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Thread: Charles Key Announcement for Oklahoma Ron Paul Volunteers for Liberty and R3s Everywhere

  1. #1

    Charles Key -- State Rep in Oklahoma -- Endorses Ron Paul for President 2012

    Charles Key Announcement for Oklahoma Ron Paul Volunteers for Liberty and R3s Everywhere

    Good News: I talked with Rep Charles Key this weekend and he is willing to go and speak for and on behalf of Ron Paul as needed and as his schedule permits again this cycle. He was one of the first elected officials in the country to endorse Ron Paul in the 2008 cycle and is of course our very own Oklahoma Champion of the Constitution. He and Porter Davis and Jason Murphey and I all spoke at our Capitol Rally in OKC back then. Hope we can do it again! Get plugged in and let us know what you plan to do to help this cycle

    If you are not already a friend on his profile here is the link:

    Here is his page link for you to ‘like’ and favorite on your page(s):

    Here is his website where you can sign up to feedburner on the front page to get announcements on new posts:

    When you get a chance, drop Rep Key a note and let him know how much you appreciate all he does for us day in and day out at the capitol and speaking out for life and liberty everywhere he goes!

    Posted and sharing
    Sandra Crosnoe for R3publicans
    Oklahoma Ron Paul Volunteers for Liberty (on Facebook)
    July 25, 2011
    Last edited by scrosnoe; 07-26-2011 at 09:03 AM. Reason: Changing Title

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  3. #2
    Do we have a place to collect and publish endorsements for Ron Paul? We also potentially need a vetted speakers bureau list to help out the national campaign.

  4. #3

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