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Thread: I hate white supremacists too, but this may be taking things a tad far

  1. #1

    I hate white supremacists too, but this may be taking things a tad far

    Apparently, the Toronto school system believes it's only racist if you're white, WTF. This is their textbook definition of racism (emphasis mine).

    Racism: While people in different contexts can experience prejudice or discrimination, racism, in a North American context, is based on an ideology of the superiority of the white race over other racial groups. Racism is evident in individual acts, such as racial slurs, jokes, etc., and institutionally, in terms of policies and practices at institutional levels of society. The result of institutional racism is that it maintains white privilege and power (such as racial profiling, hiring practices, history, and literature that centre on Western, European civilizations to the exclusion of other civilizations and communities).

    Now white supremacy is a TYPE of racism, but it is by no means the ONLY type. This kind of liberal doublethink is beyond the pale.
    The main difference between the right and the left is that a right wing politician claims to protect your economic freedom, but does not, whereas a left wing politician claims to protect your social/personal freedom, but does not.

    weak minds follow, conventional minds lead, great minds question

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  3. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom 4 all View Post

    Apparently, the Toronto school system believes it's only racist if you're white, WTF. This is their textbook definition of racism (emphasis mine).

    Racism: While people in different contexts can experience prejudice or discrimination, racism, in a North American context, is based on an ideology of the superiority of the white race over other racial groups. Racism is evident in individual acts, such as racial slurs, jokes, etc., and institutionally, in terms of policies and practices at institutional levels of society. The result of institutional racism is that it maintains white privilege and power (such as racial profiling, hiring practices, history, and literature that centre on Western, European civilizations to the exclusion of other civilizations and communities).

    Now white supremacy is a TYPE of racism, but it is by no means the ONLY type. This kind of liberal doublethink is beyond the pale.
    Ah but see, "white people" in the context they want everyone to use, is a state of mind. The people who built western civilization and enslaved millions to do so. That decided on free enterprise as an economic system. If you're a Marxist or an Egalitarian, "white people" are the enemy.

    It's less actually caring about the token white supremacist living in a trailer hating on everyone who has more than them, but using the fear of that nobody to slowly dismantle the institutions of western civilization.

    The video series below (of which I posted Episode 1 of Part 1) was not created by a marxist, egalitarian civilization. Therefore, it is wrong and the theory behind it is outdated and should be replaced.
    "Your mother's dead, before long I'll be dead, and you...and your brother and your sister and all of her children, all of us dead, all of us..rotting in the ground. It's the family name that lives on. It's all that lives on. Not your personal glory, not your honor, but family." - Tywin Lannister

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom 4 all View Post

    Apparently, the Toronto school system believes it's only racist if you're white, WTF. This is their textbook definition of racism (emphasis mine).

    Racism: While people in different contexts can experience prejudice or discrimination, racism, in a North American context, is based on an ideology of the superiority of the white race over other racial groups. Racism is evident in individual acts, such as racial slurs, jokes, etc., and institutionally, in terms of policies and practices at institutional levels of society. The result of institutional racism is that it maintains white privilege and power (such as racial profiling, hiring practices, history, and literature that centre on Western, European civilizations to the exclusion of other civilizations and communities).

    Now white supremacy is a TYPE of racism, but it is by no means the ONLY type. This kind of liberal doublethink is beyond the pale.
    Why do you call it liberal doublethink? It is racism, to say it is only racism if whites do it. That is the simple meaning of the word. That being said, it is a sort of 'meh' issue, at this point. I think it has been worn to the bone, that card.
    "Integrity means having to say things that people don't want to hear & especially to say things that the regime doesn't want to hear.” -Ron Paul

    "Bathtub falls and police officers kill more Americans than terrorism, yet we've been asked to sacrifice our most sacred rights for fear of falling victim to it." -Edward Snowden

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by sailingaway View Post
    Why do you call it liberal doublethink? It is racism, to say it is only racism if whites do it. That is the simple meaning of the word. That being said, it is a sort of 'meh' issue, at this point. I think it has been worn to the bone, that card.
    It is actually a common theme that isn't new. IIRC the argument is that you can't be "racist" if you don't have "power". Since white people are the ones in power in this country only whites can be racist. I don't know who started that meme; but I heard all the way back in the late 80's.

    I do find it distressing that this had made it into textbooks and disagree with it.

  6. #5
    This reminds me of a debate i was having with this woman a few years back. During the debate whenever i criticized her points she would cry racism. Eventually she ran out of things to say and started making actual racist comments towards me. SO i asked her "is what your sayng not racist"? and she said "no, its only racism when whites do it". And at that point i just couldnt say anything else cause someone that ignorant cant be reached.

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by sailingaway View Post
    Why do you call it liberal doublethink? It is racism, to say it is only racism if whites do it. That is the simple meaning of the word. That being said, it is a sort of 'meh' issue, at this point. I think it has been worn to the bone, that card.
    Except this racism has now been institutionalized for the indoctrination of a future generation, so that I guarantee you that in 20 years you will be having the exact same argument with a fresh crop of young Canadians brainwashed with this garbage. But by then some of them may dislike what you have to say so much that you may be deprived of livelihood, liberty, or even life for for disagreeing with their programming.

  8. #7
    Racism is a two way street. Putting up a one way sign will only cause more problems.
    Welcome to the USSA.

    America, the Doctor will free you now.

  9. #8
    Whites are the new Muslims, in terms of how they are being demonized by governments

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by specsaregood View Post
    It is actually a common theme that isn't new. IIRC the argument is that you can't be "racist" if you don't have "power". Since white people are the ones in power in this country only whites can be racist. I don't know who started that meme; but I heard all the way back in the late 80's.

    I do find it distressing that this had made it into textbooks and disagree with it.
    As of this moment, Barrack Obama is president (has the power). He's black, so by that twisted logic, David Duke can no longer be considered a racist.
    The main difference between the right and the left is that a right wing politician claims to protect your economic freedom, but does not, whereas a left wing politician claims to protect your social/personal freedom, but does not.

    weak minds follow, conventional minds lead, great minds question

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom 4 all View Post
    As of this moment, Barrack Obama is president (has the power). He's black, so by that twisted logic, David Duke can no longer be considered a racist.
    Yeah but maybe its just his white half that is in power.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by sgt150 View Post
    Whites are the new Muslims, in terms of how they are being demonized by governments
    I think that is a gross overstatement. "Western Civilization" is what has arisen out of a combination of tradition and the enlightenment. There have no doubt been lots of terrible components of it, but to Western Civilization's credit, has done away with most (ie slavery, indentured servitude, cruel and unusual punishment). Leftists who hate the entire culture and society, and have no real power base, appeal to minorities who have not historically participated in Western Civilization at a leadership level. They simply use "Us vs. Them" to engender bad feelings, and to earn their trust that these leftists are "looking out for them." They have accumulated a lot of power through this technique, not to mention using guilt, egalitarian and progressive arguments to advance and increase their power. I think their demonizing of "white people" or "western civilization" or "western culture" is just a convenient way to acquire loyalty from those who have not participated in it whether for geographic or demographic reasons.

    That's why we need to keep the USA an open meritocracy, with as much freedom as possible. Not to make a "safer" environment for any group of people, but to provide the greatest amount of latitude possible for Americans to succeed or fail. Without the possibility to achieve great things, or the ability to learn from huge mistakes, I think we'll fold into a morass of mediocrity.

    That's why most of us Ron Paul supporters not only actively fight against the left, but also against the right's tendencies when the authoritarians try and grow Leviathan for purposes of "Order." While society certainly needs basic Order for liberty to abound, we need to jealously guard against the authoritarian creep.
    Last edited by Cowlesy; 07-26-2011 at 05:53 PM.
    "Your mother's dead, before long I'll be dead, and you...and your brother and your sister and all of her children, all of us dead, all of us..rotting in the ground. It's the family name that lives on. It's all that lives on. Not your personal glory, not your honor, but family." - Tywin Lannister

  14. #12
    Bleh .

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Cowlesy View Post
    I think that is a gross overstatement. "Western Civilization" is what has arisen out of a combination of tradition and the enlightenment. There have no doubt been lots of terrible components of it, but to Western Civilization's credit, has done away with most (ie slavery, indentured servitude, cruel and unusual punishment). Leftists who hate the entire culture and society, and have no real power base, appeal to minorities who have not historically participated in Western Civilization at a leadership level.
    Uhhh, I disagree that they have 'no real power base'. Look at who the President is.

    They simply use "Us vs. Them" to engender bad feelings, and to earn their trust that these leftists are "looking out for them." They have accumulated a lot of power through this technique, not to mention using guilt, egalitarian and progressive arguments to advance and increase their power. I think their demonizing of "white people" or "western civilization" or "western culture" is just a convenient way to acquire loyalty from those who have not participated in it whether for geographic or demographic reasons.
    You make good points, but I don't see how what you are saying makes what I was saying an overstatement. They're coming down hard with the 'he was a right wing Christian' narrative. They want to demonize white people now to make individuals in society completely afraid of everyone white or dark skinned as a potential terrorist so they'll be loyal only to the state. I hope I am grossly overstating it, but I'm really seeing the propaganda against white people everywhere now. Just look at how the Tea Party is treated by the media, treated as if it is a sin to organize peacefully and be primarily white.

    That's why we need to keep the USA an open meritocracy, with as much freedom as possible. Not to make a "safer" environment for any group of people, but to provide the greatest amount of latitude possible for Americans to succeed or fail. Without the possibility to achieve great things, or the ability to learn from huge mistakes, I think we'll fold into a morass of mediocrity.
    We already have, for the most part.

    That's why most of us Ron Paul supporters not only actively fight against the left, but also against the right's tendencies when the authoritarians try and grow Leviathan for purposes of "Order." While society certainly needs basic Order for liberty to abound, we need to jealously guard against the authoritarian creep.
    We Ron Paul supporters have to fight against pretty much everyone for freedom. There's too many groups that maintain power based on the current system, and they will all do whatever it takes to fight us because we stand for freedom. Both sides of the aisle will band together against us & use every tactic imaginable to defeat us, no matter how popular we become. We just have to hope that Dr. Paul's credibility and civility are enough to overcome that.

  16. #14
    Greetings, Japanese people!

    If you have missed the age old tradition of cutting noses and ears off of Koreans, but have been afraid to revive the practice because you don't want to be lableled by the international community as racist, come to Toronto! There are people of Korean descent in Toronto, and it would seem that having you cut off extraneous parts of their heads just because they're Korean wouldn't be considered racist in that city just because you're Japanese, not white!

    So, I hope all of you Japanese have outgrown the practice centuries ago. But, hey, if you haven't, come on up. You might still be arrested for mutilating Koreans just because they're Koreans, but you can rest assured they won't be allowed to consider it a hate crime!
    Quote Originally Posted by fisharmor View Post
    Yeah, well, you've already collected as many flies with vinegar as you're gonna.

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom 4 all View Post

    Apparently, the Toronto school system believes it's only racist if you're white, WTF. This is their textbook definition of racism (emphasis mine).

    Racism: While people in different contexts can experience prejudice or discrimination, racism, in a North American context, is based on an ideology of the superiority of the white race over other racial groups. Racism is evident in individual acts, such as racial slurs, jokes, etc., and institutionally, in terms of policies and practices at institutional levels of society. The result of institutional racism is that it maintains white privilege and power (such as racial profiling, hiring practices, history, and literature that centre on Western, European civilizations to the exclusion of other civilizations and communities).

    Now white supremacy is a TYPE of racism, but it is by no means the ONLY type. This kind of liberal doublethink is beyond the pale.
    The "white race"? LOL!! Anthropology only recognizes 3 subdivisions of the human race-Caucasoid, mongoloid, and negroid. Many caucasians are not "white". The whole issue of "race" has always been a silly appeal to emotion rather than logic. :P /end rant
    Quote Originally Posted by Torchbearer
    what works can never be discussed online. there is only one language the government understands, and until the people start speaking it by the magazine full... things will remain the same.
    Hear/buy my music here "government is the enemy of liberty"-RP Support me on Patreon here Ephesians 6:12

  18. #16
    What would you expect ?? It is Toronto ....

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by sailingaway View Post
    Why do you call it liberal doublethink? It is racism, to say it is only racism if whites do it. That is the simple meaning of the word. That being said, it is a sort of 'meh' issue, at this point. I think it has been worn to the bone, that card.
    13 years later...
    “It is not true that all creeds and cultures are equally assimilable in a First World nation born of England, Christianity, and Western civilization. Race, faith, ethnicity and history leave genetic fingerprints no ‘proposition nation’ can erase." -- Pat Buchanan

    If America is only an idea, then there is no need for masses of immigrants to come here since they can just create the idea in their own countries. - Random Thought from the Interwebs.

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