Worcester Sign Update

1. Sorry for the delay on this project. I have had a full plate.
2. The banners are going to be 6' high by 45' long. One will be on the north face. One will be on the south face.
3. We are planning on modest to no graphics. Just letters to keep it simple and home spun.

Because we are somewhat limited in banner size we need to keep the message short.

Here are what seem to be the top ideas at this time.

War Is Not Peace: Ron Paul 2012

Had Enough? Ron Paul 2012

Speaking Truth To Power: Ron Paul 2012

Not For Sale: Ron Paul 2012

Last Chance America: Ron Paul 2012

Take The Red Pill: Ron Paul 2012

No Bailouts! Ron Paul 2012

Pro America, Anti-Establishment: Ron Paul 2012

Hey Sheep: Please Ignore Ron Paul.

Wicked Honest: Ron Paul 2012

Can someone make these ideas into a poll thread and post it in the forums. That way we can get a scientific voting sample on what people think the best choices would be.
