I was blogging today at Reddit when it came to my attention--again--that there exist an incredible amount of misconceptions regarding Ron Paul and his political platform. Many people are incredibly misinformed regarding the differences between RP's personal, and political beliefs. Whats worse, the large media organizations do nothing to stem the tide of this disinformation, and sadly fuel the flames so to speak.
In this light I think it is not to early to assume that in the coming weeks and months, RP is going to be getting a lot more attention casting him in a negative light. As supporters we should begin brainstorming ways in which we can get the message out to correctly inform 'on-the-fence' voters who could be easily swayed by false information re: Ron Paul. Here is an example of my response to a poster at Reddit regarding RP's position on Abortion, Gay Marriage, and his opposition to the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of the 1960's:
I think you've fallen into the same trap as a majority of the voting public in that you've misconstrued RP's personal beliefs and have made an assumption that as President, he would work to force his personal/moral beliefs on the public. RP is absolutely pro-life, and for that matter he also believes that marriage should be between a man and a women. I absolutely do not agree with these ideas, but hey, this is America.. To each his own.
However, his extreme Libertarianism, coupled with his steadfast constitutionalism forbids him from taking ANY steps to force his beliefs on anyone else. In this sense, RP holds true to his political philosophy and would disallow the federal government from making any overarching decisions as to how Americans live their lives. He IS in favor of designating such choices to the individual states. Thus, if one state is more liberal or more conservative than the next, than they can have their cake and eat it too. He believes, rightly, that the Fed has no authority to make such determinations. Just as you are so adamantly against anyone forcing women to be pro-life, any social conservative would be just as livid to have legalized abortions shoved down their throats. (this is the issue with Public tax dollars going to fund Planned Parenthood).
On the issue of Civil Rights/Voting rights of the 60s, you are again regurgitating the words of the large media outlets who are out to demonize paul and his beliefs. His stance on that had NOTHING to do with segregation, and forced-integration, but with private property rights. The federal government in that instance, overstepped its boundaries tremendously in dictating that private companies had to force integration within their places of businesses (on their buses) etc... In fact, Paul correctly concludes that forced integration actually did MORE to incite racial tensions in the 1960s as anyone with a valid history book would concede. We can ask what if's till we are blue in the face, but ultimately I think we would agree that racism was largely a social/moral issue which needed to be resolved in the hearts and minds of Americans and not by the Federal government. Thus, the issue of segregation probably would have been resolved without intervention as more and more people began to wake up to the needlessness of inequality.
In any case, I am not trying to pick on you, or outwardly support Paul or the Libertarians, but set the record straight. Feel free to respond on any of these points and correct me if I am wrong..
On the point at hand, Jon Stewart is obviously pointing out what we all already know. The media was designed to be the watchdogs of government, sadly over the years they have become the gatekeepers, designating who can and will be heard, and who will be fazed out completely. RP's stance on the countless wars we are engaged in is certainly noble, however I doubt this is why he is not receiving coverage by the media (as most Americans now disagree with the US's foreign policy).. He is most probably being fazed out because of his views on auditing and ultimately ending the Federal Reserve system--a conglomerate of private banks that probably plays the largest, most dominant role in government and lobbying.
I have ordered and distributed much of RP's paraphernalia from his website, including issue cards, bumper stickers, etc.. However, I think we should start brain storming our own "issue cards" aimed at rectifying people's misconceptions regarding RP.
I think we should come up with bullet points of where people are most LIKELY to disagree with Paul on incorrect issues; I.E. his stance on the CRA and VRA of the 60's being a PROPERTY rights issue, and not one fueled by racism. That his personal views on Abortion, Gay Rights, Evolution etc.. in no way translate to a political platform... ETC...
In essence, we need to try to educate the average voters as to the realities of RP's position. I agree with another thread on the forums where someone said, "Everyone knows who he is now, its not 2007 anymore"... Its true, everyone knows who he is now.. but for the most part they are so misinformed by large media organizations who completely manipulate his platform..
Any suggestions? Comments, Lets start working together to create something here for mass distribution (locally)... Lets create a flyer that individuals can print and send out.
All the Best,
Zach from Buffalo
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