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Thread: Two formerly lost RP votes, regained!

  1. #1

    Two formerly lost RP votes, regained!

    I wanted to follow up since I'm the guy who posted the controversial thread about how the previous debate really made things harder.

    I've spent the intervening period working on these two, and managed to get them to watch tonight debate with me again.
    At the end of the debate, they were both open to voting for Ron Paul! Now both want to keep watching before they make their final answer but this was their current list of preferred candidates in order:

    Ron Paul
    Gary Johnson
    Michele Bachmann

    They both dislike Romney and Perry now!

    Well done Ron Paul, I couldn't have done it without you.

    Hopefully the next debate will make them donors, both could afford to max out.

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  3. #2

  4. #3
    Awesome! His debate performance was amazing.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. #4
    It's scary to think how many people actually vote based primarily on what is seen in these laughable excuses for debates, not that it's not good that these two in question have sided with Dr. Paul again... but doesn't sound like they actually make informed decisions if they're flip-flopping after every other debate.

  6. #5
    Well that was their first two debates, they were almost Paul supporters till he quoted Bin Laden and then became Bachmann/Perry fans.

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Ethan View Post
    Well that was their first two debates, they were almost Paul supporters till he quoted Bin Laden and then became Bachmann/Perry fans.
    Because ignoring your enemy makes sense? Maybe they should read some Sun Tzu. This is not to mention of course that the CIA, studies in suicide bombing, and the 9/11 commission report also endorse RP's position. This just reinforces my point about the average voter being uneducated, and depending on MSM and the absurdity of these so-called debates. It's scary to think about.

  8. #7


  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Cabal View Post
    Because ignoring your enemy makes sense? Maybe they should read some Sun Tzu. This is not to mention of course that the CIA, studies in suicide bombing, and the 9/11 commission report also endorse RP's position. This just reinforces my point about the average voter being uneducated, and depending on MSM and the absurdity of these so-called debates. It's scary to think about.
    I don't understand why you are bringing this up.... Please reread the thread.

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  11. #9
    Great to hear it!! I thought he did really well today too!
    Original supporter of Ron Paul since 2007 and lifelong supporter of liberty and the Constitution. I stand with Rand.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Cabal View Post
    It's scary to think how many people actually vote based primarily on what is seen in these laughable excuses for debates, not that it's not good that these two in question have sided with Dr. Paul again... but doesn't sound like they actually make informed decisions if they're flip-flopping after every other debate.
    You would be surprised at how important these debates really are. I mean most people in this country that are of voting age and are registered don't watch the debates they have their own lives going on and between, work, sleep, family, friends there just isn't enough time for politics for good or for bad that's just the reality.

    Most Americans don't pay attention to what is going on outside of their own day to day lives and that's basically how the system is setup, they rely on representatives or a small minority to make decisions for them. That small group the ones that have some interest in politics are those that watch the debates, may watch nightly news occasionally and maybe even possibly watch some cable news or read some news articles every once in a while if that. And even still they aren't going to go through every candidates web site and read where the candidates stand and even fewer are going to dig deeper and do their own independent research into the candidates voting history, careers or reports on the candidates to try to find the truth. People just don't have the time for that, it's one thing if you work in media and it's part of your job or you are unemployed and have all the time in the world but for those that are someone interested and curious about the choices the debates are going to be the one and only time they see all the candidates on stage and not in scripted advertising, catching sound bites here or there or hearing them recite written speeches (although some debate answer may sound that way depending on the candidate).

    I'll confess the first time I ever heard the name Ron Paul was from my brother that mentioned he had heard about him indirectly from someone else and that I should watch the Fox South Carolina debate which was on May 15th 2007 (it's interesting I just checked the date on this, it was the same month I joined this forum). My brother told me to keep an eye out for him and to let him know what I thought. This was the debate that Ron Paul and Guilliani got into it over Foreign Policy, 9/11 and blowback. I had been generally interested in politics for a number of years including voting soon as I hit 18, ran for student government during my college years and worked on a number of local initiatives. After a while I became disillusioned in general with politics because all the politicians seemed the same there were really none that inspired me to be the activist I could be and get involved as intensely as perhaps I always wanted to be. That is until that night, in a matter of a few minutes of watching Dr. Paul speak I was sold, of course not right away I need to go and google him find out about his stances and his voting record but the more I learned about him it was so obvious a choice and it all started from one of these debates.

    I think there are many on this board that have a similar story.
    Last edited by orenbus; 09-23-2011 at 01:09 AM.
    It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds. -Samuel Adams

  13. #11
    As quickly as he gained, lost, and re-gained their support, he's likely to lose it again. Freedom may be popular, but common sense isn't. The best psychological weapon the tyrants use on the public is the illusion that they're free.

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by orenbus View Post
    You would be surprised at how important these debates really are.
    It's not that I'm surprised that debates are important to elections, I just find it scary how so many people seem to base most of their support on what little can be gleaned in such 'debates'. There's hardly any substance at all in these debates. So the idea that anyone can make an informed decision or conclusion based on what is seen and heard in what mostly amounts to television performances is absurd to me.

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Cabal View Post
    It's not that I'm surprised that debates are important to elections, I just find it scary how so many people seem to base most of their support on what little can be gleaned in such 'debates'. There's hardly any substance at all in these debates. So the idea that anyone can make an informed decision or conclusion based on what is seen and heard in what mostly amounts to television performances is absurd to me.
    I don't know, is it really? That's surprising.

    Well I mean I don't think anyone will just decided on one quick showing in a debate if that's what you mean. I suppose some people may decide right away when walking into a store to buy on the spot Product A or Product B but in cases of buying a house for example or a car you generally take some time to think about it. Sure you may have an instinctive opinion but it takes time to weigh the information you have on hand to decide one way or another. Seems to me these people being described aren't the kind that may jump on the net to read more about the candidates so they talk to friends about the issues hear what they have to say, watch some debates, discuss some more, basically kicking the tires a bit and go from there. I don't see it being really surprising, that's just how most people are. Most people wouldn't be on a forum discussing the voting patterns of others either lol, it's just the way it is.
    Last edited by orenbus; 09-23-2011 at 01:35 AM.
    It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds. -Samuel Adams

  16. #14
    I'm not talking about being surprised. I'm saying it's SCARY.

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Cabal View Post
    I'm not talking about being surprised. I'm saying it's SCARY.
    Well it's different, I'll agree with you there. I don't know if it's scary, just see it as normal human behavior.

    Oh I have a video for you, you may have already seen it that explains some of this behavior regarding the Law of Diffusion of Innovations:

    2 1/2% = innovators
    13 1/2 % = early adopters
    34% = early majority
    34% = late majority
    16% = laggards

    Example begins at the 11:00 minute mark:

    Last edited by orenbus; 09-23-2011 at 02:13 AM.
    It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds. -Samuel Adams

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by orenbus View Post
    Well it's different, I'll agree with you there. I don't know if it's scary, just see it as normal human behavior.

    Oh I have a video for you, you may have already seen it that explains some of this behavior regarding the Law of Diffusion of Innovations:

    2 1/2% = innovators
    13 1/2 % = early adopters
    34% = early majority
    34% = late majority
    16% = laggards

    Example begins at the 11:00 minute mark:

    Wow! It reminds me of the simple truths that I've read by Zig Ziglar and Dale Carnegie.

    This video needs a thread of its own. "Why Ron Paul supporters support Ron Paul"

    “No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”
    ― Samuel Adams

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  20. #17
    How does the 'I like Ron Paul but' contingent affect the 16% level? I think the analogy is different because the speaker is talking about the actual purchase of an item or service.Whereas many here claim to have heard the 'I like RP but'.This is a non commital,commital.Maybe where he is now in the polls plus the general discussion about him might be enough?I do really have the feeling that he only needs the slightest breath of oxygen to catch fire.It might be that the stockmarket is providing that right now as we speak.

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by TruckinMike View Post
    Wow! It reminds me of the simple truths that I've read by Zig Ziglar and Dale Carnegie.

    This video needs a thread of its own. "Why Ron Paul supporters support Ron Paul"

    shared on my personal blog -- great video find all -- thanks!

  22. #19
    i always thought those 2 votes werent going anywhere anyway... after your eyes have been opened by the glory of the... lol!

    really how can you look behind you and go back. its like the matrix. its like knowing there is no santa clause. its like knowing that federal reserve isnt federal at all. it's like knowing... etc etc etc.

    hey that can make a great ad lol

  23. #20

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