all over New Hampshire. They will be placed in "high profile" locations.

    Thank you for your donation.

  5. #4
    Did you look into obtaining used billboard vinyl prior to ordering the tarps? Or even just cheaper tarps from a different supplier? You can get a 40'x40' tarp for $60 shipped...

    And be sure to check ebay for the grommets... we buy ours at about 70% less than you're paying.
    Last edited by McDermit; 10-04-2011 at 09:16 PM.

  6. #5
    I got used bill baord tarps from:
    I want to make a banners that will stand up to winter weather.

  7. #6
    I wish I could afford a cool Ron Paul T-shirt or bumper sticker. :-(

  8. #7
    bump. Looks worthwhile to me. My only issue is that these signs may not last too long, as they will likely get cut down shortly after getting put up.
    Last edited by Esoteric; 10-04-2011 at 10:24 PM.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by resunltd View Post
    I got used bill baord tarps from:
    I want to make a banners that will stand up to winter weather.
    I donated, but Ouch! In the future, make calls locally. A lot of billboard companies will let their used vinyl go for free or cheap--like $20 a roll because it saves them the disposal fees. Even if you have to rent a pickup truck for a few hours to pick it up, it's so much more economical.

    Tyvek also weathers relatively well, and you can buy 9000 square feet for under $300 at lowes. Some banners will inevitably be removed after just a few days or weeks, so they shouldn't be too costly.
    Last edited by McDermit; 10-04-2011 at 10:27 PM.

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  11. #9
    Thanks for your support. I really appreciate it.
    I went to the largest sign companys in the area. They did not have any sign material available.

  12. #10
    I expect many to be up for weeks at a time. I am making up to 300 so that we can replace any that are removed.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Esoteric View Post
    bump. Looks worthwhile to me. My only issue is that these signs may not last too long, as they will likely get cut down shortly after getting put up.
    It's easy to find faults and reasons not to participate. I choose to make things happen, regardless of the obstacles.

    When they take them down I will put up more. When they take down one, I will put up two.

    Let it not be said that we did nothing.

    The time to act is now.

    RON PAUL 2012

  14. #12

    Space in NH to Paint the Banners


    I have secured a suitable location in Manchester, NH. The historic millyard location should provide a more than adequate venue for the stencil painting of the banners.

    Unfortunately I was required to obtain a short term insurance policy to satisfy the property owner. (additional $230)

    Painting will begin on Sunday the 9th. I have the building through Saturday the 15th.

    Any donations would be appreciated.

    Thanks to all who have supported this effort.

    Quote Originally Posted by resunltd View Post
    I am moving forward with a large scale RON PAUL 2012 banner making effort. I have already ordered 8000 square feet of material. This is about a half pallet of tarps (about 500 pounds) to be shipped via truck to my warehouse. Six, 28x48 foot tarps will allow for the manufacture of 250, 4ft x8ft banners. These banners will be targeted for high visibility locations throughout New Hampshire.

    Cost of tarps: $135 each = $810 + $299 shipping, $1109 for six delivered.

    Other required supplies would include:
    Grommets, self piercing (3000) about $250
    Grommet installation tool, $100,
    Nylon cable ties (4000), $100
    150 cans of spray paint, $300
    Six mylar 4x8ft stencils at $135 each, $810

    Total estimated project cost: $2669, or $10.67 per 4x8 banner.

    The banners will be constructed by a small team of volunteers at my facility in Manchester, NH.

    I am asking for your financial support. See CHIPIN LINK BELOW.

    Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.

    The time to act is now.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Bill Domenico



    I need the use of about 2500 Square feet of floor space for five to seven days. Larger would be even better.
    Space should be as close to Manchester/Concord, NH as possible.

    The tarp material is 28Ft x 48Ft.

    There are two locations willing to work with me however they want a $1 million liability poicy for the week. I believe this will cost $300 - $400.

    If you can provide insurance free space or insurance for the space we have available please let me know ASAP.

    PM me here on RPF

    The time to act is now. Please help if you can.

    Thank you.
    Last edited by resunltd; 10-07-2011 at 07:52 PM. Reason: New info available

  15. #13
    WE HAVE SPACE for the BANNER PROJECT !I have secured a suitable location in Manchester, NH. The historic millyard location should provide a more than adequate venue for the stencil painting of the banners.

    Unfortunately I was required to obtain a short term insurance policy to satisfy the property owner. (additional $230)

    Painting will begin on Sunday the 9th. I have the building through Saturday the 15th.

    Any donations would be appreciated.

    Thanks to all who have supported this effort.

  16. #14
    Chipped in 20. Bump. Go get 'em! Sounds like a great project. Good luck.

  17. #15

    What Supporters are Saying:

    Come on Ron Paul Supporters! This is another awesome project by another awesome supporter! Let's chip in and help to spread Ron Paul's message now!
    today 9:30pm

    Keep the Revolution alive and well. I'm with you in this cause to make Ron Paul our President.
    today 5:27am

    Keep up the good work!! Ron Paul POTUS 2012!
    October 5 3:44pm

    Great job
    October 5 2:22pm

    Great idea! Make a 'making of' video, that would be awesome.
    October 3 6:51pm

    Keep us Updated!
    October 3 6:00pm

    Awesome, looking forward to seeing the completed project!

  18. #16
    Do you have pictures of the locations?

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  20. #17
    No pics yet. We don't start until Sunday the 9th.

  21. #18

  22. #19
    Chipped in $20.12. Looking forward to pics. Good Luck!

  23. #20


    WE HAVE SPACE for the BANNER PROJECT !I have secured a suitable location in Manchester, NH. The historic millyard location should provide a more than adequate venue for the stencil painting of the banners.

    Unfortunately I was required to obtain a short term insurance policy to satisfy the property owner. (additional $230)

    Painting will begin on Sunday the 9th. I have the building through Saturday the 15th.

    Any donations would be appreciated.

    Thanks to all who have supported this effort.[/QUOTE]

    The banner project is under way. I will post a video of the entire process when time allows. No time for editing now.

    Uploaded with

    Uploaded with

    Thanks for the info Keith.
    Last edited by resunltd; 10-10-2011 at 10:08 AM. Reason: Update Photo Links

  24. #21

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by resunltd View Post
    The banner project is under way. I will post a video of the entire process when time allows. No time for editing now.

    Is there any way to upload an image? Or does it have to be "Hosted" somewhere? does free hosting. If you want, I'll put up the recent pix that she put on her facebook wall for you.
    Lifetime member of more than 1 national gun organization and the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance. Part of Young Americans for Liberty and Campaign for Liberty. Free State Project participant and multi-year Free Talk Live AMPlifier.

  26. #23
    bump i went over to help paint tonight

    lookin good

  27. #24

    It's a lot more work than I thought it would be.

    By resunltd at 2011-10-10

    By resunltd at 2011-10-10

    By resunltd at 2011-10-10

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  29. #25

  30. #26
    Bump. Great to see the work you've done so far! Is this using the pvc stencils?

  31. #27

    if you are in NH, please volunteer this week

    if you are not in NH yet, please consider donating
    Ron Paul New Hampshire Grassroots - Follow @Liberty_603 on Twitter - Free State Project - Follow @FreeStateNH

  32. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by McDermit View Post
    Bump. Great to see the work you've done so far! Is this using the pvc stencils?
    We used laser cut, mylar stencils. We got them from:

  33. #29
    More Banner Project Pics. Sorry, no time to edit video yet.

    Uploaded with

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  34. #30
    Here is a video of the grommets being attached.
    Last edited by resunltd; 10-13-2011 at 11:31 PM.

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